Welcome to the Oasis podcast, brought to you by the Oasis, a network of home churches in Tucson, Arizona. Weekly messages are brought to you by Pastors David Gainey and Dustin DeJong. For more information on the Oasis, visit us at
Loving Your Spouse - God's Design for Relationships (2021)
23/05/2021 Duration: 39minWe love our spouses by seeking their best. We seek their best when we fully offer ourselves to them.
Relationships: God's Design for Marriage- Isaiah 62:4-5 - God's Design for Relationships (2021)
16/05/2021 Duration: 43minGod's purpose for marriage is to bring us into a richer friendship with him as we point one another to God. God uses marriage to refine our character by challenging our selfish spirit. A healthy marriage is a salt block that makes us more thirsty...
Relationships: Dating God's Way (Thessalonians 4:3-8) - God's Design for Relationships (2021)
09/05/2021 Duration: 54minDating is cultural, but purity is biblical. As singles, our focus should be on friendship, rather than romance. Submission to the other means leaving one another better off than you found them, because they don't yet belong to you. So, tread...
Revelation: Jesus Wins! Revelation 22:6-21 - Revelation: Jesus Wins!
25/04/2021 Duration: 41minJesus is coming soon, so make sure you're ready to meet him. If you don't know him, take the free gift of life today. If you do, carefully examine yourself. Be sure you won't be ashamed when Jesus returns. Live every moment in a state of...
Jesus Win! Revelation 21:1 - 22:5 - Revelation: Jesus Wins!
18/04/2021 Duration: 45minGod is preparing us for an eternity with him where he will remove all our pain, shame, and disappointment, and replace them with everlasting joy, love, and intimacy. God will be our god, and we will be his people forever and ever. This is the ending...
Jesus Wins! Revelation 20 - Revelation: Jesus Wins!
11/04/2021 Duration: 41minEach of us must stand before God one day and give a full account of our choices. God--the perfect Judge--will determine our eternal destiny based on our response to Jesus. Our eternal destiny will be based on our faith, which will be demonstrated by...
Easter: Luke 24:1-12 - Easter Messages
04/04/2021 Duration: 32minJesus' resurrection gives us hope that we can be forgiven, we can change, and we can live forever.
Palm Sunday: Ephesians 2:11-22 - Standalone Sermons
28/03/2021 Duration: 31minIn Christ, we are reconciled to God and one another.
Jesus Wins! Revelation 19 - Revelation: Jesus Wins!
21/03/2021 Duration: 39minThe King is coming for his bride. God's been preparing us for that moment when Jesus comes back for us to take us home. We've also been preparing our hearts for the moment Jesus will declare victory over all creation and wrap up this world with a...
Jesus Wins! Revelation 18 - Revelation: Jesus Wins!
14/03/2021 Duration: 43minThe End is Near: Since God will judge the wicked, those who love Jesus must be careful not to compromise their faith and share in the judgment of the wicked. We're often tempted to compromise our faith in order to escape pain or experience heaven...