A community that empowers, supports and mentors women entrepreneurs, worldwide.
Tips For Small Business In This Digital Era
27/09/2019 Duration: 46minOur podcast guest, digital expert Penny Redmond talks about tips for small business in this digital era. Her main tips are: A website presence that is responsive for mobile. A website geared to helping clients solve problems. A website that is quick to load. A Google Business account and business listing Using social media as a marketing tool.
Exploring Empowerment... Leadership...Entrepreneurship for Women
23/09/2019 Duration: 30minIn this podcast we are exploring empowerment... leadership... entrepreneurship for women. During this powerful conversation Genecia shares the highs and lows of being a business owner, including the rise from a six-figure debt to making her first million. "Alone we are strong, together we are UNSTOPPABLE." Genecia encourages all women entrepreneurs to own the "F" word.....what "F"'ll find out!
How To Step Into The Spotlight In Your Business
02/09/2019 Duration: 33minHow can you make an impact in your business? Take a tip from show business and learn how to step into the spotlight in your business. Our expert Tsufit talks about how a business name doesn't have to be boring, it can draw attention to what you do and help you stand out. When you are invited to be a speaker, Tsufit highlights how you can step into the spotlight and use storytelling to make your speech memorable. Listen to Tsufit's great tips and you will be able to step into the spotlight and shine.
Mentorship, We All Benefit From The Experience
31/08/2019 Duration: 28minEvery women entrepreneur needs a mentor! We all benefit from the experience of mentorship at whatever stage our business is at. Our podcast guest, Trish Tonaj is a speaker, entrepreneurial coach and author who believes in the power of mentorship. In this podcast we discuss the importance of mentorship and the symbiotic relationship of a mentor and mentee, and the different kinds of mentorship. Trish also talks about the importance of forming strategic relationships/alliances to power your business forward.
Your Fortune is in Your Follow-up – Tools to convert relationships into revenue
25/08/2019 Duration: 32minIn the podcast for women entrepreneurs, small business expert, Judi Hughes, talks about the fortune is in your follow-up. She has a proven method to show you the tools to convert relationships into revenue. All to often entrepreneurs go to network events, collect business cards, but don't follow up to build relationships and convert those relationships into revenue down the road.
Protect Your Financial Assests in Business and Life
25/08/2019 Duration: 22minFinancial expert, Joanna Blackmore, explains how to protect your financial assets in business and life. Most people think they need to protect their biggest asset, ie their home. But the biggest asset you have is your power to earn income. If you are an entrepreneur, it's important to protect yourself and your family in the event something unfortunate happens in your life.
How You Can Use Media To Amplify Your Business
16/08/2019 Duration: 01h01minMedia guest expert, Christy Laverty explains how entrepreneurs can use media to amplify their business without using a PR agency. She covers the key things entrepreneurs should think about before pitching the media. Christy also gives us a quick check list of how entrepreneurs go about earning media mentions, press and features.
How To Include Travel As A Part Of Your Work Life Balance Strategy
11/08/2019 Duration: 22minIs travel part of your work life balance strategy? As women entrepreneurs trying to juggle it all, it may seem impossible to add travel as part of your work life balance strategy. It takes some careful planning to make sure everything on the business front is taken care of when you are away. Kim Gervais, is a travel expert and as an entrepreneur herself, she understands how to plan an amazing holiday for her clients.
Being A Millennial Entrepreneur And Fulfilling A Dream
30/07/2019 Duration: 30minAshley Williams, our podcast guest, talks about being a millennial entrepreneur and fulfilling a dream to form a platform for brands to connect with millennials. Millennials want to make the world a better place. Brands with products and services that align with millennial values and can connect with positive content are going to win the wallet and loyalty of this group of buyers. Ashley talks about the need to have authentic and engaging conversations to convert millennials into customers.
Million $ Move Up - Growing Your Business
24/07/2019 Duration: 36minGrowing your business to a million dollars and beyond is a series of steps. Our podcast guest, Marg Hachey, grew her business to $52 million before she sold it in 2012. She shares the strategic secrets that helped her keep ahead of the curve for 32 years. Her best piece of advice is to listen to your customers because they help you grow your business by telling you exactly what they need. Valuing your employees is also high on the list of important strategies for staying and growing a business. Listen to Marg's podcast to learn how to manage rapid growth, how to deal with buying back a business when the purchaser went bankrupt and the ups and downs of being in business.
From Surviving To Thriving Business Podcast
21/07/2019 Duration: 28minTransformation from a corporate career to running your own business, how to go from surviving to thriving? Laura Madougall is an entrepreneur, international speaker and coach. She empowers professional women to ignite their dreams and powerfully step into their future with brazen confidence.
Women and Power, Creating an Impact and Influence
12/07/2019 Duration: 40minIn this podcast with Amy Vodarek we explore women and power, creating an impact and influence. We discuss how we can grow our power to take care of what we care about, speak into our concerns with confidence and redefine what power is, to empower rather than take power away. Amy slays the misconceptions about power and what holds women back from leveraging it to grow their business and leadership.
How To Hire The Right Fit For Your Company Culture
04/07/2019 Duration: 26minAt some point in your entrepreneurial journey, you will be adding people to help you. It's important to know how to hire the right fit for your company culture so that you are not always burning and churning through people. This applies to full-time, part-time and any contract hires you may want to add to your staff. Our podcast guest Michele Bush, CHRM, is a Certified Coach and consultant with over 25 years of HR expertise.
Why it's Important for an Entrepreneur to understand the Impact of their Mindset
26/06/2019 Duration: 35minYou may wonder why it's important for an Entrepreneur to understand the impact of their mindset, but it plays a huge role in personal and business growth. Our limiting beliefs can hold us back from success more than we realize. The fear can paralyze you into not taking any action. Our expert, Christen James discusses the journey of mindset, for some it's finding clarity, for others, they have started but need to focus on increasing their confidence to make bigger steps. How ready are you to move forward?
Content Distribution Beyond Paid Ads and Your Own Social Media - Is it possible?
23/06/2019 Duration: 37minIf you don’t have content, Google can’t find you! But your content must have value for your audience, and there is lots of competition out there. The 80/20 rule applies to your content. We need to spend 80% of our time in distribution and 20% on content. Understanding the whole distribution of content is the subject of this podcast with our expert, Laura Machardy, Founder of the e-magazine aggregator, Klusster. In this podcast you will learn how a community of like-minded businesses can help distribute the content of the whole community, defining the real meaning of a community!
Negotiations For Women Entrepreneurs
13/06/2019 Duration: 38minOur podcast guest, Lisa Fenton, discusses how women can negotiate ANYTHING. Her heroes, famous women entrepreneurs on the TV show Dragons Den, Michele Romanow and Manjit Minhas are great negotiators. That's at the core of what they do. There are 8 questions you should ask to become a successful master at negotiations. Listen to find out how you can improve your negotiation skills whether it is negotiating your first contract or pitching to investors.
Building A Community
09/06/2019 Duration: 32minBuilding a community takes not only time and effort but clarity about who your community is going to serve. Our podcast guest is Ali Meehan who has built an award-winning community in Spain. We discuss how she launched Costa Women, who it serves and how Costa Women works with other network groups to combine and collaborate on events. By collaborating together all the networks benefit from building a community.
Creative Ways to Calculate your Entrepreneurial ROI (Return on Investment)
31/05/2019 Duration: 39minIs your money creating the life you want? Our podcast guest, Hadriana Leo explores this fascinating subject. The traditional ROI of a business is calculated by money and the bottom line results, but we need to change this measurement. It isn't just money. Yes, we need money in order for our business to run efficiently but if we have no time, are losing our health and are beginning to hate our business, then money alone won't bring us the result we want.
Creative Ways to Calculate your Entrepreneurial ROI (Return on Investment)
29/05/2019 Duration: 39minWhat is Return On Investment? Listen to Hadriana Leo explain the ROI for entrepreneurs. It isn't just the money value but other ways to measure Return On Inviestment. The definition of a SMART plan when it applies to your entrepreneurial Return On Investment. It's all about business efficiencies.
Why Starting A Business Is Easier And Harder Than You Think
23/05/2019 Duration: 32minOur fears and doubts are the main reason why starting a business can be hard. It holds people back. We say things like, I don't have enough time, I don't have the right tools, I don't have enough money or I don't have the resources. But if you get clarity, have a positive mindset and work on self-development, most of these fears will go away if you just take action. Melitta believes if you have Clarity, Confidence, Communicate and have Consistency it becomes so much easier to figure out how to take that first positive action. Once you start, your business will evolve, and your role is to control the process of evolution!