Events At Usip

Peacebuilding on the Korean Peninsula: U.S. and European Perspectives



On March 23, USIP and the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Brussels School of Governance convened a panel discussion looking at U.S. and European perspectives on achieving peace and reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula—and whether similar processes in other regions provide any helpful lessons.   Speakers:   Frank Aum Senior Expert, North Korea, U.S. Institute of Peace Tongfi Kim Senior Researcher, KF-VUB Korea Chair, Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance Linde Desmaele  PhD Researcher, Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance Joseph Yun Senior Advisor, U.S. Institute of Peace Ramon Pacheco Pardo, moderator KF-VUB Korea Chair, Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance   For more information about this event, please visit: