Why Are You Being Educated? – 1 December 1965 • What is the function of education?• Q: Some people say that we must live now and others say that we must be concerned with...
People have always wanted answers to the big questions. Where did we come from? How did the universe begin? What is the meaning and design behind it all? Is there anyone out...
These works articulate the most fundamental principles of Kant’s ethical and political world-view. "What is Enlightenment?" (1784) and "Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics...
There is lots of interest these days in space exploration. After fifty years we are looking at going back to the Moon to build a base and early planning for a manned trip to...
This math-free book is a good introduction to quantum gravity and has a lot of interesting history about the development of the theory since 1899. It's an informal...
What exactly is physical reality? In elegant and accessible prose, theoretical physicist Balungi Francis leads us on a wondrous journey from space-time singularities to Quantum...
Eddington was one of the most important British scientists of this times, and the first major expositor of Einstein's work to the English-speaking world, but also familiar...
Laches, a general in the Athenian army, saw Socrates fight bravely in the battle of Delium. When he and Nicias, another general, are asked to explain the idea of courage, they are...
A dialogue between Socrates and Meno probes the subject of ethics. Can goodness be taught? If it can, then we should be able to find teachers capable of instructing others about...
Whitehead presented these three lectures at Princeton University in 1929. Although 85 years have passed, his central thesis and his analysis remain remarkably current. The...