Roland Benito, who works for the Independent Police Grievance Unit, has been sent with his colleague to interrogate two police officers, who have responded to an emergency. A...
A Marriage Under the Terror was awarded in England the first prize in the Melrose Novel Competition, a competition that was not restricted to first stories. The distinguished...
Karen's sheer gown accentuated her tall, voluptuous body. Underneath, she wore a sexy half-bra and a pair of panties that looked like a tiny handkerchief held up by a...
Soon Larry's fingers were drifting up between her thighs. Lynn parted her legs slightly, letting the man's fingers work their way up to the thin material covering her...
Washington Square by Henry James tells the story of Catherine Sloper, the plain, obedient daughter of the widowed, well-to-do Dr. August Sloper of Washington Square. When a...
His tongue stabbed deep into the bubbling depths of her tight sheath. He tongue-fucked her hot twat, savoring the special flavor of her sex pot.This Novel is just sexy, swoony,...
The Man in the Brown Suit is a work of detective fiction by British writer Agatha Christie, first published in the UK by The Bodley Head on 22 August 1924 and in the US by Dodd,...
British secret agent Tommy Hambleton is believed to have been killed in an explosion, but will spies inside wartime Germany find out that a famous explosives expert cooperating...
As she continued to run her fingers between her legs, Lila was surprised at how soaked her panties were. She could feel the wetness through the outside of the material. This...
. She pulled her hand away quickly. His cock was so hot! So hard! This Novel is just sexy, swoony, with a dash of Dirty and Kinky! The main characters are real and...