The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (published 1876) is a very well-known and popular story concerning American youth. Mark Twain's lively tale of the scrapes and adventures of boyhood...
this audiobook presents a collection of 14 classic fairy tales recorded by many native narrators in different languages: 3 in English, one in French, 5 in German, two Italian, two...
As usual, gentleman thief Arsène Lupin finds himself wrongfully accused of murder, and must find the real killer to clear his name.
“Splendid…entirely engrossing.”—Los Angeles Times“First-rate…an excellent thriller…well-plotted and smoothly written…crackles with...
Stone the builder who erects a house that falls on its occupants. Sever the hands of the criminal who pilfers livestock or grain or another's garment. Whip the child who defies an...
Amanda Valentino changed everything.Callie Leary has exactly one thing, and one thing only, in common with Nia Rivera and Hal Bennett: They were each chosen by Amanda to be her...
“In this delightful autobiography, Smith tells us how he became the dean of world religion experts. Along the way we meet the people who shaped him and shared his...
Who better to wreak havoc with eight beloved fairy tales than Gregory Maguire, the brilliant, funny, and nationally best-selling author of the adult novel Wicked as well as the...
“Read this book and discover sex again, but from a scientific perspective, and see why it evolved. It’s almost as much fun, and needs less energy.” — Peter...
A highly personal and moving true story of friendship and remembrance from the New York Times bestselling author of Duty and Be True to Your School.Growing up in Bexley, Ohio, Bob...