GrowthArtic is a show about the art of growing your business. We are Hendrik Lennarz and Ben Sufiani, two founders from Cologne, Germany and talk about our experience in growth hacking and marketing. We share our favorite tools and insights about what is currently working for us and was isn't.
Last Episode of Season 1 - GrowthArtic - 043
21/08/2019 Duration: 24minSadly this is the last Episode of Season 1 of the legendary GrowthArtic Podcast. From now on Hendrik and Ben will discuss Growth topics on their own Podcast channels: Maybe there will be a Season 2 in future ;-) Thank you for listening. We hope that you keep up with our weekly videos we post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are our motivation, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’ to us, ok? ;). ►Spotify - ►Soundcloud - ►iTunes - —Who is Hendrik Lennarz? „I ❤️GROWTH“
Quality: How good is good enough - GrowthArtic - 042
23/06/2019 Duration: 20minExecute things fast? Do everything in perfection? In this episode Ben and Hendrik talk about the right level of quality and about how good things should be ideally without taking too much time. Thank you for listening. We hope that you keep up with our weekly content we post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are our motivation, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’ to us, ok? ;). — If you don´t want to miss a GROWTHARTIC episode, please subscribe to our Youtube-channel. If you want to listen to all the other episodes, then subscribe on your favorite podcast platform like ►Spotify - ►Soundcloud - ►iTunes -
Execution Struggle - GrowthArtic - 040
01/04/2019 Duration: 17minDo you also struggle to execute sometimes? Join the self-aid group with Ben and Hendrik;-) They talk about where they struggle to execute as fast as possible and why they can not change some of these habits. Thank you for listening. We hope that you keep up with our weekly content we post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are our motivation, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’ to us, ok? ;). — If you don´t want to miss a GROWTHARTIC episode, please subscribe to our Youtube-channel. If you want to listen to all the other episodes, then subscribe on your favorite podcast platform like ►Spotify - ►Soundcloud - ►iTunes -
LinkedIn Profile Growth - GrowthArtic - 039
27/03/2019 Duration: 23minLinkedin became THE Business Social Network over the past year and is developing very quickly towards being a content platform. Ben and Hendrik talk about how to be successful on Linkedin at the moment and why it´s the right time to be active on Linkedin to do b2b sales, to recruit and so much more. Thank you for listening. We hope that you keep up with our weekly content we post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are our motivation, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’ to us, ok? ;). — If you don´t want to miss a GROWTHARTIC episode, please subscribe to our Youtube-channel. If you want to listen to all the other episodes, then subscribe on your favorite podcast platform like ►Spotify - ►Soundcloud - ►iTunes -
B2B Inbound Marketing - GrowthArtic - 038
18/03/2019 Duration: 22minB2B Growth Hacking and B2B Inbound Marketing ist still on a rise. More and more B2B companies selling software solutions, SaaS, consulting or other services are looking for different methods, than just scaling via good old sales. Good news, starting with B2B Inbound Marketing and collecting leads with targeted content marketing via Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube or instagram is from the technical point of view no rocket science anymore. Listen how we did it and how we can help our customers to setup a first version of a funnel. Thank you for listening. We hope that you keep up with our weekly content we post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are our motivation, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’ to us, ok? ;).—If you don´t want to miss a GROWTHARTIC episode, please subscribe to our Youtube-channel. If you want to listen to all the other episodes, then subscribe on your favorite podcast platform like ►Spotify -
Customer Success Management - GrowthArtic - 037
01/03/2019 Duration: 22minIf you ask 100 people how they would grow their business, approx. 98 will come up with ideas how get more "new" customers. New business is in everybodys focus, right? But what about your existing customer base? Helping your existing customers to be more successful (not only happy) with your product can lead systematically to Growth, too. Decreasing churn rates and increasing upsells/upgrades...That´s the basic idea of customer success management. In todays´episode 27 "What is Customer Success Management?" we´re talking about our experiences with this idea and where the challenges are... Thank you for listening! We hope that you keep up with our weekly videos we post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are our motivation, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’ to us, ok? ;). — If you don´t want to miss a GROWTHARTIC episode, please subscribe to our Youtube-channel. If you want to listen to us just in audio, then subscribe on your favorite podcas
Time vs. Money - GrowthArtic - 36
18/02/2019 Duration: 22minIn the episode „#36 Time vs. Money“ Ben and Hendrik are challenging their business models. The very common trapdoor in most of the business models as trainer, speaker, agencies, consultants or coaches is the time vs. money issue. Means you sell your time for a workshop or project and receives money for the amount of time you spent. The result is, that your business is not able to scale. But although there are a sort of solutions like online trainings, building up teams, increase your pricing, reflection your goal definition, frenchising,...- Why do most of those businesses facing still problems with scaling their business model?
Working Remote: Yes or no? - GrowthArtic - 35
28/01/2019 Duration: 23minWe‘re working in teams for more than 10 years already. First came the homeoffice revolution up. Then everybody started to talk about „new work“ and working remote. And now there is the digital nomad lifestyle going around. But what is the best working style for you? We‘re sharing our own experiences working remote... Who is Hendrik Lennarz? „I ❤️GROWTH“
Growth Marketing predictions for 2019 - GrowthArtic - 34
13/01/2019 Duration: 34minWhat are the Growth Marketing trends in 2019?
Silicon Valley VS Germany - GrowthArtic - 33
07/01/2019 Duration: 37minIn Episode 33 Ben and Hendrik have Kevin Indig as special guest in the Podcast. We speak about the difference between the Silicon Valley and Germany and introduce Kevin Indig to you. Subscribe and listen to this new GROWTHARTIC episode #33 and let us know what is your opinion about the topic. iTunes YouTube Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud
Our predictions for 2019- GrowthArtic - 032
31/12/2018 Duration: 22minWe are now at the last day of 2018, now we want to look forward to 2019 and we talk about our predictions of the year 2019 in terms of growth, growth hacking / marketing. What going to change our businesses in the year of 2019, this is what we talk about in episode 32. Subscribe and listen to this new GROWTHARTIC episode and let us know what are your predictions of the year 2019. iTunes YouTube Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud Website:
What have you learned from 2018 - GrowthArtic - 031
24/12/2018 Duration: 30minWe have the end of 2018, the question is what have you learned from the year 2018. In the episode 31 Ben and Hendrik are talking und reflect about their learnings and there goals from 2018. Subscribe and listen to this new GROWTHARTIC episode and let us know what have you learned from 2018. iTunes YouTube Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud Website:
Building your Growthteam - GrowthArtic - 30
17/12/2018 Duration: 35minHow to build a GROWTHTEAM? This question gets answered in detail in this GrowthArtic episode with Ben and Hendrik. They share with you their ideas and experince to build up a growthteam. They also talk about how you can apply this to your own team. Subscribe and listen to this new GROWTHARTIC episode and let us know if you have build your own Growthteam. iTunes YouTube Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud Website:
Growth Skillset - GrowthArtic - 29
10/12/2018 Duration: 33minWhat are the Skills you actually need as a Growth Marketer? This question gets answered in detail in this GrowthArtic episode with Ben and Hendrik. They share what Skills they have and which ones are essential and which not. Subscribe and listen to this new GROWTHARTIC episode and let us know which Skills you think are essential. iTunes YouTube Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud Website:
Personal or Business Brand - GrowthArtic -28
03/12/2018 Duration: 20minPersonal or Business Brand? In this episode Ben and Hendrik talk about the advantages and disadvantages of having either a personal or a business brand. Subscribe and listen to this new GROWTHARTIC episode and let us know your opinion, is it better to have a personal or a business brand? iTunes YouTube Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud Website:
Storytelling - GrowthArtic - 027
26/11/2018 Duration: 25minWhy should we use Storytelling? In this Episode Ben and Hendrik talk about why you should build a story around your product, the importance of storytelling in building your funnel strategy and why you should make our customers heroes. Subscribe and listen to this new GROWTHARTIC episode and let us know how you use Storytelling in your customer journey. iTunes YouTube Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud Shownotes: Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen – Donald Miller
Growth Hacking Process 3.0 - GrowthArtic - 026
19/11/2018 Duration: 17minHow can you increase the growth of your business massively and get results FAST? By using a proven process, testing it and refining it. In this Episode Hendrik shows his "Growth Hacking Process 3.0" and how you can use it to start and scale your business. Subscribe and listen to this new GROWTHARTIC episode and please fill out the survey on iTunes YouTube Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud
How to get your first 1000 customers - GrowthArtic - 025
12/11/2018 Duration: 30minIn this Episode Ben and Hendrik talk about how you can get your first 1000 customers. They give insights on what mediums you should use and which ones you should ignore at the beginning of the journey. Subscribe and listen to this new GROWTHARTIC episode and please fill out the survey on iTunes YouTube Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud Shownotes: Survey Tool: Typeform
Initiative Q - How to viral marketing today - GrowthArtic - 024
05/11/2018 Duration: 16minWhat is Initiative Q and why is it going so viral right now? Is it a Scam? In this Episode Ben and Hendrik talk about the Viral Marketing Tactics that Initiative Q use to get hundreds of millions of shares on Social Media without having a product yet. Subscribe and listen to this new GROWTHARTIC episode and let us know what your thoughts about Initiative Q are. iTunes YouTube Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud Shownotes: Hendrik`s Blogpost:
Which KPIs should you measure? - GrowthArtic - 023
29/10/2018 Duration: 32minThere are so many KPIs that you can track but which ones actually matter? In this Episode Ben and Hendrik talk about why you need to track your metrics and which ones are important and which ones are distractions. Subscribe and listen to this new GROWTHARTIC episode and let us know what your most important metrics are. iTunes YouTube Stitcher Spotify Soundcloud