The bold text, simple design, and colorful pictures will have young Bible scholars learning about Noah's obedience, Daniel's faithfulness, Jonah's repentance, David's bravery, and...
"Kids will love this fun, animated song video as they watch and sing-along with this classic children's song, “Who Built The Ark?” This well-known repetitive song is perfect...
“Two Is Safer Than One” is an entertaining story/song combination perfect to teach children the important safety rule that being with a buddy is safer than being alone....
“Counting to Ten” is an entertaining story/song combination perfect to teach young learners numbers and counting from 1-10. Fun photographs and large easy-to-follow numbers...
“Cool Down,” is a story about working through anger. As part of the “Life Skills for Kids®” series “Cool Down,” is a wonderful way for young children to learn social...
“I Can Do It,” is a story about perseverance. As part of the “Life Skills for Kids®” series “I Can Do It,” is a wonderful way for young children to learn social...
“Kindness Matters,” is a story about being healthy and confident. As part of the “Life Skills for Kids®” series “Kindness Matters,” is a wonderful way for young...
Eight rhyming stories encourage little ones to learn biblical truths along with classic Bible Stories. The delightful artwork coupled with fun rhymes promotes early literacy...
Recorded by children for children, this collection of Bible songs is perfect for little hearts as they listen and follow along with each page. Songs included are: “The Lord Is...
Help baby learn that God created everything with this adorably-illustrated book. Black and white art and bursts of color will capture baby's attention with large, simple pictures...