Inspiring you to stop overthinking and JUST GO!The Vs (Voicechovskis) are your host and Voice for adventure with GOAL Traveler helping you Get Out And Live every day.LISTEN EVERY FLIPPIN' MONDAY!Why?Because Mondays suck and we love to flip the bird at the start of a new week. But not here! Not anymore! Mondays are about getting motivated by flippin a coin instead. Our trusted coin provides you a GOAL of the week to help you strengthen those adventure muscles.Each week you will listen to motivating interviews from around the globe and receive actionable goals to live a more adventurous life.
Ep.11 Changing Plans On The Fly For More Adventures
30/04/2018 Duration: 50minOn today’s episode, you got us, The V’s. And we want to chat about last minute adventures. How we go from an idea to action without much planning and how it has always worked out. On this episode we cover A pitstop in Italy during our stay in Mykonos A change of plans to visit Vietnam while in Hong Kong. An extension in Singapore because it felt right. And deciding to book a trip on this episode because, WHY NOT! ---------------------------- GET MORE OF GOAL TRAVELER: Enjoy Yoga "Om" The Go - Join The Get Out And Live Community Follow us on: Instagram Facebook Twitter Youtube
Ep.10 Choosing Minimalism To Live A More Fulfilling Life
23/04/2018 Duration: 01h21minOn today’s episode, we will be chatting with Kashlee Kucheran from Travel Off Path. Kashlee and her husband Trevor are full-time digital nomads who have used minimalism to allow them the freedom to travel the world! With only 2 suitcases each, they choose a new place to call ‘home’ every few months, all while building their brand online. They sold their house and 90% of their belongings in order to travel together for the next 10 years. On today's episode we cover: The steps it took to embrace a nomadic life from what was once a cookie cutter one. What is minimalism and how to get started Motivation at its finest. Follow Kashlee at: Website - Facebook - Instagram - Book "The High Maintenance Minimalist" - ---------------------------- GET MORE OF GOAL TRAVELER: Enjoy Yoga "Om" The Go - Join The Get Out And Live Community Follow us o
Ep.9 The Many Avenues Of Travel Blogging: Featuring Jessie On A Journey
16/04/2018 Duration: 01h06minOn today’s episode, we will be chatting Jessica Festa. She is a native New Yorker and owner of the solo female and offbeat travel blog, Jessie on a Journey as well as the online responsible tourism and culture magazine, Epicure & Culture. Since 2014, she's been teaching online blogging courses to travelers wanting to make their dreams of location independence a reality. When not galavanting around the globe, you can find her leading photo tours in New York, taking yoga and hip hop classes, and sipping her way through the local cocktail scene. On Today's episode, we cover: Life of a successful travel blogger The steps she took to create a career that is foreign to most. Balancing the passion of travel with a significant other at home base Follow Jessie Festa: Website - Facebook - Instagram -
Ep.8 Peace Corp & Navy Couple Were Destined For A Life Of Adventure
09/04/2018 Duration: 01h04minOn today’s episode, we will be chatting with Derik & Erin Bowen with Our Traveling Tales. Two crazy kids who really love to see the world but can’t quite quit their day job since the US Navy grounds on that. Their exploration ranges from Space A flights to Europe to local adventures, and the forever change of what they call home due to life in the Navy. They just want to see it all!!” On Today's episode, we cover Life in the Navy & Peace Corp and how these two use it to their advantage. Exploring locally, never taking for granted of what is in your backyard. References: Derik & Marc Chamonix Experience: Part 1 "Be Nice To Your Airline Employee" Check out Derik & Erin's adventures at OUR TRAVELING TALES Blog Instagram ----------- Subscribe to our Email List to receive 9 FREE PACKING HACKS and Insider Tips! ---------- Join The Get Out And Live Community ---------- Follow us on: Instagram Facebook Twitter Youtube
Ep.7 An Unexpected Adventure
02/04/2018 Duration: 52minOn today’s episode, we will be chatting with Dylan Rubin someone we met through a cold call that lead to an unexpected two-day adventure in Philly. We fell in love with this young millennial, who at age 22 is wiser beyond his years. Today's episode we cover: Trusting your gut that can lead you into epic adventures Using the Just Go Mentality to learn more about yourself and others. References: "An Uber Ride In Malaysia" one of our favorite GOAL Surprises. Shout out to Dan & Dylan at STRIX MEDIA who took a chance with us this weekend. ----------- Subscribe to our Email List to receive 9 FREE PACKING HACKS and Insider Tips! ---------- Join The Get Out And Live Community ---------- Follow us on: Instagram Facebook Twitter Youtube
Ep.6 The Story Behind GOAL Traveler
26/03/2018 Duration: 58minOn today’s episode you got just the two of us taking you back to where it alllllll began. A little background story We will cover How we met How did our travel bug start When did we start to make travel our career And the inner workings of GOAL Traveler -------- Want to hear the full story, read our "personal blogs" that go much deeper. ----------- Subscribe to our Email List to receive 9 FREE PACKING HACKS and Insider Tips! ---------- Join The Get Out And Live Community ---------- Follow us on: Instagram Facebook Twitter Youtube
Ep.5 When Hobbies Lead To Adventure
19/03/2018 Duration: 48minOn today’s episode we will be chatting with the future Mr. & Mrs. Lay. Two ordinary people that have found a shared passion that has led them down the road of many adventures. Jonny, a Department Manager and Ally a geologist work your typical 9-5 but that doesn’t stop these two dare-devils share their hobby every chance they get. On this episode we talk about How the love of cars was the beginning of their journey. How they are at the forefront of a new sport. How hobbies can open your mind to see and experience more. Youtube: Ally Hassler Facebook Group: Mid Atlantic Drift Trikes Instagram: @jonnyray , @vanillla_mint Flat Out Drift Trikes - Promo Code: vanillla_mint
Ep.4 Sharing Adventure With A Non-Experienced Traveler
12/03/2018 Duration: 44minOn today’s episode, we will be chatting with one of our clients and dear friend, Natalie Guillod. Natalie always had a natural born drive to see the world with experience studying abroad, various personal travels, and frequent visits to her family in Colombia. But her husband had never left the continent. Somehow she managed to convince him with the help of our planning services, that traveling across the globe to South Africa was the right fit for their honeymoon! On this episode, we talk about How it was traveling with a non-traveler, and how the experience opened up his mind for more. The benefits of studying abroad and how you should take advantage of it. The beauty of a country not spoken about enough, Colombia.
Ep.3 A Couple That Picked Up And Left For a New City. Scary?
05/03/2018 Duration: 01h14minOn today’s episode we'll be chatting with our sister Madisyn and her boyfriend Tony. They were both born and raised near the tri-state area in NJ and Pennsylvania, but now call home to the wild city of New Orleans Louisiana. These two have experienced a handful of travel, but what truly makes them adventurous is their ambition to take risks and try something new. We will be discussing. What brought them to uproot their lives from the East Coast to then find New Orleans as home. (It wasn’t friends or family) The difficulties and excitements of starting fresh in a new city. How the experience pushed them to create something unique of their own. Madisyn and Tony can be found on Instagram at @ohhico To view and purchase their papergoods visit -
Ep.2 How to Turn Travel from a Luxury to a Lifestyle with the Spences
26/02/2018 Duration: 53minOn today’s episode we will be chatting with the Spences. Two very dear friends of ours who take travel to a new level. You may think we see out a lot, but these two are on a mission to see as much as they can, as fast as they can. Within 2 years together they have managed to visit 22 countries. Plan a wedding and get married in the stunning Redwoods of Northern Cal. Call home to a different state.( if you can call it that) And work on the road. The Spences ARE adventure. Their lifestyle can make some of the most seasoned of travelers, envious. You can find the Spences on Instagram: @michellemae88 @idesignds If you like what you heard, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE! ------------------------------------------------------ JOIN GET OUT AND LIVE COMMUNITY: ------------------------------------------------------ SOCIAL MEDIA @goaltraveler ------------------------------------------------------ BOOK A TRIP! ----------------------------------
Ep.1 Why You Should Adapt to the Just Go Mentality.
13/02/2018 Duration: 17minIn this episode: Marc and Cydny introduce themselves and their qualifications. Explain why you should adapt to the Just Go Mentality Introduce the tradition of the Coin Flip for GOAL Challenge or GOAL Tip If you like what you heard, SUBSCRIBE! ------------------------------------------------------ JOIN GET OUT AND LIVE COMMUNITY: ------------------------------------------------------ SOCIAL MEDIA @goaltraveler ------------------------------------------------------ BOOK A TRIP! ------------------------------------------------------ WEBSITE: