In the year 2041, Captain Stan Rhodes returns to Planet Mars with a fresh crew and resumes exploring a region called the Cydonia Complex. Investigating architectural wonders from...
Eddie Jacobs lies in the Peruvian Jungle bleeding from a gunshot wound. He has gone to Machu Picchu to find his girlfriend Julia who has disappeared. Sam Jones, an undercover...
“This is a deeply impressive book, and I think an important one. Its intensity, its narrative attack, the fascinations of its era and setting, make it impossible to tear the...
In the vein of The Engineer’s Wife and Carolina Built, an inspiring novel based on the remarkable true story of Virginia’s Black Wall Street and the indomitable Maggie...
A military research station buried in the remote Sierra Nevada Mountains broadcasts a frantic distress call that ends with a chilling order: "There's been a breach....
Picking up where Christopher’s Diary: Secrets of Foxworth leaves off, Kristin Masterwood and her boyfriend up the ante—by going into her attic to re-enact scenes...
The most unexpected Dollanganger story of them all, new from the author of Flowers in the Attic and Petals on the Wind—both now major Lifetime movie events.A young boy...
“Like Outlander with an Italian accent.” —Real Simple “A detailed historical novel, a multifaceted mystery, and a moving tale of improbable love.”...
The long-awaited sequel to My Sweet Audrina, one of V.C. Andrews’s strangest, most beloved books—and now a Lifetime movie! Whitefern swallowed Audrina’s...
In the dead of night, a faceless enemy hacks into the Smithsonian Institution’s network of servers, but it is only the first strike masking a larger attack. To rescue a...