The Little Mermaid lives in an underwater kingdom with her father, the sea king; her grandmother and her five elder sisters, each born one year apart. When a mermaid turns 15, she...
The Elf of The Rose is one of seventeen fairy tales featured in this collection of stories by Hans Christian Andersen. The Elf lives inside a beautiful rose-tree in full blossom....
There was once upon a time a couple of folks who had a son called Halvor. Ever since he had been a little boy he had been unwilling to do any work, and had just sat raking about...
Once upon a time there was a very mischievous little monkey, who lived in a big banyan tree, and his name was Jacko. And in the jungle below there lived a huge, fierce old lion...
In this delightful book of poems, Rose Fyleman scattered her thoughts into the world like so much dandelion fuzz. And here they have landed, over a century later, in your lap....
My name is Patrick, a millennial practice, and I only hope to be in the fairy class one day.The long and clean years are very bitter, and fortunately I have a dry sister company,...
An amazing book which will create the most tremendous controversy the world of Science has known for hundreds of years. Ben Hecht says in the Chicago Daily News: "For every...
An overwhelming erotic gay romance full of passion.Carlo is a man in his thirties, married and who is trying to have a son with his wife. His life will change when he meets...
Dear friends! This parable-fairy tale is intended for teenagers.Peoples of valley Ille – heroes of a parable-fairy tale "On the other side of a rainbow" –...
A king was once hunting in a great wood, and he hunted the game so eagerly that none of his courtiers could follow him. When evening came on he stood still and looked round him,...