Madame Storey, the famous woman detective created by Hulbert Footner, is a character unique in detective fiction. The present volume consists of five of her most outstanding...
In The Under Dogs Mr. Footner is in his finest form. In it he tells of the amazing detective skill of Rosika Storey alias Jessie Seipp, in the opinion of the New York police the...
The Dead Alive is a novel written by Wilkie Collins based on the famous Boorn Brothers murder case, reprinted with a side by side examination of the case by Rob Warden in 2005 by...
When Boris Waberski, brother-in-law of the wealthy widow Mrs. Harlowe, attempts to talk her English solicitors into advancing him money on his expectations as her heir, he is...
Jacques Heath Futrelle (1875 – 1912) was an American journalist and mystery writer. He is best known for writing short detective stories featuring Professor Augustus S. F....
Mary Helena Fortune (1833 – 1911) was an Australian writer, under the pseudonyms Waif Wander and W.W. She was one of the earliest female detective writers in the world,one...
“A masterfully written saga of family drama in the vein of Celeste Ng, Liane Moriarty, and Sally Hepworth” (Book Reporter) about a blended family in crisis after a...
Klavdiya dreamed of money and love. Her dreams died with her under a merciless rain. Leah, a Canadian detective with empathetic skills, and her team engage in a tedious race...
Marie Corelli (1855-1924) was an English writer and poet .his first story was published in 1886 under the title " A Romance of Two Words".Well soon the works...
The Dead Secret was Wilkie Collins’ fourth published novel. The secret of the title is the parentage of the heroine, Rosamund Treverton, who has been passed off as the...