A story of reconnection, lost love, and the power of faith, Heart Land follows a struggling fashion designer back to her small Iowa hometown as she tries to follow her dreams of...
This reading group guide for Two Weeks includes an introduction, discussion questions and ideas for enhancing your book club. The suggested questions are intended to help your...
“The realization hits: We’re not going to win. It’s why I couldn’t defeat Draewulf in Bron---because this power was never mine anyway. I drop my arms and let the energy...
The global coffee trade is a collision between the rich world and the poor world.A group of graduate students is about to experience that collision head-on.Angela, Alex,...
In Regency England, the same time period as Bridgerton and Poldark, Patience Creighton has devoted her life to running her father’s boarding school. But when the enigmatic...
A motherless girl hungry for hope . . . and the dream that could be leading her astray.
When Rick lost the ability to run, he came one step closer to becoming a hero.New High Score! New Record Time!Rick nodded with grim satisfaction. He laid the game controller aside...
Take a trip to Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, where you’ll meet the women of the Kauffman Amish Bakery in Lancaster County. As each woman’s story unfolds, you will share in her...
When Bethany Silverton left the genteel life of Miss Henderson’s School for Young Ladies back in Philadelphia for the raw frontier town of Sweetwater, Montana, she had no idea...