Pods Of Katarina

Conversations, interviews, profiles, reviews mostly related to film and other art forms

Katarina De Mediči

Romansirana biografija Katarine de Mediči, francuske kraljice

Katarina Hahr Möter

Möten med kända personer i ett nära samtal om relationer.Ansvarig utgivare: Louise Welander

Branislav Dimitrijevi (curator) - Everything Is Gonna Be: Katarina Zdjelar In Zoran Todorovi At The 53rd International Ar

(english below)SLO: Kaj bo letos na 53. benekem bienalu predstavila Srbija? Kdo so njihovi "aduti" sodobnoumetnostne scene in kdo utegne najbolj "vznemiriti" mednarodno javnost,...


From the New York Times bestselling author of A Million Little Pieces and Bright Shiny Morning comes Katerina, James Frey’s highly anticipated new novel set in 1992 Paris...

Surviving Hurricane Katrina

Interview in New Orleans of an Uber driver who survived Hurricane Katrina.

LA40 with Katerina Cozias

In our youth obsessed world, this quintessential generation-X radio/.comTV show propagates the real truth: That life, and true success, start after the age of 40. In the first...

Chandra Kamaria Presents...

Playwright. Educator. Entrepreneur. Art Lover. Curator of Dope Experiences.

Bilal Pervez

This podcast is about my businesses, lessons, drawings, art, thoughts, inspirations, and ideas.

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