Goal Traveler's The Just Go Network

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 74:43:25
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Inspiring you to stop overthinking and JUST GO!The Vs (Voicechovskis) are your host and Voice for adventure with GOAL Traveler helping you Get Out And Live every day.LISTEN EVERY FLIPPIN' MONDAY!Why?Because Mondays suck and we love to flip the bird at the start of a new week. But not here! Not anymore! Mondays are about getting motivated by flippin a coin instead. Our trusted coin provides you a GOAL of the week to help you strengthen those adventure muscles.Each week you will listen to motivating interviews from around the globe and receive actionable goals to live a more adventurous life.


  • Ep. 71 Flying With A Cat Long Distance | Ft. The Voicechovki's

    12/08/2019 Duration: 38min

    Today on episode 71 you will be hearing from us, The V’s about traveling across the globe with our cat! TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: Preparation - What are the necessary steps needed to take in order to prepare your cat for travel? We discuss the research we did, airlines we chose, paperwork completed, and the training needed to prepare a cat for a big move. Flying with a cat in cabin. A 14 hour flight to Seoul, 2 hour layover, followed by a 4 hour flight to Hanoi. We share how we kept our cat calm during the longest journey of his life. Arrival.  What was the process of entering a cat into a new country? How did we keep him comforted in the hotel room before our move into a solid home? All our tips to make sure our cat remained calm and happy.  FOLLOW GOAL TRAVELER: INSTAGRAM (where we are 90 % of the time) FACEBOOK GROUP (join our like-minded community) CONTACT US (office@goaltraveler.com)

  • Ep.70 Becoming An Expat in Vietnam| Ft. The Voicechovski's

    05/08/2019 Duration: 42min

    Today on episode 70 we will be speaking to to us, The V’s and our transition to Vietnam! We have been going through the thick of transition this past week and want to share with you this journey of ours. It’s not every day someone becomes an expat.  Expat or Ex- Patriot - a person who lives outside their native country. We have been uniquely lucky to experience this with the help of Marcs new employers, the United Nations International School. They have made this transition extremely easy and comforting for us and we are forever grateful to have their help. I can’t imagine doing this without them. Helping hand or not, the transition is not an easy one. There are a ton of moving parts to make this successful and we would like to share the process with you over the next few weeks. I hope you will find this educational and inspiring whether you may be considering to live abroad or not. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have about the process as we know it is not a common one. TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS POD

  • Ep. 69 Choosing An Untraditional Path | Ft. Carla M. Jones

    22/07/2019 Duration: 57min

    Today on episode 69 we will be speaking to Carla Jones from CarlaMJones.com. BIO: Carla M. Jones is an Author, Speaker and Legacy Leadership Coach. She works with executives, entrepreneurs and other high achievers from around the world to intentionally create a meaningful legacy that will positively impact the world around them. Carla challenges her clients to create balance in their lives, live by their purpose, and influence their environment from their own authenticity and personal life mission.    Since moving to Ireland, her focus has been in taking everything she’s learned and achieved, and create something meaningful. Carla’s deepest goal in life is to leave a legacy of positive change. Her life motto is to “always leave things better than how you found them” and that’s what she intends to do, by inspiring the world to be individually responsible for the world we live in. The ripple effect of every good action we take cannot alway be measure in the immediate, but if everyone focuses on being a ripple -

  • Ep. 68 Taking An Extended Sabbatical | Ft. Meredith Fulford

    16/07/2019 Duration: 46min

    Today on episode 68 we will be speaking to Meredith Fulford from The Longest Weekend.  BIO: Meredith Fulford is the girl behind the travel blog, The Longest Weekend. Last year Meredith and her husband turned their lives upside down in pursuit of an adventure and a life of long-term travel. She left her corporate job, they donated most of their stuff, rented out their house in Tampa, Florida and flew to Europe on a one-way ticket. She loves airports, good wine, writing and exploring new cultures and places. She just returned back from a year on the road and is planning her next adventure.   TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: The itch to travel long term - Meredith shares the desire her and her husband had to travel and the length of time it took for them to finally realize it was worth pulling the trigger. The beginning steps to making it possible. From preparing finances, informing your job, selling your things, there is a lot of ground that needs to be covered to transition smoothly and confidently and Mered

  • Ep. 67 Dancing Through Life | Ft. Jess Grippo

    09/07/2019 Duration: 48min

    Today on episode 67 we will be speaking to Jess Grippo  from JessGrippo.com. BIO: Although she quit dancing after high school and thought she’d missed her chance, Jess proved her 19-year-old self - and society - wrong. Her DIY dance videos on YouTube years later were the catalyst for reviving her dance practice AND transitioning her career back into dance. Since then she’s been invited to speak and perform on stages like TEDxNYU, Lincoln Center's Dance On Camera Festival, New York's Got Talent! competition show, and the New York Comedy Club. While she was once the shyest of shy ballerinas, she’s now frequently found dancing spontaneously with strangers in the streets, subways, airports, parks, and more - and making videos with them. Her “You Can Dance Again” programs and videos have helped hundreds of people in NYC and beyond to reclaim their sense of self through dance, feel at home in their bodies, and revive their creative expression.   TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: Life of an aspiring dancer - Dance

  • Ep. 66 Traveling As A Vegan | Ft. Wendy Werneth

    01/07/2019 Duration: 46min

    Today on episode 66 we will be speaking to Wendy Werneth from TheNomadicVegan.com. BIO: Wendy Werneth is an intrepid world traveler, vegan foodie and animal lover. She is the author of the book Veggie Planet and the creator of the award-winning vegan travel blog The Nomadic Vegan, where she uncovers vegan treasures across the globe so that you can be vegan anywhere and spread compassion everywhere.   TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: Reasons behind becoming vegan - Why she chose a very restrictive diet and the steps she took to transition into it, reminding us how attainable it can be. What it’s like traveling as a vegan - We chat about which countries that are more accommodating than others, specific apps used to make it easier to discover and communicate, and how to easily traveling with non vegans. Creating her first vegan tours - Wendy is now introducing a tour that is fun and educational all while never having to worry about discovering your vegan options. She will show you the way to make travel p

  • Ep. 65 Standing Strong To Chronic Pain | Ft. Rachael Taylor

    24/06/2019 Duration: 55min

    Today on episode 65 we will be speaking to Rachael Taylor from The Creative Rachael.   Rachael Taylor is a Mindset Strategy and Business Development Coach that specializes in helping women business owners increase their profits, influence and impact through mindset strategy, business development and personal growth.   TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: Dealing with Fibromyalgia - Rachael is diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and dives deep into her story about how she found a holistic way to heal her pain and live the creative life she has always dreamed of. Owning a multi-passionate mindset. Entrepreneur, coach, pilates instructor, artist, writer…. Rachael owns a lot of titles and shares how she refused to let her multi-passionate personality hinder her but shape her.   FOLLOW RACHAEL: WEBSITE   FOLLOW GOAL TRAVELER: INSTAGRAM (where we are 90 % of the time) FACEBOOK GROUP (join our like-minded community) CONTACT US (office@goaltraveler.com)   GOAL OF THE WEEK: CHALLENGE: “Start the day right for t

  • Ep. 64 Visiting Every Country Before 30 | Ft. Daniel Herszberg

    10/06/2019 Duration: 50min

    Today on episode 64 we will be speaking to world traveler, Daniel Herszberg,   Daniel Herszberg is a 26 years old world traveler originally from Australia but currently resides in Hong Kong. His biggest achievement is visiting more than 150 countries in the last few years. Online, Daniel shares his quest to visit every country in the world – currently trying to become the youngest Australian to achieve this feat and join the ranks of the handful of people around the globe who have managed to achieve this under the age of 30.   TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: The reward of travel- Some people do things for the reward of being able to say they did it, but Daniel is different. Visiting every country in the world is something to boast about but it’s not what fuels him. He gains so much more by providing himself these experiences and shares with us what and why. What’s next after visiting every country in the world? As a born traveler, it clearly doesn’t end there for Daniel. He has a list of plans to check

  • Ep. 63 Travel and Cannabis with Zol Travel Group

    03/06/2019 Duration: 42min

    Today on episode 63 we will be speaking to Maggie Jay and Damien Williams from https://zoltravel.com Maggie and Damien own Zol Travel; a group travel company focused on safe and fun cannabis culture exploration with experts in both travel and cannabis. Guests explore the cannabis culture of different cities throughout the world by traveling with social media influencers in the cannabis industry.   TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: Getting involved in a growing industry- Maggie and Damien share their love for cannabis and how they managed to build two businesses in the popular industry. Cannabis friendly Airbnb. Maggie and Damien discovered a whole in the industry, as the states begin legalizing the purchasing of marijuana there aren’t many places where you can legally smoke it. That is until they created a rental home just for that! Cannabis-centric group travel.  Cannabis is nothing new to the world. The drug is looked at and valued differently in various cultures around the globe. This duo has started

  • Ep. 62 Transitioning To Paris | Ft. Pola Henderson

    29/05/2019 Duration: 52min

    Today on episode 62 we will be speaking to Pola Henderson from Jettingaround.com BIO: Pola Henderson is a travel writer, city explorer, and two-time expat. She's been featured as a writer or travel expert on CNN, MasterCard, Expedia, NPR, WBEZ Chicago, and more. Traveling has been a part of her life since she was three. Pola grew up in Krakow, lived in Chicago for many years and is currently based in Paris, where she works in communications and hosts monthly travel meetups.   TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: A "calling" to live somewhere new- Pola shares her reasoning to leave it all from her home, family friends, and pet for a city that called her name, Paris. Starting all over. Pola opens up about the how she prepared to start all over, to finding a new home, creating a career, and becoming a local. Getting involved.  Pola is a diehard futbol fan and refused to let the stereotypes of women loving soccer stop her. She shares her journey about getting involved in a heavily masculine favorited sport in

  • Ep. 61 No More "Buts," It's Time To Say YES! | Ft. Amy Fiedler

    14/05/2019 Duration: 50min

    Today on episode 61 we will be speaking to Amy Fiedler from Amyfiedler.com. BIO: Amy Fiedler is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, Reiki Master Practitioner, Ordained Minister and Published Author. She’s coined the phrase ‘Life Therapy’ to describe the full nature of the work she does with clients encompassing her combined practices. With her wise yet simplistic approach and trademark witty banter, Amy provides men, women and children emotional guidance, mental clarity and a deep understanding of human behavior to support them in moving through unwanted emotions, thoughts, behaviors and energy in past and present situations.   TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: Saying Yes… But - Amy and I discuss how we often neglect everything we say by using the word “but.” We avoid our actual desires by making excuses to not live or have the life we want. Needs versus Wants. We go in depth about the difference of needing something versus wanting something. We often feel like we need reasoning to be able to have something,


    08/05/2019 Duration: 54min

    TODAY ON EPISODE 60 WE WILL BE SPEAKING TO RYAN GLEASON AND ALEX DAVIS FROM RYANANDALEX.COM  Ryan Gleason and Alex Davis are a husband-wife duo and “happiness engineers.” After eight years working as corporate engineers internationally, Ryan and Alex left their high-powered jobs to tackle their true passion — leading couples to engineer their best lives. The synergy of their engineering minds and six years of health coaching experience produced Ryan and Alex Duo Life. Their mission is to transform the bodies, minds, and relationships of couples. Ryan and Alex have guided thousands of clients through lifestyle optimization programs as they travel the world in search of scientific and cultural links to health and happiness.   TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: The benefits of working out as a couple - An accountability partner is one thing, but did you know working out together can strengthen a relationship? This duo explains all the benefits of fit-life as two. It’s more than just exercise. Ryan and Alex

  • Ep. 59 Fukkit, A Life Without Regret. | Ft. Ricardo J. Zulueta

    29/04/2019 Duration: 51min

    Today on episode 59 we will be speaking to Ricardo Zulueta Jr.,  from Fukitt Clothing & Start Day One   Ricardo J. Zulueta, Jr., the founder of Fukitt, has personally experienced the loss of his oldest brother from suicide, which is why they are genuinely passionate in their mission supporting Suicide Prevention Awareness. They’re not just riding on the mainstream idea of "living life to the fullest" but Fükitt is actually an extension of the founder's personality and experience, which makes the brand truly authentic.   Fükitt is an inspirational brand with the mission to inspire and motivate people to live life without regret and accept challenges that are worth the risk. Everyone knows the concept of living life to the fullest but the problem is that it is simply human nature to take things for granted, which is why most people complain continuously about Mondays, traffic, and weather. They hope that every time you wear Their apparel and see their brand, you will be reminded to stop complaining about yo

  • Ep. 58 Redefining Life On Your Own Terms. | Ft. Azizi Birkeland

    22/04/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    Today on episode 58 we will be speaking to Azizi Birkeland from Stone Soup Family and In Her Wild   Azizi travels the world with her life-learning family comprised of her husband and two young daughters. Her passion to dismantle one self-limiting belief at a time led her to create two new business ventures.  The first is Stone Soup Family Pop Up Communities, which provide 1-3 month opportunities for families on extended travel to come together as a community, to connect and create powerful experiences while co-living. The other is In Her Wild, an online sanctuary to guide women to embrace their femininity without the need to protect it, compete or feel the need to “do it like a man.” She promotes using "The Art of Self Fascination", a playful way to explore yourself and bring out what lies beneath waiting to be revealed so that you can live unleashed, unapologetic and unafraid. TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: Discovering an imbalance and how to change it. Azizi discovered something was off in her life. Sh

  • Ep. 57 Navigating From The Heart | Ft. Ebonee Williams

    15/04/2019 Duration: 53min

    Today on episode 57 we will be speaking to Ebonee Williams from Ebonee Travels. Ebonee Williams is a travel and lifestyle writer based in Williamsburg, Virginia. After living and working in New York City for several years (first as a media planner at an advertising agency and then as a journalist at a TV network), she decided to leave in 2016 to travel around the world for eight months. That trip completely changed the course of her life! It opened her eyes to a whole new world of possibilities and new opportunities. TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: Honoring a multi-passionate personality- Ebonee learned early on that she loves to learn and try new things. A trait that can easily be admired or looked down upon. She decided to honor this part of her and allow it to guide her through many areas of her life. Motivation to make your life work out for you. Ebonee doesn’t fear change. By the age of 30, she has already accomplished several career paths successfully because she isn’t afraid to take the leap and

  • Ep. 56 Why Not Mexico? | Ft. Cassie Pearse

    07/04/2019 Duration: 51min

    Today on episode 56 we will be speaking to Cassie Pearse from Mexicocassie.com   BIO: Cassie is a Brit living in Mexico. She writes a blog about exploring Mexico with her family along for the ride.   TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: A family of 4 moves from London to Mexico- Cassie and her family decided to relocate their family to Mexico and fully immerse themselves in its culture. Choosing the Mexican school system. Cassie explains how she felt it was best that her children took part in the Mexican school system to learn like the locals and be able to speak like a local. Breaking the stereotypes around Mexico. Cassie could have easily looked at Mexico as a country that is best for visiting its white sand beaches and all-inclusive resorts, but her experience with the country quickly has you considering it as much more than a vacation spot.     FOLLOW CASSIE WEBSITE FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM FOLLOW GOAL TRAVELER: INSTAGRAM (where we are 90% of the time) FACEBOOK GROUP (join our like-minded community) MENTIONS

  • Ep. 55 How To Make Every Day Feel Like A Vacation | Ft Amy Fiedler

    25/03/2019 Duration: 56min

    Today on episode 55 we will be speaking to Amy Fiedler from Amyfiedler.com.   BIO: Amy Fiedler is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, Reiki Master Practitioner, Ordained Minister and Published Author. She’s coined the phrase ‘Life Therapy’ to describe the full nature of the work she does with clients encompassing her combined practices. With her wise yet simplistic approach and trademark witty banter, Amy provides men, women and children emotional guidance, mental clarity and a deep understanding of human behavior to support them in moving through unwanted emotions, thoughts, behaviors and energy in past and present situations.   TOPICS DISCUSSED: How to create healthy boundaries - Amy shares with us the cons created when neglecting yourself and explains how she utilizes boundaries in all areas of her life to be able to truly be there for herself and others. Honoring your inner child. Amy and I both share how important it is to let go and play like a kid. This simple act allows you to uniquely be you and live y

  • Ep. 54 Mountains and Ski Slopes and Aprés, oh my.

    18/03/2019 Duration: 43min

    Today on episode 54 The V’s, Marc and Cyd, are going over their epic winter adventures all thanks to the IKON Pass that had them hitting the slopes 14 times this season TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: The first year using the IKON Pass- Sharing our experiences using the IKON Pass and how much it saved us this season. Our faves. Favorite for ski conditions, fave aprés, fave ski town vibe, fave views, we go into them all. FOLLOW GOAL TRAVELER: INSTAGRAM (where we are 90 % of the time) JOIN THE LIST FOR OUR UPCOMING OUTING: SIGN UP NOW (to receive all the details) WIN THE COIN: RATE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE on your favorite podcast platform. BONUS: Follow us on Instagram @goaltraveler & @justgonetwork. SUBMIT: Screenshot and email office@goaltraveler.com  ATTN: COIN CONTEST

  • Ep. 53 Becoming Environmentally Conscious| Ft. Digital Drifters

    11/03/2019 Duration: 52min

    Today on episode 53 we will be speaking to Ilene & Brock from Digitaldrifters.net.   BIO: Ilene and Brock are a couple who got rid of everything in order to travel the world. Now they are exploring Costa Rica, learning about the culture, and trying to find ways to save the environment.   TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: Not giving into social norms- Ilene and Brock listened to their hearts and decided to go against the traditional American way of living. They sold it all for a life on the road. What it’s like being a nomad. We discuss a life of inconsistency, all the highs, and lows, and most importantly what one can learn from the process. Taking care of our planet.  One of Brock and Ilenes biggest motivational forces is taking caring for our environment. We go in-depth on how to have less of a carbon footprint.   GUEST INFO   WEBSITE INSTAGRAM ILENE / BROCK INSTAGRAM GET MORE OF GOAL TRAVELER: INSTAGRAM JOIN FACEBOOK COMMUNITY HAVE A QUESTION YOU WANT US TO ANSWER? ASK US HERE WIN THE COIN: RATE

  • Ep. 52 A Life Reset And Bucket Lists.

    04/03/2019 Duration: 57min

    Today on episode 52 we will be speaking to Carol Guttery from Wayfairing Views. BIO: Carol is a travel writer, photographer and philanthropy consultant at Wayfaringviews.com. She inspires her readers to explore beyond the obvious with alternative itineraries and offbeat adventures. TOPICS DISCUSSED ON THIS PODCAST: A life reset at 51- In 2014 Carol realized that she wanted to make more room in her life for travel but fear of breaking away from the structure of 9-5 work was getting in the way, until she took the leap. Tackling the Camino De Santiago. Her life-change began by trekking the Camino De Santiago that helped me clear her head and set her on a path to designing a more flexible life Creating a Bucket List.  Carol created her 60 before 60 and shares how to design one that is very specific to your own quirks.   GUEST INFO   WEBSITE FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER   MENTIONS:   Carol’s 60x60 bucket list The Camino de Santiago packing list freebie printable Atlas Obscura Camigas Facebook group FOLLOW

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