When Travis awakens to discover his husband Ben has died in his sleep, he enters into a tragic state of mourning and despair. Despite efforts from his sister-in-law Jackie to pull...
When her new crown is stolen from the Crystal Empire, Princess Twilight Sparkle pursues the thief, Sunset Shimmer, into an alternate world, where she finds herself turned into...a...
"Dubliners" is a collection of fifteen short stories by James Joyce, first published in 1914. They form a naturalistic depiction of Irish middle class life in and around...
After his mother remarries, Ian Ryder finds himself spending the summer at a beachside mansion. It's the kind of thing he might have dreamed of, but there is a major...
Erik peered out the window at the corpse, noticing how the falling snow was beginning to cover it, as it had his forgotten toys, and noticing, too, that the monsters, the...
The Old English Baron is an early Gothic novel by the English author Clara Reeve. The story follows the adventures of Sir Philip Harclay, who returns to medieval England to find...
Leila and her compatriots are being protected by the Treants Robyn found while she headed South. Unbeknownst to them, Robyn's deal for protection requires them to be able to help...
“Again Sanders” is a collection of twelve short stories written by Edgar Wallace. The tales are all loosely connected and centre on Lt. Augustus "Bones"...
“The Tomb" is a short story by H. P. Lovecraft written in June 1917 and first published in the March 1922 issue of The Vagrant. "The...
Old Sweet ain't gonna build no more boats...On the Caribbean island of Kayakoo, a local boatbuilder named Sweet is found dead on the beach. Detective Johnny Cliff needs to...