The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls briefing, and several key Strategic Perspectives Sessions by Dr. Peter Flint and Dr. Scott Carroll.From the foremost authority on Paleo-Hebrew,...
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believes in me, the works that I do he shall do also; and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my Father. (John 14:12)No...
Insights into the kingdom of God helps readers to understand that the Kingdom of God transcends all earthly kingdoms and yet is among us at our deepest levels of need. This book...
Hidden from the dawn of time by revealed to us in God's Word, is the greatest mystery of all – oneness with Christ. We were created not just to be like Him, but to become truly...
Ever since embarking on his first expedition to Mt. Ararat, Bob Cornuke, a biblical investigator and real life Indiana Jones, has had a passion shared by only a select group of...
Where are we headed? Can we do anything to halt the downward spiral of our once great nation?Chuck Missler reviews the "state of the union" and the results of the liberal...
These scriptures were taken from the King James version of the Holy Bible reminding you to apply faith at all times. Just as Jesus' disciple Paul did while experiencing harsh...
This audiobook will open your eyes to the consequences of all our actions to our destinies and that of our children, even those yet unborn. The subject of curses has long been...
Why do we believe that Jesus is the Messiah? What is the probability that even 8 of the messianic prophecies in the Old Testament would be fulfilled in one man? Do both...
How did the Thanksgiving holiday first begin? What provocative parallels emerge in the strange career of the Indian "Squanto" and the Biblical record of Joseph? What is...