Albuquerque Business Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 36:47:32
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This is the Albuquerque Business Podcast with your host Jason Rigby. Each week we interview leading local business leaders to inspire the vision and the spirit that is in every entrepreneur. We discuss strengths, weakness, strategies, systems and the problems we can all solve together to fulfill a shared vision of a new future for Albuquerque.


  • "I'll Do It Tomorrow" Monster SLAYED! A Leader's Guide to Motivation

    09/04/2024 Duration: 24min

    Feeling stuck in a procrastination rut? It's a place I know well. You want to move forward with your goals, but that pesky voice of "I'll do it tomorrow" keeps you frozen, unable to actually start. Let's be honest – we all experience dips in motivation. Even the most enthusiastic leaders and dedicated employees have those days when getting fired up about work is tougher than usual. But the good news is it doesn't have to be permanent! In this podcast, I want to share some hard-earned lessons about breaking out of motivational slumps. As self-aware leaders, we need to dive into the why behind our lack of motivation so we can move past it effectively. The Drain of Demotivation Before we tackle the fixes, let's be clear about the costs of low motivation. Lacking energy to tackle your goals isn't something to just grin and bear: Productivity Takes a Nosedive: Without that spark, we drag our feet, projects lag, and output decreases. Stress Skyrockets: As deadlines loom and work piles up, our anxiety ratchets u

  • Your Money Blocks Are Sabotaging Your Success

    06/04/2024 Duration: 15min

    "Ever feel like there's some invisible block sabotaging your money goals? Today, we're going deep. We're not talking surface-level 'think rich' stuff, but the real, messy emotions most leaders hide when it comes to abundance.  My Breaking Point: I hit a wall with the whole 'manifest your millions' mindset. Turns out, I had some major unresolved baggage around money – limiting beliefs, fear, you name it. Sound familiar? Money Mirrors Your Mind: We think money is about dollars and cents, but it's a symbol of how we see ourselves, our worth, even our impact on the world. That's the work most leaders miss. The Law of Assumption Goes Deeper: It's not about willing stuff into existence, but aligning with that limitless source of creation (call it consciousness, whatever works for you). Leaders, we're used to forcing things, not flowing with them. That's why we get stuck with money. Get Ready to Squirm (It's Worth It): Uncover your 'money story' – What did you hear about money growing up? What makes you

  • Stop Lying to Yourself About Commitment

    31/03/2024 Duration: 19min

    What Does It Mean to Be Truly Committed? On the most recent episode of The Self Aware Leader podcast, I dove deep into the concept of commitment. We often throw that word around – I'm committed to fitness, committed to this project, committed to my personal growth. But what does true, maximum commitment really look like and feel like? To dissect this, I like to rephrase the question: "What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve a goal or uphold a value?" That hits a little harder, doesn't it? Because true commitment isn't just about the good times, the easy choices. It's about what you'll keep doing, who you'll keep being, even when it's inconvenient, difficult, and frankly...uncomfortable. Commitment in Action Let's look at some examples: Relationships: Truly committed partners don't walk away at the first sign of conflict. They stay and work through the challenges – not because it's easy, but because the value of the relationship outweighs the temporary discomfort. Health: Being committed to your healt

  • Feeling Lost as a Leader? Finding Strength When Life Gets Chaotic.

    23/03/2024 Duration: 13min

    Finding Leadership Strength in the Face of My Own Storms The weight of the world feels heavy on my shoulders lately. Deadlines pile up, personal challenges mount, and it seems like another chaotic day follows each chaotic night. In moments like these, I crave inspiration—a reminder of how to navigate the chaos and lead myself (and others) with purpose. Recently, while pondering leadership principles, I found myself revisiting the final days of Jesus Christ. I know it sounds like a heavy topic, but as I dove into it and considered John Maxwell's analysis of leadership, I realized there's incredible strength to glean from Jesus' actions under the most unimaginable pressure. His story hit me in a whole new way. Here's what struck me the most: The Power of Peace in Chaos: Jesus, facing what he knew was ahead, exuded peace. That resonates with me right now. I'm learning that holding a sense of calm in my own life's storms lets me make clearer decisions – and it sets a crucial example for those I lead. Clarity Whe

  • WARNING: This Muscle-Building Program Will Make You a LEADER (But Are You Ready?)

    16/03/2024 Duration: 35min

    The latest episode featuring Ben Corliss, a renowned Men's Fitness Expert and the visionary behind Lifts with Wolves, serves as a testament to the podcast's commitment to exploring all facets of leadership and personal growth. Ben's approach to fitness transcends the physical, delving into the profound impact that strength training can have on mental and emotional well-being. The Journey Towards Holistic Leadership At the core of this episode is the idea that leadership is not a one-dimensional attribute confined to the boardroom; rather, it's a multi-faceted quality that encompasses every aspect of our lives, including our physical health and emotional resilience. Ben Corliss, through his innovative fitness programs, illustrates how becoming physically strong and confident can serve as a foundation for developing the other qualities essential for effective leadership. Strength Training: More Than Just Physical Fitness One of the most compelling takeaways from the conversation with Ben is the concept that str

  • STOP Demonizing Your Team! The SECRET to Seeing Their TRUE Potential

    15/03/2024 Duration: 18min

    The Dichotomy of Leadership: Embracing Complexity for Authentic Impact As leaders, we are frequently taught to be decisive and project certainty. But the world, and the people we lead, are rarely black and white. Truly impactful leadership demands embracing the contradictory, the complex, and finding power in the uncomfortable "grey spaces." Teal Swan's thought-provoking exploration of dichotomy offers a powerful lens to re-examine how we lead, and how we see ourselves. The Discomfort of "And" Our brains crave simplicity. We want easy answers, neat narratives. Witnessing good and bad traits coexisting in a person – whether it's someone we manage, a public figure, or even ourselves – creates a cognitive dissonance most of us struggle to tolerate. This leads to: Demonizing or Glorifying: Biased narratives and all-or-nothing thinking warp our understanding of those we lead, undermining balanced judgment. Splitting: We compartmentalize, seeing team members as "all good" or "all bad" (and ourselves too!). This

  • The 5 DAILY Habits That Will TRANSFORM Your Leadership (Guaranteed!)

    12/03/2024 Duration: 13min

    The Power of Incremental Progress: Unlocking Your Potential with the 1% Rule Have you ever looked at wildly successful leaders and wondered how they got there? It's tempting to think they possess some extraordinary talent or luck that we lack. But the truth, as revealed in Tommy Baker's book "The 1% Rule," is often far less glamorous and far more accessible. It's about the power of small, consistent improvement. The Secret? It's in the Process Baker's central premise is that if you commit to being just 1% better at your chosen field, passions, or leadership goals every single day, the compounding effect over time leads to astounding transformation. This might feel underwhelming at first. But this is where understanding the mindset of a self-aware leader helps immensely. Instead of focusing on distant, daunting targets, the 1% Rule offers a path of sustainable and attainable progress. The 1% Code for Self-Aware Leaders Baker outlines five key principles to make the 1% Rule work for you: Fall in love with the

  • Leaders Get Depressed Too! Here's How I Beat Discouragement & Became a Better Leader

    04/03/2024 Duration: 12min

    It's no secret that leadership can be brutally demoralizing. Even the most passionate leaders experience those days when motivation wanes and it feels like the whole world is pushing back. But as Carey Nieuwhof rightly points out, succumbing to that discouragement is a surefire recipe for disaster. So, how do we navigate these tough seasons with resilience and emerge stronger on the other side? The Root of Discouragement Often, what brings us down isn't the challenge itself, but losing sight of our 'why'. We become entangled in the frustrating details— endless disagreements over the 'how', the feeling of carrying all the weight alone, or even emotional reactivity in the heat of the moment. That's when it's critical to step back. 6 Strategies from a Leader Who's Been There Carey Nieuwhof offers invaluable strategies for combating leadership discouragement, and I've found them to resonate deeply with my own experience as a self-aware leader: Rediscover Your 'Why': Realigning with your core purpose, the reason

  • Tired of Fake Leaders? How to Find Your Own Power and Lead Authentically

    28/02/2024 Duration: 17min

    Forging Your Authentic Leadership Path: Insights for a Richer, Honest Life We're constantly bombarded with self-help advice and supposed blueprints for success. But the truth is, authentic leadership (and a truly fulfilling life) demands a deeply personal approach. It's about self-discovery, embracing the uncomfortable, and choosing your own way forward. Let's unpack some thought-provoking truths that illuminate this path: 1. "Build your own rules." There is no one-size-fits-all answer to being a great leader. True power comes from uncovering your own values, strengths, and motivations, then forging a path that aligns with them. Don't let external pressures define your leadership journey. 2. "Sometimes, you need to go where you least wanna go..." Growth is often uncomfortable. Self-aware leaders embrace the shadows— they don't shy away from difficult feedback, their own vulnerabilities, or challenging situations. It's through this exploration that blind spots transform into insight. 3. "You’re not what happen

  • Exposed: The Psychological Trick Making You MISERABLE in Love & Work!

    25/02/2024 Duration: 12min

    Are lingering resentments in your relationships or workplace interactions leaving you frustrated and disconnected? Do unresolved conflicts keep you in an emotional tailspin? It might be time to consider a culprit frequently overlooked: projection. What is Projection, and Why Does It Matter? Projection is a sneaky psychological defense mechanism where we unconsciously attribute our own unresolved issues (often stemming from past hurts) onto someone else. It's easy to believe that our current partner, colleague, or employee is the sole source of our pain. But that conviction is where the deception of projection lies. Telltale Signs of Projection Righteous Indignation: Feeling absolutely sure you're right and the other person is completely to blame for the problem. Feeling Deeply Wounded: Minor disagreements trigger disproportionate sadness or hurt, indicating something deeper might be at play. Life or Death Intensity: Overwhelming anxiety or a frantic need to resolve issues NOW can signal past trauma being re-

  • Unleash Your "Superpower": Discover Your Genius & Dominate Life (It's Hidden Inside You!)

    20/02/2024 Duration: 13min

    If you're passionate about self-development and maximizing your potential as a leader, I want to introduce you to a concept that can change everything – the Zone of Genius. Popularized by the brilliant author Gay Hendricks, the Zone of Genius is a place where your deepest passions and your inherent abilities collide. Let's delve into a few questions he poses that will help you discover yours: What lights your fire? Think about the tasks you love so much you LOSE yourself in them, time dissolving as you work. Work, or effortless play? What makes you feel energized, where the concept of "work" fades away? Efficiency + Joy = Success: What tasks (even short ones) give you a deep sense of satisfaction and create abundance? What's your superpower? We all have unique talents. Tap into the special skill you were born with; harnessing it brings incredible rewards to you and those you lead! Why Does This Matter? Understanding your Zone of Genius isn't just about feeling good while you work (although that's im

  • Understanding Change as a Process: A Self Aware Leader's Guide

    19/02/2024 Duration: 07min

    We all crave change. We want to be better versions of ourselves – wiser, kinder, more successful, healthier. But the journey from where we are to where we want to be is rarely a straight line, and it certainly isn't quick. Real, lasting change isn't some lightning-in-a-bottle magic trick. It's a complex, multifaceted process. As self-aware leaders, it's crucial that we recognize this truth. We need to relinquish our tight-fisted grasp on perfectionism and acknowledge that the real transformation happens on the messy middle ground, the part filled with learning curves, stumbles, and setbacks. Change as a Commitment The commitment to change is a commitment to continuous work. We make a promise to ourselves to never stop learning, growing, and evolving. It means shedding old habits and patterns of behavior that no longer serve us. It's time to say goodbye to those lingering character flaws that keep dragging us down. The desire to "do it right" can be crippling in the face of change. This perfectionist mindset l

  • From the Sidelines to the Starting Lineup: Why It's Time to Play Your Own Game

    11/02/2024 Duration: 08min

    Hey there, Self-Aware Leaders – get ready, because I'm coming at you with something serious today. We all need to hit pause on the spectator mentality we've fallen into and rediscover the thrill of being a player in our own lives. Let's talk about it.  How many nights do we spend glued to the TV, binge-watching Netflix or endlessly scrolling social media? It's entertainment, yeah, but while we're watching someone else's incredible journey, what's happening with our own story? Think about it – we idolize football players, making their victories our own. We feel deeply invested in characters in fictional dramas. We become virtual coaches from the comfort of our armchairs. But all the while, we're living vicariously through the highlights and triumphs of others. We become so good at watching the game that we forget the joy of playing the game. That's where things need to change. Each of us is here with a unique set of skills, talents, and passions. Imagine what we're missing out on when we don't give them a chan

  • This One TOXIC Trait Could Destroy Your Leadership (And You Don't Even Know It!)

    15/01/2024 Duration: 15min

    Understanding Self-Sabotage in Leadership In the realm of leadership, the concept of self-sabotage often emerges as a baffling obstacle. Why do leaders, even with clear goals and strong convictions, sometimes act in ways that undermine their success? This phenomenon is not just a matter of professional development but also a deep dive into self-awareness. The Role of Misperceptions and Fears At the core, self-sabotage in leadership is frequently a result of misperceptions and fears. Leaders might hold onto limiting beliefs about their capabilities or worthiness, leading them to act in ways that are not aligned with their true potential or objectives. Misalignment with Higher Purpose Leadership involves more than just managing tasks or people; it's about aligning with a higher purpose and leading with vision. Self-sabotage is often a sign that a leader is out of sync with this higher calling, swayed by short-term pressures or personal insecurities. Recognizing Self-Sabotage in Leadership The key to addressing

  • Abraham Lincoln's SECRET to Leadership: How He Saved America with Self-Awareness

    02/11/2023 Duration: 14min

    In the annals of history, few leaders exemplify self-awareness as profoundly as Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. His leadership during one of the nation's most tumultuous periods, the Civil War, showcased a remarkable blend of self-awareness, empathy, and resilience. This post delves into the facets of Lincoln's self-aware leadership and the timeless lessons embedded therein. Self-Reflection: Lincoln's life was a testament to self-reflection and continuous learning. Born into poverty, he was largely self-taught, yet his thirst for knowledge and understanding propelled him to the highest office in the land. His ability to reflect on his experiences, learn from failures, and adapt his strategies was a hallmark of his self-aware leadership. Emotional Intelligence: Lincoln exhibited a high degree of emotional intelligence, often shouldering the burden of the nation's woes while navigating personal tragedies. His capacity to manage his emotions, understand the emotions of others, and apply

  • Ring of Fire Eclipse: How Self-Awareness Fueled Human Evolution and Psychology

    14/10/2023 Duration: 13min

    Eclipses, be they solar or lunar, have always captivated human beings with their celestial splendor. From ancient myths and superstitions to modern-day scientific inquiries, eclipses have always been enveloped in an aura of mystery and intrigue. This blog post endeavors to explore the fascinating intersection between eclipses, human physiology, and evolution, delving into how these spectacular celestial events might have shaped our ancestors and potentially continue to influence us today.     Section 1: Eclipses Through the Ages A. Ancestral Beliefs and Practices Historically, eclipses were often regarded with awe and fear, perceived as omens or divine interventions. Different cultures developed various myths and rituals to explain or mitigate the perceived dangers of these celestial phenomena. B. Scientific Understanding With the advent of scientific understanding, we've come to know that eclipses are merely the result of the celestial alignment of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, causing one to obstruct the light

  • How to Think 10x Bigger and Achieve Unstoppable Self Aware Growth

    01/10/2023 Duration: 18min

    In this enriching episode of the Self-Aware Leader Podcast, host Jason Rigby delves into the game-changing philosophy of a 10x mindset, as championed by the esteemed strategic coach, Dan Sullivan. While there isn’t a direct conversation with Sullivan, Jason shares his insights on how adopting a 10x mindset can be a catalyst for unparalleled growth and efficiency in leadership and beyond. Key Takeaways: 10x Mindset for Greater ROI: Discussed the essence of focusing only on endeavors that promise a tenfold return on investment, ensuring that time, attention, and effort are utilized to the utmost. Culture of Continuous Learning: Explored how a 10x mindset fosters a culture of incessant learning and improvement, with every change aimed at making processes faster, easier, cheaper, or significantly larger in scale. Energizing Progress: Highlighted the motivational ripple effect a 10x mindset can have, not only on an individual but also on the entire team and organization. Enhanced Teamwork through 10x

  • From Battlefields to Boardrooms: How Leaders Can Control Chaos Like Napoleon

    27/08/2023 Duration: 26min

    Leadership & Self-Awareness: Controlling the Chaos Within and Without The art of leadership, in many ways, is a dance with chaos. As Napoleon Bonaparte, one of history's most formidable military leaders, once remarked, "The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemy's." While many of us are not literally on battlefields, the sentiment holds profound implications for modern leaders in all spheres. The Chaos Within: Self-Awareness and Personal Mastery Before a leader can aspire to control external chaos, he must first master the turmoil within. This inner chaos can take various forms: self-doubt, impulsiveness, unresolved past traumas, or the myopia of ego. Introspection: Begin with regular self-reflection. Take moments of solitude, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, to understand your emotions, motives, and reactions. Emotional Intelligence: Develop the ability to recognize and manage your own emotions, while unde

  • Why Doing the Difficult Makes Your Day Remarkably Better: Embracing Daily Challenges

    25/08/2023 Duration: 11min

    There's a secret that many successful leaders embrace but seldom openly share. They commit to doing the hard things every day, particularly the tasks others might shy away from. And, just like the principle of compound interest, this daily dedication to challenges accumulates over time, leading to exponential growth and success. Let's dive into some of these practices. 1. Physical Exercise: The First Victory of the Day Starting the day with physical exercise is akin to winning your first battle. Whether it's a morning jog, lifting weights, or yoga stretches, putting your body to work sets a powerful tone for the day. It doesn't just benefit the body but sharpens the mind. It sends a clear message to our psyche: "If I can conquer this, I can conquer the tasks ahead." 2. Having Difficult Conversations: Facing Discomfort Head-On Evading tough discussions may offer temporary relief, but it's akin to a band-aid on a wound that needs stitches. It may cover up the problem for a while, but it won't heal it. Leaders w

  • Crafting Marketing Messages That Convert: The 3C Formula Unveiled

    23/08/2023 Duration: 16min

    In today's saturated market, standing out from your competition is essential. It’s not enough to simply list your product or service’s features—you need to clearly and persuasively communicate the unique value you provide. This requires a strong, focused marketing message that grabs attention, builds trust, and motivates action. Below is a three-step guide to crafting a marketing message that will resonate with your target audience. It’s designed to help you clarify your message, provide context that supports your value proposition, and create a vivid, memorable image of your solution in action. Step 1: Clarity - Precisely Explaining the Problem You Solve First and foremost, it's crucial to clearly define the problem that your product or service solves. Being vague here is a lost opportunity. Potential customers need to immediately understand and relate to the issue you’re addressing. Tips: Write a clear, concise statement that articulates the problem you solve. Use language your target audience uses and und

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