Orestes, Apollo, and the Erinyes go before Athena and eleven other judges chosen by her from the Athenian citizenry at the Areopagus (Rock of Ares, a flat rocky hill by the...
Three Lives (1909) was American writer Gertrude Stein's first published book. The book is separated into three stories, "The Good Anna", "Melanctha", and...
The Sorrows of Young Werther is an epistolary and loosely autobiographical novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, first published in 1774; a revised edition of the novel was...
A trailblazer among American women at the turn of the century, Edith Wharton set out in the newly invented "motor-car" to explore the cities and countryside of France....
Tour Europe is a short bonus companion to author Jack Norton’s best selling book The Successful Musician Mindset.In this title, the author provides you with sample emails...
Do you want to take back your life and be more safe and secure?Do you dream of having strong privacy online and in your everyday life?This book will show you how.This Successful...
Do you dream of making a six-figure income with your music?Would you like to leave your job and be a full-time, touring musician?This book will show you how.I spent almost three...
Prometheus, a Titan who defies the gods and gives fire to mankind, acts for which he is subjected to perpetual punishment. The Oceanids appear and attempt to comfort Prometheus by...
Video content is getting more and more important but for those who want to get the maximum exposure using social media video, is necessary to know how to prepare the video files...
The Metamorphoses, or The Golden Ass, is the only Ancient Roman novel to survive in its entirety. The protagonist of the novel is called Lucius. At the end of the novel, he is...