A travel and errors podcast by Jenni Cullen and Jodi Kraushar, two American English teachers living abroad in Germany.We're ex-pats, not experts.
A podcast that explores the world and stories of the players of Epoch on the Rock
Welcome to the Lauren IRL podcast, where amazing things happen. Talk about dogs, cats, donkeys, Jesus. Its all open for discussion!
A weekly podcast on everything gaming. Whether it be industry, coming soon, coming now or even complete failures.
Golf at its Finest, Life at it Best and Memories that Last a Lifetime
Channel your inner nerd through gaming, comics, movies, and podcast news, their creators, and the communities that support them. Let the nerd flow through you.
Adam and Cassie are husband and wife. Adam is a lifelong gamer and Cassie has just recently picked up the hobby. Join them as they play some classic games (and some...
Some parents have tiny, cute kids. Others have raised fine young men and women. The rest of us are stuck in the middle bit.