An Elite Mental Regimen Empowering You to Unleash Your Limitless Potential from within.An elite mental regimen challenging you to redefine your perception of sin. Sinful emotions...
The Rose Garden is a guided meditation suitable for everyone—children (10+) and adults, beginners and professionals. It can be used to just relax and unwind after a workday or...
Are you stressed and anxious about life in general?Is it impacting on your happiness and contentment?Would you like to be able to sleep properly and function better at work?Stress...
The vibration of gratitude attracts more positive things into your life.~Charles Roe DirksenGrateful is a state of mind which allows peace and tranquility to find a place to live....
Have you been pursuing the life you want but find that it’s tantalisingly out of reach?Are you out of ideas about how to make it happen for you?The motivation you need to...
In The Easiest Relaxation Exercise Ever, the initial relaxation that starts off the guided meditation The Rose Garden has become the main event. This is an easy relaxation...
**Lose Weight Extremely Fast With The Power Of Guided Meditation!**With this powerful self-hypnosis, you will be losing weight and feeling fabulous again in no time!With summer...
To understand how to cultivate emotional intelligence, we must first understand emotion itself. The Emotional Intelligence Audiobook explains how the brain and these natural...
Fall asleep with this Guided Meditation!Listen to the calm voice and beat of this guided meditation to fall asleep and reach deep relaxation in few minutes!Guided Meditations play...
Tennis from the Heart - Pursuing the Dream is a story about an individual, Sam, who reaches the finals of Wimbledon after having been a professional with limited success for over...