"Strong as Death" is a melodramatic and intimate novel written by Guy de Maupassant in 1889. This is the penultimate novel by the French playwright. The...
A priest and the chorus of Thebans arrive at the palace to call upon their King, Oedipus, to aid them with the plague. Oedipus had sent his brother-in-law Creon to ask help of the...
The Oresteia, a trilogy of Greek tragedies written by Aeschylus. The name derives from the character Orestes, who sets out to avenge his father's murder.The only extant example of...
Wuthering Heights is Emily Brontë's only novel. Written between October 1845 and June 1846,[1] Wuthering Heights was published in 1847 under the pseudonym "Ellis...
Henry VIII is a history play based on the life of King Henry VIII of England. The play opens with a conversation between the Dukes of Norfolk and Buckingham and Lord Abergavenny....
Coriolanus is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1605 and 1608. The play is based on the life of the legendary Roman leader Caius Marcius...
Charles King (October 12, 1844 in Albany, New York – March 17, 1933 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) was a United States soldier and a distinguished writer. King was the son of...
Clinging to the altar of the sea-goddess Thetis for sanctuary, Andromache delivers the play's prologue, in which she mourns her misfortune (the destruction of Troy, the deaths of...
"Armance"(1827) is the first novel written and published by the French writer Stendhal.The work describes the complicated relationship between two lovers (Armance and...
FOLGER SHAKESPEARE LIBRARYThe World’s Leading Center for Shakespeare StudiesThe Folger Shakespeare Library, home to the world’s largest Shakespeare collection, brings...