Campaigning with the 149th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. A Sketch of Events Connected with the Service of the Regiment in Maryland and the Shenandoah Valley, VirginiaIn preparing this...
"Of all the American people , the Quiché region of Guatemala have left us the richest mythological legacy. The story of creation, which appears in the Popol Vuh, which...
Vergeltungswaffen, retaliatory weapon, was a term coined during the Second World War to represent some Wunderwaffe, miraculous weapons, that Germany was developing. The...
PrefaceDuring the year 1875 I published under title of The Native Races of the Pacific States what purports to be an exhaustive research into the character and customs...
Our knowledge of Manetho is uncertain, but we can affirm three things that are: his homeland, his priesthood in Heliopolis and his activity for the introduction of the cult of...
The Lockheed P-38J Lightning aircraft was revolutionary, extremely innovative, thanks to double-girder fuselage, the two Allison V-engines with turbochargers within the tail beams...
The Boeing B 29 Superfortress will be remembered as the apparatus to have made use of the atomic weapon in war action; in fact, airplanes of this type that dropped the atomic...
Paine argues that the interests of the monarch and his people are united, and insists that the French Revolution should be understood as one which attacks the despotic principles...
Al Qaeda, this mysterious organization created by the CIA in the late 1980s, has been accused of atrocious crimes, the most famous of which is the September 11, 2001 attack. But...
Under this title is being issued a series of short, popular, but thoroughly scientific studies, by the leading scholars of Germany, setting forth the recent discoveries and...