On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin's groundbreaking work of evolutionary biology, "The Origin of Species" introduces the scientific theory of...
A masterful, genre-defying narrative of the most ambitious science project ever conceived: NASA’s deep-space mission to Europa—the Jovian moon where might swim the first known...
Now a National Bestseller! Climate change is real but it’s not the end of the world. It is not even our most serious environmental problem. Michael Shellenberger has been...
Teach The Way People Love To LearnScientists have found that people are chemically and structurally hardwired to enjoy learning.The secret to unleashing a learner’s potential...
The future is now. Acclaimed technologist and inventor Amir Husain explains how we can live amidst the coming age of sentient machines and artificial intelligence—and not...
We can thrive in the changing climate.Production & yield, pest & disease pressure, food quality, and population are all aspects of food security being affected by climate...
“Enthralling . . . Here we find an ugly, walleyed existentialist philosopher, the elegantly beautiful author of The Second Sex and the Gallic equivalent of a bevy of...
Where does human energy come from, and where is it going? In this fascinating text, notable inventor Nikola Tesla examines these fundamental questions as he theorizes ways of...
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Serbian-American inventor, engineer, and physicist. In his work "On Electricity", the prodigious inventory describes the development and influence...
Do you love learning about space? Do you know how important the solar system is? This is the audio book for you. All your questions will be answered. Mars is one of the most...