These 365 Meditations are designed to do in order, focusing on NO more then one a day for a year. They go in correspondence to each lesson of 'A Course in Miracles'. - - - Please...
By listening to the Everyday Language podcast you can: 1) Learn English through listening to real conversations with native speakers. 2) Learn about English idioms and tricky...
A new dawn of the internet is upon us and there is a major driving force behind it. The blockchain enthralls us and we want to know more about it every single day. We are Filip...
Members of Toastmasters International clubs of District 24 (the Eastern half of Nebraksa and Council Bluffs, IA) discuss various topics related to Toastmasters, leadership, and...
The ACE program will keep you current with clinical and professional guidelines, as well as help in meeting your commitment to lifelong learning. ACE is a great learning resource...
Podcasts from the Oxford International Centre for Publishing at Oxford Brookes University. Speakers from the Publishing industry in front of an audience of students, lecturers and...