Welcome to the Oasis podcast, brought to you by the Oasis, a network of home churches in Tucson, Arizona. Weekly messages are brought to you by Pastors David Gainey and Dustin DeJong. For more information on the Oasis, visit us at
Why We Give: The Upside Down Kingdom: Luke 16:1-13 - Why We Give
24/04/2022 Duration: 32minWe can exchange God's stuff for an eternal reward that won't pass away. To do so, we must choose to give God's stuff away now.
Easter: Mark 16:1-8 - Easter Messages
17/04/2022 Duration: 16minEaster changes everything because it give us hope we can be forgiven, we can change, and we can live forever! So, put your hope and trust in Jesus, the risen King.
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 4:43-54 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
10/04/2022 Duration: 33minJesus has the power authority to heal from a distance. He healed a dying boy with nothing more than a word. The father believed Jesus and discovered his trust was well-placed. If Jesus had that kind of power on earth, what kind of power does he have...
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 4:39-42 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
03/04/2022 Duration: 30minWe share with others how Jesus changed us, because our stories are powerful. Our stories lead others to discover the truth about Jesus for themselves. When others come to faith, they in turn share with more people. We create a chain reaction that...
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 4:27-38 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
27/03/2022 Duration: 43minOur highest vocation is to obey God by finishing what he started. The unfinished work of Jesus is to make him known to every human being. That's why our home churches work together to bring friends to Jesus, we invite friends to Alpha, we support...
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 4:1-26 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
20/03/2022 Duration: 30minAs the Messiah, Jesus offers real life to all who worship the Father in Spirit and truth. This is the kind of person the Father seeks, regardless of background, identity, or sin. So, let go of your preconceived ideas, opinions, and preferences, and...
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 3:22-36 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
13/03/2022 Duration: 36minBecause Jesus is the Son of God, we exist to bring him glory. He's the point of everything, so we're delighted to know him, serve him, and point others to him. He must become greater while we become less because it's not about us.
John 3:1-21 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
06/03/2022 Duration: 34minWe must be spiritually reborn to enter the kingdom of God. Spiritual birth takes place when Jesus is lifted up and we choose to trust in him. Otherwise, we already stand condemned for choosing darkness instead of light.
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 2:13-25 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
27/02/2022 Duration: 42minBecause Jesus is zealous for his Father's house, he purified the temple of all who sought to make money at the expense of genuine worship. People had turned God's house into a mall, making it impossible for many--especially Gentiles--to worship God...
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 2:1-11 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
20/02/2022 Duration: 46minBy changing water into (fine) wine, Jesus demonstrated he has the power to transform ordinary things into extraordinary things. Jesus can transform us, our jobs, and our lives into the extraordinary if he give him permission to do with us as he...
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 1:43-51 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
13/02/2022 Duration: 40minJesus sees into our hearts. Like he did with Nathaniel, he looks within us and knows who we really are. Jesus knows our true identity, our potential, and our flaws. So, we cannot hide. Therefore, come to him without shame and let him expose...
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 1:35-42 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
06/02/2022 Duration: 37minBecause Jesus is the Lamb of God, He's the only source of life and truth. So, we follow him, and--like John the Baptist and Andrew--we invite others to follow him, too. Bringing others to Jesus is the greatest service we can perform for another.
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 1:29-34 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
30/01/2022 Duration: 32minJesus is God's Chosen One, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. He will baptize his followers with the Holy Spirit. Jesus has the power to forgive our sin, remove our shame, and transform us into the people we long to be. We're all...
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 1:19-28 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
23/01/2022 Duration: 38minJesus is greater. John knew his place: He was the voice in the desert inviting people to prepare for the coming Messiah. John knew he wasn’t worthy to perform slave duties with Jesus. Neither are we. What Jesus wants to do is infinitely more...
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4): John 1:1-18 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (1-4)
16/01/2022 Duration: 39minJesus is the Jewish Messiah and God in human flesh. He created us and he exposes us. The Son of God became a human being to reveal God to us. We can reject him as the world does, or we can trust in him and become God’s children.
State of the Church: Psalm 34:18 - State of the Church
09/01/2022 Duration: 46minBecause God cares for us and restores our fortunes, we care for broken people so they learn to care for other through Jesus Christ. We do so by developing leaders, submitting to God and Scripture, sharing our lives with one another, and generously...
Make the Most of 2022: Proverbs 16:9 - Standalone Sermons
02/01/2022 Duration: 33minOur destiny is determined by our habits. So take time to reflect on 2021, the direction you're headed, and where you want to be in the future. What is God inviting you to do differently to prepare for the future he longs for you to experience?
God's Promise at Christmas: Luke 1 - Standalone Sermons
26/12/2021 Duration: 24minGod's promise at Christmas
Christmas Eve Message: Micah 5:1-5 - Christmas Eve Messages
24/12/2021 Duration: 28minJesus is the strong and loving king who will lead God's people in peace. He will return to annihilate evil and create the perfect world we long for. We prepare for his return by submitting to his leadership now.
How to Suffer Well: Job 42 - How to Suffer Well: Job
19/12/2021 Duration: 33minIn his own way and time, God will restore the fortunes of those who follow Jesus. So, recognize every drink of water as a gift and down payment of the well of living water God has prepared for all who love him. And let us wait patiently for our...