Drawing on a lifetime of wisdom, New York Times bestselling author and controversial religious leader John Shelby Spong continues to challenge traditional Christian theology in...
The world will end on Saturday. Next Saturday. Just before dinner, according to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, the world's only completely accurate book...
Deep underground, a web of evil magic holds a prince in captivity.Narnia ... where owls speak, where evil weaves a spell ... where sorcery enslaves the land.Narnia is in peril,...
Want to know more about Catholicism? Catholicism For Dummies presents the rich tapestry and history of the Catholic Church – from devotions to doctrines. You’ll find a...
One Five English I. Beginners One Word Five Sentences In this audiobook are 354 basic words in 1770 sentences. 6 hours of listening easy English. Every word is used in...
One Five English II. Elementary One Word Five Sentences In this audiobook are 354 basic words in 1770 sentences. 6 hours of listening easy English. Every word is used in...
One Five English III. Intermediate One Word Five Sentences In this audiobook are 354 basic words in 1770 sentences. 6 hours of listening English. Every word is used in...
This book was written in 1912 by John Muir, the greatest naturalist of the twentieth century. This work is deals with Valei Yosemite, created by President Roosevelt who had been...
This audiobook is for students of English who do not yet understand when somebody speaks fluently. It’s not for somebody who easily understands spoken English. These are very...
This short novel of Twain’s, from 1903, is told from the point of view of a loyal and beloved family pet. Themes of heroics, valor and heart-wrenching tenderness fill this work....