Listen to a collection of USIP's most compelling events without having to leave your home or office.
Nonviolent Action and Minority Inclusion
14/05/2021 Duration: 01h40sThis USIP event featured lessons learned from cutting-edge research showing how nonviolent action affects political and economic inequality — particularly for historically excluded social and ethnic groups — using a cross-national statistical study and in-depth case studies from recent political transitions in Nepal and Indonesia. The research also specifically examines how movements can employ dialogue, negotiation and mediation to better ensure that political transitions following nonviolent action campaigns lead to greater inclusion for marginalized groups. This event explored the important implications for both policy and practice in ensuring more inclusive democratization processes in the aftermath of nonviolent action. Speakers Jonathan Pinckney, moderator Senior Researcher, Nonviolent Action, U.S. Institute of Peace Mohna Ansari Member, National Human Rights Commission of Nepal Subindra Bogati Founder and Chief Executive, Nepal Peacebuilding Initiative Titik Firawati Ph.D. Candidate in Political
Enhancing U.S.-China Strategic Stability in an Era of Strategic Competition
30/04/2021 Duration: 01h02minOn April 28, USIP launched a new report featuring essays from leading American and Chinese security experts on the challenges and opportunities associated with strengthening U.S.-China strategic stability. This event featured a discussion with six of the report’s authors regarding the perception gaps and drivers of U.S.-China conflict in the nuclear, missile, space, cyber, and emerging technologies realms. The authors offered recommendations on steps the United States and China can take in the near term to enhance strategic stability. Speakers Lise Grande, welcoming remarks President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace Patricia Kim, moderator Senior Policy Analyst, China, U.S. Institute of Peace Jinghua Lyu Northeast Asia Program Director, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue Bruce MacDonald Adjunct Professor, School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University Haotian Qi Assistant Professor, School of International Studies, Peking University Brad Roberts Director, Center for Global Security
The Climate Challenges of South Asia’s Megacities
28/04/2021 Duration: 01h18minPlease join USIP for a discussion on the growing stress faced by urban centers in South Asia due to climate change. Experts will discuss how megacities are contributing to environmental degradation and societal conflict, as well as address what policies might best combat these challenges and reflect on President Biden’s latest climate change summit. Panelists Aditya Bahadur Principal Researcher, Human Settlements Group, International Institute for Environment and Development (India) Sara Hayat Environmental Lawyer and Asia Foundation Fellow (Pakistan) Huraera Jabeen Consultant, World Bank (Bangladesh) Jumaina Siddiqui, moderator Senior Program Officer, South Asia, U.S. Institute of Peace For more information about this event, please visit:
Quiet on the Line of Control: Progress in India-Pakistan Relations?
26/04/2021 Duration: 01h04minOn April 23, 2021, USIP hosted a discussion on what the recent thaw between India and Pakistan reveals about each country’s strategic thinking, the region’s overarching security concerns, and opportunities for the United States to encourage confidence building and crisis management even if peace remains elusive. Speakers Madiha Afzal Rubenstein Fellow, Foreign Policy, The Brookings Institution Tanvi Madan Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Brookings Institution Shuja Nawaz Distinguished Fellow, South Asia, Atlantic Council Ashley Tellis Tata Chair for Strategic Affairs, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Tamanna Salikuddin, moderator Director, South Asia, U.S. Institute of Peace For more information about this event, please visit:
Civil Resistance Transitions: Dialogue, Trust and Democracy
21/04/2021 Duration: 58minFeaturing new USIP research on the crucial role of inclusive dialogue and negotiation processes, this event looked at the characteristics of peace processes that most successfully foster citizen trust in a renewed social compact and long-term sustainable democratization. The discussion also provided key insights and recommendations for activists and external peacebuilding actors working to ensure successful dialogue and foster democratic outcomes — as well as how to apply those insights and recommendations in on-the-ground cases. Speakers Zied Boussen Tunisian Activist and Researcher Veronique Dudouet Senior Research Advisor, Berghof Foundation Zahra Hayder Sudanese Activist and Organizer Roman-Gabriel Olar Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin Jonathan Pinckney Senior Researcher, Nonviolent Action, U.S. Institute of Peace Lise Grande, moderator President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace
The Nexus of Climate Change, Fragility, and Peacebuilding
15/04/2021 Duration: 01h32minOn April 13, USIP and the Wilson Center hosted a timely discussion with experts on the linkages between climate and fragility, and how a more integrated approach to climate and fragility policies and responses can simultaneously strengthen resilience outcomes and minimize threats to peace and prosperity. Speakers Joe Hewitt, introductory remarks Vice President, Policy, Learning, and Strategy, U.S. Institute of Peace Cynthia Brady, moderator Global Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Center Dina Esposito Vice President of Technical Leadership, Mercy Corps Alice Hill David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment, Council on Foreign Relations Former Senior Director, Resilience Policy, National Security Council Liz Hume Acting President and CEO, Alliance for Peacebuilding Erin Sikorsky Deputy Director, The Center for Climate and Security Former Deputy Director, Strategic Futures Group, National Intelligence Council For more information about this event, please visit:
Pakistan’s Post-Pandemic Economic Outlook
08/04/2021 Duration: 01h22minOn April 6, USIP hosted a discussion that assessed the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Pakistani economy, explored the outlook for reforms, and surveyed how international investors, especially U.S. companies, view the Pakistani economy and investment prospects. Speakers: Khurram Husain Economic writer, Dawn Safiya Ghori-Ahmed Director, McLarty Associates Naila Naqvi CEO, Pie in the Sky Uzair Younus, moderator Visiting Senior Policy Analyst, South Asia Program, U.S. Institute of Peace For more information about this event, please visit:
Nonviolent Action and Civil War Peace Processes
31/03/2021 Duration: 59minTo better understand the intersections of nonviolent action and peacebuilding processes, USIP convened experts for the second in a series of four events on people power, peace, and democracy. The event series highlights multiple groundbreaking research projects and feature insights from activists and international practitioners and policymakers to provide viewers with actionable takeaways. This event presented new research from USIP that explores effective strategies for civilian nonviolent action amid civil war and offers lessons learned for activists working to achieve their goals in conflict-affected environments — as well as for policymakers and donors to aid peace processes and achieve sustainable peace. Panelists Jonathan Pinckney, moderator Senior Researcher, Nonviolent Action, U.S. Institute of Peace Jacob Bul Bior Cofounder and Media Coordinator, Anataban Arts Initiative Luke Abbs Researcher, BLG Data Research Centre, University of Essex Esra Cuhadar Senior Expert, Dialogue and Peace P
Empowered Women Help Create a More Peaceful World
31/03/2021 Duration: 01h16minUSIP and the Department of Defense hosted a discussion on the military’s progress and commitment to implementing the WPS agenda in their operations. To inform and strengthen engagement between the U.S. government and civil society organizations, the discussion also included key questions from the U.S. Civil Society Working Group on WPS (USCSWG). Speakers: Lise Grande, welcoming remarks President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace Kathleen H. Hicks Deputy Secretary of Defense Admiral Craig S. Faller Commander, United States Southern Command, U.S. Department of Defense Lieutenant General Thomas A. Bussiere Deputy Commander, United States Strategic Command, U.S. Department of Defense Lieutenant General Michael A. Minihan Deputy Commander, United States Indo-Pacific Command, U.S. Department of Defense Ambassador Andrew Young Deputy to the Commander for Civil-Military Engagement, Africa Command, U.S. Department of State Brigadier General Rebecca J. Sonkiss Deputy Director for Counter Threats and Internati
Peacebuilding on the Korean Peninsula: U.S. and European Perspectives
25/03/2021 Duration: 01h06minOn March 23, USIP and the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Brussels School of Governance convened a panel discussion looking at U.S. and European perspectives on achieving peace and reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula—and whether similar processes in other regions provide any helpful lessons. Speakers: Frank Aum Senior Expert, North Korea, U.S. Institute of Peace Tongfi Kim Senior Researcher, KF-VUB Korea Chair, Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance Linde Desmaele PhD Researcher, Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance Joseph Yun Senior Advisor, U.S. Institute of Peace Ramon Pacheco Pardo, moderator KF-VUB Korea Chair, Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance For more information about this event, please visit:
In a Consequential Year for Iraq, What’s Next?
25/03/2021 Duration: 01h18minOn March 23, USIP hosted a discussion of key developments in Iraq and the outlook for U.S.-Iraq relations under the Biden administration. The panel shared their insights on the Pope’s first-ever visit to Iraq, examined the country’s current challenges, and explored areas where policymakers and the international community can support Iraq. Speakers Lise Grande, opening remarks President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace Ambassador Matthew Tueller Ambassador of the United States to Iraq Ambassador Fareed Yasseen Ambassador of Iraq to the United States Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the United States Sarhang Hamasaeed, moderator Director, Middle East Programs, U.S. Institute of Peace Fore more information about this event, please visit:
Can Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Deliver Peace?
19/03/2021 Duration: 01h30minOn March 18, 2021, USIP and the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University hosted a timely discussion on how applying the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion can contribute to more effective U.S. peace and development programs around the world. Panelists considered efforts to meaningfully engage marginalized or underrepresented groups such as women, youth, and social movement actors to support locally driven peacebuilding. Speakers: Corinne Graff, introductory remarks Senior Advisor, Conflict Prevention and Fragility, U.S. Institute of Peace Susanna Campbell Assistant Professor, School of International Service, American University Rosa Emilia Salamanca Executive Director, Corporación de Investigación y Acción Social y Económica (CIASE) in Colombia Jennifer Hawkins Senior Women, Peace, and Security Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development Joseph Sany Vice President, Africa Center, U.S. Institute of Peace Pamina Firchow, moderator Associate Professor o
Lessons from the Four Party Peace Talks on the Korean Peninsula
19/03/2021 Duration: 01h18minOn March 17, 2021, USIP hosted a discussion on the Four Party Talks, including why the United States decided to propose these talks after 40 years of disengaging from North Korea, why the talks failed, and what lessons these talks may have for future attempts at peace discussions. The event included a panel of three leading Korea experts who served as part of the U.S. delegation during the Four Party Talks. Speakers: Frank Aum, moderator Senior Expert, North Korea, U.S. Institute of Peace Robert Carlin Nonresident Fellow, Stimson Center; former Chief of the Northeast Asia Division, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State Philip Yun President and Chief Executive Officer, World Affairs Council of Northern California; former Senior Policy Advisor for the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia, Department of State Chip Gregson Senior Advisor, Avascent International; former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of Defense For more information
Mediation in Nonviolent Action Campaigns
17/03/2021 Duration: 01h12minIn part one of our series on People Power, Peace, and Democracy, this event highlighted new research that explores the role of third-party mediation in nonviolent uprisings. The conversation provided key insights for both practitioners and policymakers by focusing on central aspects of mediation processes, such as the strategies of mediators and their relationships with conflicting parties—as well as examining how they can lead to agreements between governments and nonviolent movements. For more information about this event, please visit:
Gender Dynamics in Conflict-Affected Middle East and North African Countries
12/03/2021 Duration: 01h28minOn March 12, USIP and American University in the Emirates hosted a virtual discussion that aimed to better understand gender dynamics in conflict by convening experts in the field and sharing the lessons learned from initiatives that build the resilience of women during war and throughout post-war recovery. Speakers Muthanna Abdul Razzaq, opening remarks President and CEO, American University in the Emirates Dr. Elie Abouaoun Director, Middle East and North Africa Programs, U.S. Institute of Peace Susan Aref Director and Founder, Women Empowerment Organization (Iraq) Mehrinaz El Awady Director of Gender Justice, Population, and Inclusive Development, U.N. Economics and Social Commission for West Asia Kathleen Kuehnast Director, Gender Policy and Strategy, U.S. Institute of Peace Valentine M. Moghadam Professor of Sociology and International Affairs, Northeastern University Nahla Yassine-Hamdan Assistant Professor, College of Security and Global Studies, American University in the Emirates Lina Beydou
The Voices of South Sudan’s Women
11/03/2021 Duration: 01h20minIn celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8, USIP, Oxfam International, and FEMRITE—the Ugandan Women Writers Association—hosted a discussion about how women’s literary voices can contribute to building a deeper understanding of the impact of conflict in South Sudan and inspire progress toward peace. For more information about this event, please visit: Note: The audio recording of Birth Water by Bigoa Chuol herein is courtesy of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
COVID-19 and Cooperation in Libya
05/03/2021 Duration: 59minOn March 4, USIP hosted Libya’s ambassador to the United States and Libyan civil society leaders for a look at stories of positive community cooperation during the current crisis—as well as a discussion on how Libyan and international organizations can build off these successes to navigate Libya’s complex conflict and ensure a peaceful future for the country.
Security Challenges in Africa: 2021 and Beyond
25/02/2021 Duration: 01h24minCountering Violent Extremism by Refocusing on Communities On February 24, 2021, USIP hosted an event with the RESOLVE Network and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) that examined the role of non-state actors and local communities in preventing the spread of violent extremism. Drawing on research from RESOLVE’s Africa portfolio and ISS’s research, leading experts offered alternative pathways for conflict resolution that account for local peacebuilding challenges—as well as considered the pivotal role of women in community-based justice, conflict resolution, and the rule of law. For more information about this event, please visit:
The Building Blocks of Civil Society in North Korea
24/02/2021 Duration: 01h18minOn February 23, 2021, USIP hosted a discussion on a new report published by the National Committee on North Korea and the broader implications of market participation on North Korean society. The report’s authors were joined by leading experts on the Korean Peninsula and civil society to discuss how market participation has fostered the beginnings of a public sphere and how linkages between market activities and the building blocks of civil society may help promote the rights and livelihoods of the North Korean people—and shift the ideological framework through which the state must operate. For more information about this event, please visit:
Afghanistan Study Group Releases Final Report
04/02/2021 Duration: 01h28minUSIP hosted the co-chairs of the Afghanistan Study Group for a discussion of the group’s findings and the report’s recommendations for how the United States can fully align our policies, practices, and messaging across diplomatic, military, and assistance efforts toward the overarching goal of achieving a successful peace in Afghanistan.