“In this hilarious, uplifting memoir, Wolfe describes her intense bond with Harlow...as she grapples with the chaos of her 20s, marriage, and eventually new...
In "Mass Psychology and Ego Analysis"Sigmund Freud retrieves the theories of a sociologist of his time named Le Bon. According to Le Bon, the individual gains immense power by...
“Rhymes to Count On” is a great story to teach young learners counting from 1-20. Filled with 14 nursery rhymes and classic songs, including: “One, Two Buckle My Shoe,”...
Do you miss your family? Have you spent the entire pandemic struggling to figure out how to bring everyone together and feel like a solid family unit? Do one or more members of...
A 6 book series;Book 4 Understanding Others - Loved Ones to Tricky Ones…We are social creatures, yet we often fear each other. We fear others’ opinions of us and long for...
In recent years, Brazil has experienced a situation that brings together serious and constant episodes of attacks on human rights. In addition to this factor, we have the...
I'm pretty sure you've run after him in every possible way, I'm I right? You called him, texted him, emailed him, and nothing seems to be capable to make this man change his mind....
The United States is known as a world leader in innovation, boasting brilliant thinkers and trendsetting companies, but that status is at grave risk. American children are well...
When the English tongue we speak,Why is break not rhymed with freak?Goodquestion. Let Say It Right! help you find the answer.When the English tongue we speak,Why is break not...
Do you often feel as if your mother is narcissistic, given the manner in which she turns things around to be about her, deflects everything, manipulates everyone to get her way,...