Dia A Dia Com John Wesley: Devocional Diário

Estas meditações encorajam os leitores a buscarem, em Deus e em Sua Palavra, a orientação da qual necessitam para permanecerem firmes na verdade do Senhor e não serem...

Wesley Methodist

A programme from the Wesley Broadway Church in Palmerston North.

Wesley Mission Cityheart

Rev Rick Dacey delivers thought-provoking sermons for our 1 pm CityHeart congregation.

Sermons on Several Occasions, First Series by WESLEY, John

John Wesley, along with his brother Charles, are credited with founding the Methodist denomination. The following Sermons contain the substance of what I have been preaching for...

Wesley Memorial Umc

Listen to sermons from the amazing staff at Wesley Memorial UMC!

Wesley Church Sermons

Weekly Sermons from Wesley Church in Evans, GA.

Wesley Anzai

Welcome to Wesley Anzai, where amazing things happen.

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