Iaug Insider Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 19:26:50
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The IAUG Insider Podcast is not only a resource for IAUG members and Avaya customers, but it's where you can get content featuring exclusive interviews with Avaya and IAUG leaders on the latest telecommunications news, trends, and best practices.


  • IAUG Community Engagement Coordinator, Mackenzie Evans

    16/05/2019 Duration: 26min

    Season 2, Episode 6: For the last episode of Season 2, we're switching it up! IAUG Community Engagement Coordinator Mackenzie Evans joins the podcast at IAUG HQ and talks about what IAUG is, the benefits of IAUG, what IAUG leaders can do to improve their chapters, and her advice to members who are new to IAUG. 

  • Product Solutions and Marketing Lead at Avaya, Karen Hardy

    09/05/2019 Duration: 14min

    Season 2 Episode 5: In this episode, we’re talking to Product Solutions and Marketing Lead at Avaya, Karen Hardy. I met with at a conference in Orlando, Florida and we talked all about cloud, women in technology, and her journey from the UK to America to make it in the technology industry. 

  • IAUG Associate Editor, Richard Westlund

    02/05/2019 Duration: 22min

    Season 2, Episode 4: This episode is a special one. Today’s episode is with IAUG Associate Editor, Richard Westlund. If you don’t recognize his name, you recognize his work. He’s been writing for IAUG for a long time from Insights quarterly articles to the recent IAUG Insider blogs. He’s been documenting IAUG and the telecom industry behind the scenes and I figured it was time to get him on the other side of the microphone, if you will. I met with him at an event in Orlando, Florida and get his story.

  • Vice President of Innovation and Architecture at Avaya, David Chavez

    25/04/2019 Duration: 20min

    Season 2, Episode 3: In this episode, we’re talking to Vice President of Innovation and Architecture at Avaya, David Chavez. We met with him at a conference in Orlando, Florida and we talked all about cloud: it’s misconceptions in the industry, its scalability and how cloud can be a toolbox for your company. We also talk about using technology to make the world a better place. I think you’re going to enjoy it.

  • IAUG Nashville Chapter Leader, Adam Geffner

    18/04/2019 Duration: 21min

    Season 2, Episode 2: In this episode, we’re talking to the brand-new Nashville IAUG Chapter leader, Adam Geffner. We’ll be talking about his history being an Avaya partner and his story about his rapid transition into becoming an IAUG leader. If you’re listening to this podcast the day it came out, he’s having his first chapter meeting today and we’re excited for him.

  • Steve Forcum, Cloud Solutions Engineering Manager at Avaya

    11/04/2019 Duration: 31min

    Season 2, Episode 1: It’s Season 2 and we are excited to bring you another season of episodes! We took a little time off but we’re back and better than ever. This episode, we’re coming hot out of the gate, as we have Steve Forcum, Cloud Solutions Engineering Manager at Avaya on the podcast. When I went to ENGAGE, he was one of my favorite speakers, so to have him on the show is an awesome thing for me and I think it will be for you too. In this episode, we chat about his Avaya origin story, Digital Mixology, the cloud, and the ultimate question, what’s better: Marvel or DC Comics. 

  • Season 2 Preview

    09/04/2019 Duration: 05min

    Welcome to the IAUG Insider Season 2 Preview! We have a lot of great content to share with you over the next several weeks where we talk to Avaya leaders and customers and IAUG leaders! Subscribe today so you won’t miss any episodes.  This season we have: · Cloud Solutions Engineering Manager at Avaya, Steve Forcum · IAUG Nashville Leader, Adam Geffner · Vice President Innovation and Architecture at Avaya, David Chavez · Product & Solutions Marketing Lead at Avaya, Karen Hardy and more!  If you like what you hear and want more, subscribe today! See you on Thursday with Cloud Solutions Engineering Manager at Avaya, Steve Forcum.

  • IAUG Associate Executive Director, Colleen Jamieson

    08/03/2019 Duration: 22min

    Season 1, Episode 6: This is the sixth and FINAL episode of the ENGAGE series. Now, this series has been a collection of interviews from the 2019 Avaya ENGAGE. This one is a little different as it’s a “day after” podcast of the event, if you will. This conversation is with IAUG Associate Executive Director, Colleen Jamison. Colleen has been with IAUG for over 10 years so she has a TON of perspective of the history of the user group and the partnership with Avaya. We talk about the biggest changes she’s seen throughout the history of IAUG and ENGAGE, what makes ENGAGE special compared to other events and what to expect from Avaya ENGAGE 2020!

  • Alex Morales (Part 2)

    01/03/2019 Duration: 24min

    Season 1, Episode 5: This is the fifth episode of the ENGAGE series and it’s a special one it’s part two of two episode with IAUG New York City chapter leader Alex Morales.  Nick Kwiatkowski joins us in a hallway at 2019 Avaya ENGAGE and if you’re wanting a dose of tech talk, this is the episode. We talk about the new possibilities of cloud and the business strategies surrounding it, controlling your destiny in the telecom world, and getting people connected with a local user group.

  • Alex Morales (Part 1)

    22/02/2019 Duration: 18min

    Season 1, Episode 4: This is the fourth episode of the ENGAGE series and it’s a special one – it’s a part one of two episode! It features IAUG New York City chapter leader Alex Morales.  If you’ve ever wondered what it was like to take a fledgling IAUG chapter and make it one of the most vibrant, you’ll want to listen to this episode. Alex Morales went from being a message board regular behind the keyboard to an IAUG powerhouse of a chapter leader and speaker and we get into Alex’s transformation in this episode.

  • Tyler Preder

    15/02/2019 Duration: 30min

    Season 1, Episode 3: This is the third episode of the ENGAGE series and it features IAUG member Tyler Preder. He works at the University of Washington and we talk about how Tyler got into the telecom industry, his quick brush with going to school for mathematics and how that applies to telecom, his passion for stopping robocalls and spam and much more!

  • S1E2: Avaya Chief Architect of Worldwide Public Safety Solutions, Mark Fletcher

    08/02/2019 Duration: 24min

    Season 1, Episode 2: This episode features Avaya veteran and fellow podcaster Mark Fletcher. If you spend enough time in the IAUG community, you’ll soon find out certain people have their “thing”. Well, Mark Fletcher has multiple “things”.  First of all, he’s passionate about all things 911. Second of all, he’s a huge part of the IAUG community where he spearheaded Avaya podcasts.  We talk about the origins of Karrie’s law, a law that he had a major part of developing and supporting, and leaving legacies through our professions. We talk about how he got into podcasting and why he thinks podcasting’s the same as telecom.

  • S1E1: Avaya CTO and VP of Emerging Products and Technology, Valentine Matula

    01/02/2019 Duration: 19min

    Season 1, Episode 1: The IAUG Insider Podcast will start with a series with interviews from IAUG Engage from Austin, Texas. We’ve had some great conversations with Avaya higher-ups and community members who share their industry expertise, opinions, and overall interesting conversations. And like any good publication, we want to know what you’re interested in and what you want to hear. If you have any suggestions, please let me know on Twitter @IAUGMatthew or @IAUG. The first conversation is with Avaya CTO and VP of Emerging Products and Technology, Valentine Matula. I brought along IAUG member Nick Kwiatkowski along for the chat to lend his voice to the conversation as well. We had this conversation in a hallway at Austin Convention Center and I think you’ll enjoy it.

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