We discuss everything unknown and paranormal. We bring some of the best guests in the fields of Horror, Ufology, Bigfoot and the Paranormal. We are NOT your regular boring talk show. We push the limits with laughter and sometimes a bit of controversial statements. You want crazy, you want different, you want to walk away from your device thinking, WOW..Then we are the show for you!
Paratalkradio welcomes David Glidden & Jason Witnell
31/07/2018 Duration: 02h59minYour Hosts Psychic Cindy & Ted Wolfe Also we will have a special conversation with a gentleman that had a Paranormal happening at his car show last summer....Scottsville NY. An unexplained guest... We sit down with two gentlemen to discuss the issues in and surrounding the Paranormal Field. The gloves come off folks.No holds Barred. We will get down and dirty with everything these two Paranormal Investigators feel is an issue. Are they gonna touch some touchy subjects? In sure they will. Will the truth be told? You decide. You will be able to call in and ask questions. Join us. 8pm Est on: Jason Whitnell - Ghosts of London Paranormal Research Group David Glidden - 4 State Paranormal Research and Producer of Haunted History, Host of Paranormal Frequencies Radio.
Paratalkradio on the Road #3 at Nashvilles Rochester, Zombie Contest with DMON
24/07/2018 Duration: 02h05minWe will,be LIVE and in,person at Nashville's In,Henrietta New York... Yes, its haunted...join us...guests will be via Skype unless we convince them to join us live...... Zombie night....come dressed in your best Zombie Outfit to Win a prize.... Hello we are DMon Productions. We do make up for movies and events and Free Zombie makeovers and face painting for charity. Our photographer Mick Hatton is a Veteran and he's big and scary. He takes tons of photos at events and sometimes prints photos for the families we turn into zombies. He even seeks them out to surprise some of them with their photos for free! Our favorite thing to do is make people happy. We love smiling faces. Whether its helping a student film maker on their first film or putting a drawn on mask or scar on a kid, if it makes them smile/happy its worth it to us! We started in the film community around 2010. Frank and I had both delved into the entertainment business when we were younger. Frank as a guitar player, me as a singer in a band alt
Paratalkradio Welcomes Back Melanie Elizabeth & Pamela Barry
17/07/2018 Duration: 02h19minEd Edmo was unable to join us tonight so we asked 2 contestants from Naked & Afraid TV series to join us. We also chat with Pamela Barry from The Gettysburg Ghostexchange and organizer of the Gettysburg Battlefield Bash. Everything was fine until somwone or something decides we are done for the night.Electronics start going Corky on us.
Paratalkradio on the Road #2 at Go Art Batavia & Melanie Elizabeth
10/07/2018 Duration: 01h48minThe Go Art Building , Batavia NY.
Paratalkradio Welcomes Rebecca Smuk - The Motor City Medium
03/07/2018 Duration: 02h22minThe nationally known Medium Rebecca Smuk, Motor City Medium Joins us to talk about her experiences and what she enjoys the most out of helping those that reach out to her. Cindy and Ted talk about Paratalkradio on the road, and a person we havent heard from in a while calls in. join paratalkradio for a couple hours of Paranormal Conversation..
Paratalkradio Welcomes Matt Moneymaker (BFRO) & Andrea Perron Haunted Survivor
26/06/2018 Duration: 02h51minIn 1995, Matt Moneymaker started the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization by connecting with researchers via the World Wide Web. The next year, the BFRO was launched as a website. It was this website that would serve as a significant marker in bigfoot history because it was the first place anyone could report a bigfoot encounter from anywhere in the world. The reports started rolling in, and the number of raw reports in the BFRO’s database now numbers in the tens of thousands. Matt started running expeditions in 2000. On his first expedition, a significant piece of evidence, the Skookum Body Cast, was gathered. Mysterious Encounters starred long-time bigfoot researcher Autumn Williams and was executive produced by Doug Hajicek who later produced MonsterQuest for the History Channel. Andrea Perron is the author of "House of Darkness House of Light", a supernatural trilogy which is the true story behind the 2013 feature film "The Conjuring". In her frequent travels, she lectures about spirituality, metaphysi
Paratalkradio WeLcomes Melissa Bryan, Psychic/Medium
12/06/2018 Duration: 02h01minGenetically endowed Psychic Medium, with roots in Shamanism, Druidism, Wicca, and Gypsy. She is a Author, with Books currently in rewrite. She is also a armchair Genealogist, having traced her roots to Pre - Christ. She has been seen on Local News and in print in New Mexico for her work as a Psychic Medium and Genealogical work.
Paratalkradio will be live at Haldeman Mansion,Bainbridge , PA
09/06/2018 Duration: 01h01minLive In PA ath the Haldemans Mansion. This Event is an annual event that raises funds for the mansion. Special Guest Police Chief Mike King from the ghosts of Shepardstown. We spend our day enjoying the beautiful Mansion and the landscape.
Paratalkradio Welcomes DCC Horror Clown Mungy and Amy Perry Lane from Para- Exp
05/06/2018 Duration: 02h41minDCCs Mungy The Maniac joins Paratalkradio. He is a Horror Cosplay Character, Actor/Photographer, Artist, Horror Model. "Bringing Nightmares to Life By Spreading The Fear". Amy Perry Lane -Interested in all things unexplainable for as long as I can remember…. Sending me on a quest to explore investigate and search for meanings to life’s mysterious happenings. I have been a paranormal investigator for the last 12 years or so looking into everything from hauntings, cryptids, inter dimensional beings and U.F.O sightings. I have spent the last few years dedicating myself to my first passion which is ghosts by investigating in all formats alone, in groups to volunteering and giving tours at the Infamous Hill View Manor in New Castle Pennsylvania for 2 years to now becoming a host/investigator/educator and spiritual service coordinator for a haunted event tour companies the current one being Para Expeditions which I am a partner of. I have investigated several locations throughout the Midwest including many f
Jay & Marie Yates, Bill Hartley & Karissa Fleck On Paratalkradio
22/05/2018 Duration: 02h11minJay & Marie Yates stop in to discuss their Haunting and what they do as Ghost Hunters, Haunted Survivors, TV/Radio Personalities, Lecturers, Event Planners, & Owners The COPS Crew Haunted Case Files on Destination America. Bill Hartley’s introduction to the paranormal began during childhood, growing up in a house that was wrought with unusual paranormal activity. As an adult, he became a Civil War re-enactor and founded the Fighting 57th North Carolina, in which he reenacted as his ancestor 1st Sgt. Jonas Hartsell. After witnessing unusual activity at historic locations, Hartley was inspired to pursue paranormal investigation. The unexplainable phenomena Hartley witnessed led him on a journey to discover as much as he could about the paranormal. In 2006, he founded the Greater Maryland Paranormal Society and dedicated himself to helping others living in fear of the mysterious unknown. Hartley believes it is important to have a balanced point of view when it comes to the paranormal investigations. Wh
Dogman Researcher Linda Godfrey joins Paratalkradio.
15/05/2018 Duration: 02h40minLinda S. Godfrey is one of America's foremost authorities on modern-day monsters. She is the author of over a dozen books on werewolves, hauntings, and the paranormal, including Real Wolfmen, American Monsters, and Weird Michigan. Linda has appeared on Inside Edition and the History Channel's Monster Quest.
The Voice of Scarefest Wes Forsyth joins Paratalkradio
08/05/2018 Duration: 02h39minWes Forsythe The well-known former host of Paranormal Filler has been coming to The Scarefest almost as long as there has been a Scarefest. He now brings his unabashed “attention whore” personality to this show built around the famous convention. With a background in paranormal research (and farming…not that it is pertinent to this discussion), Wes has been hosting his own weekly syndicated internet radio show about that topic (paranormal…not farming) for several years. Along the way he has hosted other shows and specials concentrating on the related conventions and their guests. In 2015 he added the original Scarefest Radio recurring segment to his weekly Paranormal iCon show. Recognizing that the segment had too much potential and available content to be lost in the existing mix, he launched Scarefest Radio in 2016 as an independent weekly show to showcase the stars, speakers, vendors, and people behind the scenes of the event. With the Paranormal Filler and iCon projects retired, Wes still travels the co
Paratalkradio Welcomes Mike Ponicello from MUFON, UFO researchers
01/05/2018 Duration: 01h37minTalking UFOs tonights with Mike Ponicello from Connecticut . Lets get down with UFO's...
Paratalkradio Welcomes Paranormal Investigator Mark Keyes
24/04/2018 Duration: 02h28minState Police PIO, Former Detective, Author, Lecturer, TV Personality, Paranormal Resolution Guy Mr Mark Keyes joins paratalkradio for an indepth conversation on whats happening in the Paranormal field of Investigation. How he got started and where is the paranormal headed in his opinion.
ParatalkRadio Welcomes Shari DeBenedetti From Syfys Ghost Hunters/TAPS TV Series
17/04/2018 Duration: 02h09minShe starred along side Jason Hawes in season 10 of Ghosthunters on the SyFy Channel. We will sit down and talk about what it was like working with Jason and the crew. Plus her experience with some of the cases. What she is doing now that the show has ended. What got into the Paranormal. Events and paracons you may be able to meet her.We have a few laughs and then......... We experienced Technical Issues. So we apologized to Shari, she completely understands. So the last 30min we try to get her back and get silly a little bit...Shari played along, shes a good one! She will be back soon..We promise..
Paratalkradio welcomes jason Witnell from GHOSTS OF LONDON
10/04/2018 Duration: 02h36minWe chat with Jason from Ghost of London, a paranormal group from London. We will talk,about some,of the oldest places they have investigated and more..join us for 2 hours of ghostly comparisons and history from one of the oldest places on earth.
Paratalkradio welcomes Courtney Lynn from Haunt Jaunts Radio Show
03/04/2018 Duration: 02h12minWhat happens when two radio hosts from different shows come together for one night? Fun and conversation. Courtney is the host of Haunts Jaunts. We will sit down and chat and I'm sure laugh a little. Plus Paranormal News.
Naked & Afraid Member Trent Nielsen Joins Paratalkradio
27/03/2018 Duration: 02h13minWhat if your being stalked in an unfamiliar place and your Naked & that really afraid? Or terrifying? Join us and Trent and maybe a special guest drop by....
Paratalkradio Welcome Dr Scott Kolbaba, Author
20/03/2018 Duration: 29minWhat happens to us when we die? Where is the last place we are seen? What kind of Paranormal stuff happens in a Hospital? Tune in and find out.