Making a deal with a demon is binding, even if you don’t know the person is a demon. Using that to his advantage, Zachary broke the sacred rule and deliberately offered...
Eric was really trying his best not to make a move, but from the way things were going, it seemed as though he wasn’t going to be too lucky or successful either since Lisa...
Rachel Brighton isn't your average civil servant. She's a sexual ambassador for the human race. It's not a bad job, if you don't mind prudes calling you a...
The Ballad of Reading Gaol was written in exile in France. The poem narrates the execution of Wooldridge; it moves from an objective story-telling to symbolic identification with...
Chester finds himself forced to take part in a project he can no longer turn his back on, destiny has already paved his way and all he can do is to follow it, if he wants to...
Magdelon and Cathos, two young women from the provinces who have come to Paris in search of love and jeux d'esprit. Gorgibus, the father of Magdelon and uncle of Cathos, decides...
When Tatiana decides she's had enough of her overbearing husband, she makes the decision to see a renowned therapist. What she doesn’t know is that the therapist is none...
Epistolary, confessional, and didactic in form, the book is presented as an autobiography of the title character (whose birth name is Robinson Kreutznaer), a castaway who...
Sean knows Ash from all his life. For him, he has benn always the ”little brother” of his best friend until, one morning, when he finds him in bed and he must...
Northanger Abbey was the first of Jane Austen's novels to be completed for publication, in 1803, but it wasn't until after her death in 1817 that it was published, along...