"I've written this book because there's a growing sense that when it comes to God, we're at the end of one era and the start of another, an entire mode of understanding and...
In Speaking Christian, acclaimed Bible scholar Marcus Borg, author of Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time, argues that the very language Christians use has become dangerously...
The Jesus Family Tomb tells the story of what may be the greatest archaeological find of all time—the discovery of the family tomb of Jesus of NazarethThe Jesus Family Tomb...
What if everything you think you know about Jesus is wrong? In The Jesus Papers, Michael Baigent probes into the truth about Jesus's life and crucifixion.As a religious historian,...
What will it take to solve the biggest issues of our time: extreme and needless poverty, global warming and environmental degradation, terrorism and the endless cycle of violence,...
Since when did believing in God and having moral values make you pro-war, pro-rich, and solely pro-Republican? And since when did promoting and pursuing a progressive social...
Humans are all familiar with the language of trying. Whether we are trying to do something for the first time or the thousandth time, we can't be sure of the outcome and so we...
This book is a report, in chronological order and in a simple language, of the events described in the prophecy of the Book of Revelation. The author weaves a narrative in the...
There has perhaps never been an age that set such great store in study as that in which we now live. The unfortunate thing about it is that so much of the study in our day is...
The Adventure in Biblical Thinking Study Series comes in three volumes. The volumes are a collection of studies of Biblical concepts and principles. These studies have appeared as...