In this episode of the podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Tristan Harris about the ways in which social media is fracturing society. They discuss the rise in teen depression and...
Neil deGrasse Tyson is the head of Hayden Planetarium in New York City and the first occupant of its Frederick P. Rose Directorship. He is also a research associate of the...
In this episode of the podcast, Sam Harris and Paul Bloom speak about the psychology of adapting to the coronavirus pandemic, the disastrous analogy between coronavirus and flu,...
David Deutsch is best known as the founding father of the quantum theory of computation, and for his work on Everettian (multiverse) quantum theory. He is a Visiting Professor of...
In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Jonathan Haidt about his new book The Coddling of the American Mind. They discuss the hostility to free speech...
Joseph Romm is one of the country’s leading communicators on climate science and solutions. He was Chief Science Advisor for "Years of Living Dangerously," which won the 2014...
Join Sam Harris, as he shares his thoughts on how to live a conscious spiritual life without religion.
In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Johann Hari about his books Chasing the Scream and Lost Connections.Johann Hari is the New York Times...
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Senior Fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at The Harvard Kennedy School, a Fellow at the...
In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Richard Dawkins at a live event in Los Angeles. In the first part of the conversation they cover religion,...