The Voyages Of Doctor Dolittle
  • By Hugh Lofting
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Doctor Dolittle lives in a little town called Puddleby. He is a doctor who shuns human patients in favour of animals, with whom he can speak in their own languages. He later...

The Blue Mountains And Other Fairy Tales
  • By Andrew Lang
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

There were once a Scotsman and an Englishman and an Irishman serving in the army together, who took it into their heads to run away on the first opportunity they could get. The...

Old French Fairy Tales
  • By Comtesse de Ségur
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

There was once a king called Benin. He was good and all the world loved him; he was just and the wicked feared him. His wife, the Queen Doucette, was also good, and much beloved....

Toads And Diamonds And Other Fairy Tales
  • By Andrew Lang
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

There was once upon a time a widow who had two daughters. The eldest was so much like her in the face and humor that whoever looked upon the daughter saw the mother. They were...

Beauty And The Beast And Other Tales
  • By Charles Perrault
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

There was once a merchant, who was very, very rich. He had six children, three boys and three girls, and as he was a man of good sense, he spared no expense in order that they...

Tom Thumb
  • By Josh Verbae
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Long ago, in the merry days of good King Arthur, there lived a ploughman and his wife. They were very poor, but would have been contented and happy if only they could have had a...

The Tree Of Di-vine (deity`s Tree)
  • By Anastasia Volnaya
  • Publisher: Maxim Zheltov

The philosophical parable "The Tree of Di-Vine", written in 1997. Included in the cycle of prose works by Anastasia Volnaya under the general title "Time". The...

The Surprising Adventures Of Baron Munchausen
  • By Rudolf Erich Raspe
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

Baron Munchausen journeyed many foreign lands and he is the only story teller who's ever travelled to the moon. The book details his travels and gives most accurate account of his...

The Surprising Adventures Of Puss In Boots
  • By Josh Verbae
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

A beautifully illustrated story of a crafty, boots wearing cat named Puss, and how he made a fortune for his young, not very rich master, and made friends with a great Monarch,...

The Snow Queen And Other Tales
  • By Hans christian Andersen
  • Publisher: Interactive Media

The Snow Queen is one of Hans Christian Andersen's best fairy tales. It follows a little girl Gerda on a magical journey to find her best friend, Kai who has been taken by the...

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