During the Battle of Gettysburg, General Chamberlain recounted the story of how he and his twentieth Maine Regiment Volunteers, saved the crucially strategic Little Round Top from...
It is May of 1863 and the Civil War in North America has entered its third year. Facing a range of enemy threats, southern commander General Robert E. Lee proposes an invasion of...
In this “first-rate work of historical research and storytelling” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review), four sites of American history are revealed as places where truth...
When well-designed institutions function properly, people thrive. Few institutions have been more ingeniously designed than the U.S. federal government via the Constitution in...
“T.J. English has the mastered the hybrid narrative art form of social history and underworld thriller. The Savage City is a truly gripping read filled with unexpected...
A gripping saga of race and retribution in the Deep South and a story whose haunting details echo the themes of To Kill a MockingbirdIn 1945, Willie McGee, a young...
Belle BoydEmma EdmondsRose O'Neal GreenhowElizabeth Van LewIn Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy, bestselling author Karen Abbott tells the spellbinding true story of four women...
The relationship between Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg—Republican and Democrat, Christian and Jew, western rancher’s daughter and Brooklyn...
“A lost world, man-eating tribesmen, lush andimpenetrable jungles, stranded American fliers (one of them a dame withgreat gams, for heaven's sake), a startling rescue...
“Why do we succumb to hubris? Peter Beinart has written a highly intelligent and wonderfully readable book that answers the question by looking at a century of American...