Positive Mindset Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 167:05:37
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This is the Positive Mindset Podcast, Where we use positivity to build a better mindset.


  • How to stop thinking negative and start living your positive life!

    20/05/2022 Duration: 14min

    Today's episode is about what to do when you can't get past your negative thoughts.  Everything in life is a gift, including your negative way of thinking. You are on a hero's journey; everything that has happened to this point in your life is an opportunity for you to learn from. Once you can learn and grow from this, you can give it to the world. You are adding to the infinite intelligence that we are all connected to by doing this.  If you choose now, this can be your story arc. Now is the time to raise your vibration with the light and love you can give to the world.  I love this message, and I can't wait to grow with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- Ema

  • How to get up from a dark place and create a positive experience!

    19/05/2022 Duration: 17min

    Today's episode is about what to do when your life feels bland, and you don't know where to go.  When we look externally at everything that is going on around us, we observe people's highlights. In doing this, we can get down on our current situation and get into the "grass is greener on the other side" mindset. We have to learn how to be in constant appreciation for our current situation. When you become a positive observer of your life, that allows you to learn from everything happening, this lifts you into positive frequency and allows you to have peace within.  This insight is powerful, and I can't wait to share it with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- E

  • How to pull yourself out of deep negativity and create a positive life!

    18/05/2022 Duration: 16min

    Today's episode is about what to do if you find yourself in deep negativity. One of the most powerful understandings is that things happen FOR you and not to you. Taking complete control of your internal vibrational state gives you the power to be what you want to be.  You are a powerful being that is here to learn and grow. This is why everything that has and is happening is for you. It's for you to observe and understand to know love, forgiveness, and so much more.  This uplifting message can take you to the next level, and I can't wait to share it with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemindset.com --- Support this podca

  • How to instantly stop negative thoughts and make a POSITIVE mindset!

    17/05/2022 Duration: 14min

    Today's episode is about how to use gratitude to stop the negative energy and create a positive mindset. There is nothing magical about gratitude, but what we focus on expands. Using gratitude is a great way to focus on the positives in your life and expand them! This is one of those things where you are going to have to fall in love with the journey. Learning how to find the light and expanded it is a skill that you build over time. Be patient with yourself and continue this practice for true self-growth.  This is a powerful message and I can't wait to share it with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemindset.com --- Suppor

  • How to use this powerful secret to stop negative thoughts!

    16/05/2022 Duration: 13min

    Today's episode is about how to unstuck your life and create the positive future you want. When you achieve whatever you are going for, you will still be you when you get there. So the question you have to ask yourself is, "do you want to be happy because you have what you want or someone that is happy regardless of the external situation?" That question helps us align on what type of growth we want in life. You can have both, but enteral development is where the real change happens. You can't take any of this material stuff with you. But energy can not be destroyed, so the positive energy you build within you and give away will always make the world a better place.  I can't wait to share this episode with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Check out BetterHelp betterhelp.com/mindset -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on

  • How to quickly stop thinking negatively and create a POSITIVE courageous self-image!

    13/05/2022 Duration: 14min

    Today's episode is about creating positive energy for yourself so that you can move forward in power.  When you have negative thoughts about your life, they can bring you down. This is where the power of perspective makes such a massive impact on your mindset!  The saying, "there are two sides to every story," is also true to your story. When you decide to look at your past with a positive mindset, you can find the lessons to help you grow! Perspective is everything, and when you take control of that, you can get into learning mode and create the life you desire!  There is a lot of great stuff in this episode, and I can't wait to share it with you!  - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session --------------

  • How to create a positive life by growing out of your negative thought patterns!

    12/05/2022 Duration: 13min

    Today's episode is about creating a positive vision for your future. Comfort is the killer of most dreams. When all your needs are met, you find yourself stuck in the most limiting trap. Most of us don't find ourselves in a situation where times are so hard that we have to make a change, and that is why most of us don't go for our dreams! When you have to step away from things when they are good to be great, that is when you take complete control of your life.  This episode is about recognizing that and how to make the positive change you need to level up. This one meant a lot to me, and I can't wait to share it with you. - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- Email M

  • How to stop negative thinking and become positive to achieve your goals!

    11/05/2022 Duration: 13min

    Today's episode is about how to face failure and create your vision! "The cost of failure is less than a limited version of you." This saying is about how great you can be. So many times, our fear of failure stops us from taking chances that we can learn from. The goal can't always be for material success. You are so much more than that! If you are on a mission to elevate your energy and become your highest self, then failure is where the most significant opportunity to learn is! Anything you have the vision for in your mind, you are capable of doing. Allow yourself to flow with then energy and take chances in life.  This episode is all about a positive perspective on failure and how you can level yourself up! I can't wait to share it with you.  - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Faceboo

  • Creating POSITIVE purpose in life so you can feel happy with your life!

    10/05/2022 Duration: 11min

    Today's episode is about how to create a life that you are happy about!  Finding inner peace is a goal that can be achieved through self-growth. This life is our gift to find it.  Think about how your mind typically processes things. Is it negative? We are creators, and what our mind focuses on is what we will create. Learning to control how you think gives you the ability to create the existence you want!  This episode breaks down how you can level yourself up and create a positive life, and I can't wait to share it with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemindset.com --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/positive-min

  • How to stop living with a negative mindset and become a positive person!

    09/05/2022 Duration: 12min

    Today's episode is about identifying the negativity in your life so you can use it to expand the positive.  Things are not good or bad, positive or negative. Everything is connected; if you are experiencing one, the other is also available to you!  How we feel on the inside is what matters. When you can become the observer of life, you will be able to see the growth lessons in everything around you. This gives you the power to choose what frequency you want to reside in!  This episode breaks down how you can take a step back and find your growth opportunity. I can't wait to share it with you!  - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemind

  • How to quickly get out of a negative mindset and back into positive energy!

    06/05/2022 Duration: 15min

    Today's episode is about how to break away from a negative mindset.  Our true self is who we are when things are hard. When the negative energy surrounds us, it's our most significant opportunity for growth!  Building this skill set takes time and practice. The first step is knowing when and how to shift your perspective. Once you can view your situation externally, you can back out of the emotion and focus on positive creation.  This episode breaks down what I do to build my positive mindset, and I can't wait to share it with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemindset.com --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/positiv

  • Powerful way to build POSITIVE boundaries to grow from negativity!

    05/05/2022 Duration: 15min

    Today's episode is about boundaries and how to use them for personal growth. Boundaries seem to be talked about all the time now. A boundary is a great start, but if you want to grow, then there is so much more that you need to do!  Understanding the Law of Attraction is critical for creating the life you desire. When YOU decide that you want to change, you have to control what you focus on.  This episode is about practical steps to set boundaries and grow as your higher self.  - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemindset.com --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/positive-mindset-podcast/support Learn more about your ad choi

  • How to create a POSITIVE mindset when you are surrounded by negativity!

    04/05/2022 Duration: 11min

    Today's episode is about what to do when you find yourself in a negative situation.  The external world will continue to happen, and the one truth is there will always be lessons to learn. That is why people call it "Earth School"! Every situation that you find yourself in is an opportunity for personal growth.  Knowing this is a true gift. That means you have the power to create the energy that you want to exist in. The best part is that you can do this no matter the situation.  This is a real-life example from my life, and I can't wait to share it with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemindset.com --- Support this podc

  • How to create a positive life that you are passionate about!

    03/05/2022 Duration: 47min

    Today's episode is about becoming the person you want to be to create a life you are passionate about. If you have a pull or calling deep down telling you that something needs to change, that could be your subconscious reaching out!  This is a powerful episode, and I can't wait to share it with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Check out Francesca Zampaglione Website Podcast Instagram -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Check out BetterHelp betterhelp.com/mindset -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemindset.com -------------------------------- Support the Podcast Buy me a Ko-fi  --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.f

  • How you can create the life you want with a positive mindset!

    02/05/2022 Duration: 11min

    Today's episode is about breaking the negative thought patterns that stop you from creating the future you want. When you look at people who have achieved what you want in life, you compare yourself. This can create negative resistance to achieving your goals. If our past does not stack up with theirs, we make limiting beliefs about what is possible.  Understanding that everything happens FOR you and not to you, will give you positive power. If you can build yourself up to being able to learn from every situation, you will be free to create whatever future you put your mind to. This is a powerful episode, and I can't wait to share it with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Check out BetterHelp betterhelp.com/mindset -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group ---------------

  • How you can achieve anything you set your mind to and create a POSITIVE life!

    29/04/2022 Duration: 12min

    Today's episode is about understanding what is holding you back and how to unlock your positive future.  We struggle with things in life that can be our gift for positive growth! Your opportunity is going to be unique to you. There is no right or wrong, just a gift for you to conquer. When we can take control of our thoughts and actions, it gives us the power to choose our frequency. If we want to be happy, we can because we have the ability to move our energy despite what is going on around us.  This is a powerful personal message that I can't wait to share with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemindset.com -----------------

  • How to be happy with your life and build a positive mindset!

    28/04/2022 Duration: 13min

    Today's episode is about how to be happy with your life. We often find ourselves looking to the next thing for happiness. Whether it's a new job, more money, or even a vacation. We look to an external item to make an internal change.  The problem with this is that you will still be you when you get there, and that is why your current situation is an excellent opportunity for personal growth. If we can find the positive and expand it now, we can do it at all times.  In this episode, we break that down and talk about how you can make that sift today! I can't wait to share it with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Schedule your 30 minute Success Session -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemindset.com -

  • How to get motivated and connect with your passion to live your POSITIVE life!

    27/04/2022 Duration: 13min

    Today's episode is about finding your positive WHY. So many times, we find ourselves motivated to do something, and then just a month later, we have left it behind. We jump from "what" to "what", looking for our path. But the truth is the "what" will never be what fulfills us in the long term. It's all about the "why"! Your why is your connection to source energy, and when you are in flow with that energy, there is no stopping you! This episode breaks that down, and I can't wait to share it with you! - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemindset.com -------------------------------- Support the Podcast Buy me a Ko-fi  --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/positive-mindset-podcast/support Learn mor

  • How to release negative people-pleasing energy and create a POSITIVE growth!

    26/04/2022 Duration: 24min

    Today's episode is about breaking the people-pleasing habit. People-pleasers tend to operate out of giving but in a way that's not connected to source. Because of this, there is a rock bottom awaiting you.  When you can dial it back and align yourself first, you will tap into your power and be able to give and let go at the same time. This is what true abundance is!  This was such a fun episode, and special guest Dr. Serena Sterling brings such an interesting perspective.  If you want to connect with her, check out the link below. www.drserenasterling.com/ - Henry -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram Join the Positive Mindset Facebook Group -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemindset.com -------------------------------- Support the Podcast Buy me a Ko-fi  --- Support this podcast: h

  • How to quickly create the POSITIVE mindset that you want!

    25/04/2022 Duration: 15min

    Today's episode is about understanding what is creating the negative around you and how to shift into a positive mindset. Your statements and how you view your future are crucial to creation. You can make some simple shifts in the way you think and speak about what's to come to create the positive experience you want. The first step is believing what you dream for yourself can be done. From there, you need to build a positive relationship with who you are and the actions you will have to take to get there. This is something that I am working on right now, and I can't wait to share this message with you! - Henry  -------------------------------- Join my e-mail list! -------------------------------- Take my Quiz What's your POSITIVE purpose? -------------------------------- Social Media Say hi on TikTok Say Hi on Instagram -------------------------------- Email Me henryg@findyourpositivemindset.com --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/positive-mindset-podcast/support Learn more about

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