Tips, techniques, and insights for more effective leadership communication. Learn to apply powerful communication strategies to coach, inspire, and resolve conflict situations as a leader.
Unintentional Threat Triggers - Dominant Style
08/10/2019 Duration: 09minWe all communicate in ways that "trigger" other people. If you have Dominant style communication traits , you can unintentionally cause a perception of threat for people who don't share this trait with you. If you don't have Dominant traits, you can unintentional trigger a threat response in people who do have those traits. In this episode, I'll cover improved communication strategies from people on both sides of this communication situation. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
How Do You Talk to Yourself?
01/10/2019 Duration: 09minWe all have an inner voice, and we talk to ourselves. If this voice is negative, it can create problems for you as a leader. This week, we'll consider how you talk to yourself and how you can make that internal dialogue more positive and productive. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
Five Ways to Deescalate Conflict
24/09/2019 Duration: 08minIn this episode, I'll package together five conflict resolution strategies in one place. This episode compiles single points I've made in other places into one full package you can use to improve your conflict resolution skills. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Check out a related episode, Three Ways to Deal with an Angry Person. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
Communicate in a Way that Does NOT Convey Threat
17/09/2019 Duration: 10minThere are things that all of us do that subtly and unintentionally create a feeling of threat in other people. When we do that, our communication effectiveness plummets. In this episode, I'll share three places where we can unintentionally "threaten" others so that you can look for these patterns in your communication and replace them with better ones. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
Listening - The Other Side of Communication
03/09/2019 Duration: 09minWhile this podcast is titled "Talk Like a Leader," my real intent is to explore all the different ways we can become better communicators. In this episode, I'm looking at the listening side of communication. We'll briefly explore both the barriers we face to become better listeners and the things we can do to listen better. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
What It Means to Talk Like a Leader with Eric Levos
27/08/2019 Duration: 11minInviting other people to share their perspective is something that I love to do on this podcast. This week, my long-time customer, colleague, and friend, Eric Levos joins me to discuss what it means to Talk Like a Leader. Eric is a former First Sergeant in the US Army, and a Leadership and Learning professional with experience in the airline, health insurance, energy, agriculture, and logistics industries. Join me as we learn what Eric has learned about talking like a leader. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
Three Things to Consider Before You Choose a Communication Technique
20/08/2019 Duration: 09minAs a leader, you will communicate with people in many different ways and in many different situations. You'll be in meetings, in coaching conversations, and responding to emails. The general principles of communication apply equally to all of these situations, and the specific approach or technique you use can vary a great deal. In this episode, I'll share with you three things to consider that will help you to choose the best technique for the specific situation. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
What it Means to Talk Like a Leader with Kevin Eikenberry
13/08/2019 Duration: 11minLeadership expert, Kevin Eikenberry, joins me on this episode to discuss what it means to talk like a leader. Kevin has both deep and broad experience in both leading and helping leaders develop. Listen in as he shares both his perspective on what it means to Talk Like a Leader and practical strategies to do it better. You can learn more from Kevin on his podcast, The Remarkable Leadership Podcast. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
Stay Positive, Avoid Negative
06/08/2019 Duration: 09minWhen we interact with other people, observe other people, and think about other people, we can go either positive or negative. If we focus on the negative, we likely experience more of it. If we focus on the positive, we likely experience more of that. In this episode, Guy discusses the power of staying positive in our interactions with others. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
Talk About What You DO Want
30/07/2019 Duration: 09minMany types of communication that come naturally and easily to us are not necessarily the best or most effective ways to communicate our vision, desires, and expectations. Some things that seem natural and normal actually diminish clarity and communication effectiveness. Today, I'll discuss a way to correct one of these normal and natural communication challenges. The key idea: talk about what you DO want rather than what you DON'T want.
Why Use Communication Models and Why I Use DISC
23/07/2019 Duration: 09minRecently, a listener asked why I use the DISC model and what I think of other models. Great question! In this episode, I'll share my thoughts on the general value of using communication models to become a more effective communicator. I'll also address why I use the DISC model rather than the others. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
What Talking Like a Leader Means to Me
16/07/2019 Duration: 09minIn this episode, Guy shares what talking like a leader means to him. After several episodes focused primarily on the skills of leadership communication, Guy shares his perspective on combining the right mindset, habitset, AND skillset to learn how to talk like a leader. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
Using the Power of Apology
09/07/2019 Duration: 10minMany people struggle with apologizing when it could move a difficult situation forward. It's often said that leaders should never apologize and that apology weakens your position. The contrary is actually true more of the time. Apology strengthens your position as a leader. In this episode, Guy discusses both what gets in the way of successful apology and how to apologize in a way that leads to resolution. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
What It Means to Talk Like a Leader with Tom Butera
02/07/2019 Duration: 15minIn this episode you'll learn from an experienced manufacturing leader, Tom Butera. Tom has been my friend, colleague, and customer for 16 years now, and I've had the privilege to learn with and from him better ways to lead and communicate. I'm excited that you get the opportunity to hear from this great leader as he shares his perspective on what it means to Talk Like a Leader. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
Three Ways to Deal with an Angry Person
25/06/2019 Duration: 11minAt some point in your leadership journey, probably at several points, you'll need to deal with a person who is angry. Common natural responses like withdrawing or getting angry typically don't work well. They often result in the person becoming more angry. In this episode, we'll cover three powerful (actually five) strategies you can use to deescalate an angry conversation and move it to resolution. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
Watch What You Say (About People)
18/06/2019 Duration: 08minYou're probably pretty good about what you say when you're with people. You're on your game. You're positive, encouraging, and considerate. The question to consider for this episode is this: What do you say about people when their not around? Are you as positive, encouraging, and considerate? Or, are you more willing to let your frustrations float to the surface so that you go just a bit negative about them. In this episode, Guy will discuss the challenges of going negative on a person who is not present. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
What NOT to Do with the DISC Model
11/06/2019 Duration: 10minCommunication and behavior models like the DISC model are great tools for building, communicating with, and inspiring your team. Used appropriately, they can make a big difference in the effectiveness of your communication efforts. Used inappropriately, they can destroy your team and undercut your communication. In this episode, Guy discusses one thing you should definitely NOT do when you use the DISC model or any other behavior, personality, or communication model. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
Learn to Manage Expectations
04/06/2019 Duration: 10minWhen experience does not match expectations, people get frustrated, stressed, and angry. Frustrated, stressed, and angry people rarely work with energy and enthusiasm. They seldom bring their best problem solving skills to work with them. What can you do to minimize the risk of people becoming frustrated, stressed, and angry? Learn to manage expectations. Learn how to help people have realistic expectations about the future so that they are not upset when it gets here. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.
Focus on the Future
28/05/2019 Duration: 09minA common challenge leaders face is the tendency to drift into past focused conversations when trying to solve problems or coach team members. A key skill to develop is the ability to move the conversation to a future focus. In this episode, Guy talks about the importance of shifting to the future in both your thinking and communication. Additional Leadership Resources Take our free DISC Assessment. Download our free report, The First 7 Things to Do When You Get Promoted.