A drawing-room at Lord Francis Etchingham’s house in Norfolk Street, Park Lane. An Adam room, with bright chintzes on the furniture, photographs on the chimney-piece and the...
Oscar Wilde’s play Salome is a twist on the execution of John the Baptist, fuelled by motives of lust and slaughter. Wilde’s interpretation is deeply rooted in the Biblical...
Ireland is at a crossroads of history and culture, and so are the characters in Joyce's collection of fifteen stories in this book. The initial stories are narrated by child...
The Professor was the first novel by Charlotte Bronte. It was originally written before Jane Eyre and rejected by many publishing houses, but was eventually published...
Fantasy stories in this collection feature talking animals and human to animal transformation. Nesbit's little girls tend to get in trouble over their efforts at gardening. Elsie...
The story presents itself as a childhood memory, when the speaker was nine and living with his father in Tula province. The boy frightened by apparitions of a wolf prowling the...
The story recounts the tragic love of Lucy Ashton and Edgar, Master of Ravenswood. Edgar's father was stripped of the title for supporting the deposed King James VII. Lucy's...
Do honest thieves even exist? Dostoyevsky takes us through a journey of psychological exploration and discovery.
A cipher message arrives from Fred Porlock, a pseudonymous agent of Professor Moriarty. After Porlock sends the message, however, he changes his mind for fear of Moriarty's...
The Lady of the Lake is a narrative poem tremendously influential, and serving as inspiration for the Highland Revival. It is composed of six cantos, each of which concerns the...