Kundera brilliantly examines the work of such important and diverse figures as Rabelais, Cervantes, Sterne, Diderot, Flaubert, Tolstoy, and Musil. He is especially penetrating on...
Honoring the female part of the divine, from a refreshingly modern perspective.Call Her Goddess―call her God the Mother―call her the Feminine Principle―Her children need...
Henry Normal's first poetry book in over twenty years, combining both new and selected poems from his previous performance work. This collection encompasses the subjects of love,...
Bessie's Resurrection gives voice to Richard Wright's fictional character Bessie Mears from his novel Native Son (1940). These poems offer Bessie room to articulte her experiences...
This collection of Buckley’s essays perfectly showcases and draws upon his many writerly voices… these are among his very best efforts…His thoughts are pithy,...
THE KING OF CONSERVATIVE TALK RADIO SPEAKS OUT! "Bob Grant is the king of talk radio in New York...He is one of the few talk show hosts who has lasted in combat radio. He...
One of the New Yorker’s Favorite Books from 2011—from the renowned translator of Rilke, Tao Te Ching, and Gilgamesh, a vivid new translation of Western...
From Rupi Kaur, the top ten Sunday Times-bestselling author, comes the beautiful audio edition of milk and honey, her debut poetry collection. Read to you by the...