
Paratalkradio Welcomes DCC Horror Clown Mungy and Amy Perry Lane from Para- Exp



    DCCs Mungy The Maniac joins Paratalkradio. He is a Horror Cosplay Character, Actor/Photographer, Artist, Horror Model. "Bringing Nightmares to Life By Spreading The Fear". Amy Perry Lane -Interested in all things unexplainable for as long as I can remember…. Sending me on a quest to explore investigate and search for meanings to life’s mysterious happenings. I have been a paranormal investigator for the last 12 years or so looking into everything from hauntings, cryptids, inter dimensional beings and U.F.O sightings. I have spent the last few years dedicating myself to my first passion which is ghosts by investigating in all formats alone, in groups to volunteering and giving tours at the Infamous Hill View Manor in New Castle Pennsylvania for 2 years to now becoming a host/investigator/educator and spiritual service coordinator for a haunted event tour companies the current one being Para Expeditions which I am a partner of. I have investigated several locations throughout the Midwest including many f