Exploring sexual interests (kinks, fetishes and philias) through the eyes and experiences of those who enjoy them. Everyone's experience is different, so your mileage may vary. If...
FOSS CA: Solids and Liquids Science Resources Book Audio Stories
The Australian Water Association's Podcast Series brings you water industry information, projects and research from professionals working in Australia and abroad.
In the launch episode of Remain Grounded, host Kelvin discusses everything purpose related. Many people are walking this earth from day to day with no sense of understanding of...
FOSS CA: Balance and Motion Science Resources Book Audio Stories
Canal destinado a dicas e atualidades sobre a engenharia de proteção contra incêndio no Brasil. Produzido por Silmar Sendin professor da matéria de Proteção Contra...
Welcome to the Dawg House Mentality Show with JB & Randy!We're here to talk #UGAFootball with you #DawgNationJoin us every Tuesday & Friday for the best UGA Football talk show...
Conversations: A Senior Director-Eye View of Ed Tech at Penn State
Compartilhando conhecimento para sua carreira e para sua vida pessoal.É possível hoje ter sucesso em sua vida pessoal e profissional.Descubra hoje técnicas e estratégias que...