In Luca D’Andrea’s atmospheric and brilliant thriller, set in a small mountain community in the majestic Italian Dolomites, an outsider must uncover the truth about a triple...
“A tour de force.” —The Washington Post In this poignant memoir, Charles Spencer recounts the trauma of being sent away from home at age eight to attend boarding...
Every church is driven by something. Tradition, finances, programs, personalities, events, seekers, and even buildings can each be the controlling force in a church. But Rick...
The latest volume in the bestselling series from—dubbed “the world’s smartest website” by The Guardian—brings together 206 of the world’s most innovative...
"Success is defined by a continuing desire to be the person God called you to be and to achieve those goals that God helps you to set," says Charles Stanley. In Success God's...
The thrilling final instalment of the epic and bestselling Adventures of Odysseus. Odysseus has been to Hell and back. Deserted by the Gods, and now in bitter conflict with his...
The greatest battle needs the greatest of warriors.The siege of Troy is in its ninth year. But Troy still stands.When Agamemnon is threatened with mutiny by disillusioned troops,...
War is coming – and nothing can stop it...Settled in his small island kingdom, Odysseus wants nothing more than to rule Ithaca in peace. Meanwhile, his warrior friend Eperitus,...
"In the years I have been a pastor," writes Rick Warren, "the number-one question I'm asked is, 'Rick, why can't I change?'" People want to change--but they're stuck. Here's how...
Sticky Faith delivers positive and practical ideas to nurture within your kids a living, loving faith that lasts a lifetime.Research indicates that almost half of high school...