The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians, narrated by Daniel David Jensen, from the Holy Bible, New Testament, Authorized King James Version.
Surviving the Holidays Without You is a 2016 Book Excellence Award Finalist“This hurts. How am I going to do this?” Hospice chaplain Gary Roe has given you a grief survival...
The Fruit of Fasting:In a holy saying, the Almighty says: “All deeds of son of Adam are done for themselves, except fasting; it is done for Me, and therefore, it is Me who gives...
To have found God and still to pursue Him is a paradox of love, scorned indeed by the too-easily satisfied religious person, but justified in happy experience by the children of...
Zechariah, narrated by Daniel David Jensen, from The Holy Bible, Old Testament, Authorized King James Version.
The Geneva Bible is an Elizabethan-era synthesis of Scripture, based largely on William Tyndale and Myles Coverdale's early 16th century translations of the received Greek,...
This study explores two pivotal Old Testament women:Ruth is even venerated in secular literature classes as an elegant love story. It not only reveals the operation of certain...
The Gospel According to Saint John, narrated by Daniel David Jensen, from the Holy Bible, New Testament, Authorized King James Version.
Zephaniah, narrated by Daniel David Jensen, from The Holy Bible, Old Testament, Authorized King James Version.
The Geneva Bible is an Elizabethan-era synthesis of Scripture, based largely on William Tyndale and Myles Coverdale's early 16th century translations of the received Greek,...