This Silver Medallion Book Award and 2004 Christianity Today Book Award of Merit winner provides a detailed, step-by-step process for launching seeker small group strategy in a...
When the prodigal returns home, the real relational work between father and son begins. Learning My Name is the harrowing chronicle of a fearful prodigal putting family...
When we have difficult questions, the Bible has answers. Join Rick Warren, pastor and New York Times bestselling author, as he invites us to take a closer look at key biblical...
How is it that those of us who claim to be so firmly founded can be so easily shaken? This compelling look at how fear eclipses faith in frightening times also demonstrates how...
Bestselling author Philip Yancey tackles questions Christians often wonder but seldom ask aloud. In his illuminating exploration, he uncovers true, real, and lasting hope in the...
The first year of marriage is the most important. It forms the habits---good and bad---that will define the rest of your married life. Make that first year the best it can be. ...
Love-Powered Parenting is written out of a love for parenting and a deep desire to encourage parents. Yes, there are experiences in parenting that can cause deep hurt. Yes, there...
Sacred Pathways reveals nine distinct spiritual temperaments--and their strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies--to help you improve your spiritual life and deepen your...
“It meets a tremendous need in the church. I hope your book will strike home with pastors, and that a movement to teach the essential faith will well up across our country. This...
'...the experience of reading 'Prayer' is similar to the experience of prayer itself: a meandering journey with streaks of brillance, communion, illumination, and...