Football is not about life or death – it is far more important! FC Mezzi is going to Barcelona during the autumn break. They are going to live at a school with a pool, play in a...
In a valley full of dragons, the three girls see a brightly shining ruby. When they try to take it, something amazing happens. Can the girls manage in a world full of dragons?
A small group of elves have ended up in a strange, foreign world. Their biggest wish is to get home. But they have a long and dangerous journey ahead of them.Coltsfoot and her...
It‘s a totally ordinary summer for Monika, Sigurd, and Sandra, until Prince Carvallo comes flying into their lives.When he takes them with him on a magical journey, they end up...
Runa accidentally takes a precious stone from a shop. She does not want to be a thief, so she has to return it. But it is difficult, because the stone feels magic. At the same...
Carvallo and his friends arrive to a harsh world where storms are howling, and red and green demons lie in wait. When Monica disappears, the others have to look for her. They fear...
Mattæus plejer ikke at være en af de seje drenge i klassen. Hans forældre er nemlig kristne, og de andre kalder ham hellig. På en gammel fabrik i nærheden står der en...
Julie invites the class to her birthday party. They are going to the pool. Afterwards, they are having pizza. Rose asks if there is anything other than pizza, because she does not...
Sigurd, Sandra, and Monika are happy when Prince Carvallo visits them and takes them on a new adventure to a strange world.But as soon as they arrive, Carvallo is caught and taken...
The three girls have come to the mountains to find healing plants for a small, sick boy. Here, they see a strange creature. They think it is a bear cub. But they are wrong! Can...