Created by the incalculably ancient Iconians, whose transcendent technology is quantum levels beyond that of the Federation and its allies, the Gateways offer instantaneous...
Goodnight Nobody Jennifer Weiner Life in suburban Upchurch is anything but picturesque for Kate Klein. Along with three small children and a husband who is hardly at home, Kate...
It's two o'clock in the morning when Andrew Gulliver gets a phone call from his mother, who tells him his twin sister, Annie, is gone. This is not the first time. Ever since she...
A haunted Irish castle, international jewel thieves, and a hotel fire—New York Times bestselling author Carol Higgins Clark has sent Regan and Jack Reilly on a honeymoon...
Here's Mickey Spillane and Mike Hammer in their roughest and readiest—a double-strength shot of sex, violence, and action that is vintage Spillane all the way. It's a...
Winner of the 2007 Audie Award for Literary Fiction and Finalist for Multi-Voiced PerformanceInstant #1 New York Times bestseller “Readers will feel the magnetic pull of...
Discussion Questions1. Aside from his skill at solving codes and puzzles, what other methods does Father Agostino use in his attempt to uncover the identity of the Soothsayer and...
Following his acclaimed bestseller Purple Cane Road, James Lee Burke returns with a triumphant tour de force.Set in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana, home to celebrities seeking...
They built a civilization ahead of its time, and dominated the ancient world. They defined an era of war, love, passion, power, and betrayal.They were a people of mystery whose...
She had a perfect life. Then she got a real life.... For nearly twenty years, quiet, unassuming Lillian Manville has devoted herself to her self-made billionaire husband -- and...