Each week, well dive into the top news happening around the Middle East to discuss the stories behind the headlines. With the proliferation of regional conflicts and political drama, we will break down the major developments, provide insight from some of the foremost experts, and have fun while were at it. Off the Hookah with Phil and Cooper is a production of Al-Monitor.
Episode #090: Nobody Puts Bibi in the Corner (feat. Ben Caspit)
07/03/2019 Duration: 19minBig news from Israel dropped last week: the attorney general Avichai Mandelblit formally indicted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on charges of bribery and fraud from three different investigations. After our discussion about Netanyahu’s tight polling on next month’s elections, how will these indictments affect his chances? Phil and Cooper speak with Al-Monitor columnist Ben Caspit for his expertise on Bibi. Netanyahu fights for his political life (Ben Caspit) Intel: How Netanyahu’s indictment is scrambling Israeli politics a month before elections (Danny Zaken) Extra Listening: Episode #18, “Netanya-Who, Me?” (8/16/2017): Phil and Cooper review the multiple investigations against Netanyahu. Episode #33, “Bibi It’s Cold Outside” (12/6/2017): Ben Caspit makes his first appearance on the podcast and talks Bibi with us. Episode #79, “Mr. 4000” (12/5/2018): Ben makes his second appearance and discusses the impending indictments on Netanyahu. Music: Mercedes Band - “למה מוזר” (Spotify | YouT
Episode #089: Alliance Defiance (feat. Mazal Mualem)
28/02/2019 Duration: 20minThere’s a new political force building steam in Israel by the name of Blue & White: a coalition of smaller centrist parties managed by former IDF Chief Benny Gantz and former journalist Yair Lapid. With the upcoming elections in April, Prime Minister Netanyahu and his Likud Party's hold on the government might be in jeopardy. Phil and Cooper speak with Al-Monitor columnist Mazal Mualem regarding these developments. Note: This episode was recorded before the announcement of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s indictment on Thursday. Netanyahu’s successful operation of unifying the far right (Mazal Mualem) Can a centrist party win Israel's elections? (Mazal Mualem) Intel: How a center-left coalition has thrown Netanyahu’s re-election in doubt (Danny Zaken) Could new Israeli party topple Netanyahu’s Likud? (Ben Caspit) Netanyahu’s radical-right alliance rattles AIPAC's allegiance (Akiva Eldar) Netanyahu goes it alone (Mazal Mualem) Podcast: Hosted by Mazal Mualem, “In the Neighborhood" Music: Eliad
Episode #088: Conference Call
21/02/2019 Duration: 20minUS foreign policy on the Middle East was put to the test at two recent conferences - the Warsaw Summit and the Munich Security Conference. How are the Trump administration’s positions on Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict being received on the global stage? Phil and Cooper explore what went down in the last week. Trump allies hijack Warsaw summit with calls for Iran war, regime change (Laura Rozen) Iranian opposition unwelcome at Pompeo’s anti-Iran bash (Amberin Zaman) Will Warsaw summit unite US, EU against Iran? (Heidarali Masoudi) Veteran peace hands see growing Israeli-Arab alignment in Warsaw (Laura Rozen) Jordanians see Israel as only winner at Warsaw summit (Osama al Sharif) Zarif’s defense of Iran's missile program draws praise on social media (ALM Staff) Music: Model - “Değmesin Ellerimiz” (Spotify | iTunes)
Episode #087: Over the Hill: The Iranian Revolution at 40 (feat. Mohammad Shabani)
15/02/2019 Duration: 24minIn conjunction with Al-Monitor’s ‘Revolution at 40’ series, Phil and Cooper break down the events that led to the rise of the Islamic Republic, and speak with Iran Pulse editor Mohammad Shabani about the revolution after four decades. What’s changed for Iranians, and is the revolution still ongoing? ‘Revolution at 40’: More in-depth looks into this anniversary from Al-Monitor Iran Pulse contributors. Episode #66, ‘A River Runs Through It’: Phil and Cooper break down the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s. Music: O-Hum - “Darvish” (Spotify | iTunes)
Episode #086: New Congress, Who Dis? (feat. Bryant Harris)
06/02/2019 Duration: 21minSince last year’s midterm elections, a new branch of Congressional freshmen have been shaking up the political world. How has this diverse group of progressive lawmakers been challenging the status quo with U.S. policy in the Middle East? Phil and Cooper speak with Al-Monitor’s congressional correspondent Bryant Harris about the recent spat between New York Rep. Eliot Engel and newcomer Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan over the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the battle over the pro-Palestinian Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) movement. Be sure to check out Al-Monitor’s running blog following legislation on the BDS movement in Congress. Top Democrat on foreign affairs shoots down pro-Palestinian trips (Bryant Harris) Intel: How the latest freshman-establishment spat is laying bare Democrats’ Palestinian problem (Bryant Harris) Senate’s first anti-BDS bill faces uncertain future in House (Bryant Harris) Music: Wael Kfoury – “Maghrorah” (Spotify | iTunes)
Episode #085: Taking Back Syria
31/01/2019 Duration: 19minSyria is eight years into its civil conflict, leaving hundreds of thousands dead and displaced, its infrastructure in ruins, and yet President Bashar al-Assad still clings onto power. Now that President Trump has decided to withdraw all US military from Syria, there’s an opportunity for influence in the region. So why are countries trying to renormalize relations with the besieged Assad government, and what’s the bigger picture? Phil and Cooper break it down for you. Also, Erdogan’s green new deal. Jordan, Syria make headway in resuming normal ties (Osama al Sharif) Iran media on Bashir trip to Syria: Arab states have accepted reality of Assad EU says it’s premature for Syria to rejoin Arab League (Ahmed Aleem) Tunisia joins Arab efforts to mend ties with Syria’s Assad (Amel al-Hilali) If US backtracks in Syria, Iraq hopes to fill its shoes (Mustafa Saadoun) Gulf states slowly warm to Damascus (Giorgio Cafiero) US-Gulf tensions mount over restrictions on Syria reconstruction (Giorgio Cafiero) Assad’s
Episode #084: The Jasmine Revolution, Part II (feat. Amberin Zaman)
24/01/2019 Duration: 22minThe second of our two-part series on the anniversary of Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution, which led to the fall of their longtime dictator Ben Ali and the birth of the Arab Spring. Eight years later, Tunisia is considered to be the sole success story of the Spring, as they have been transitioning into a democracy since the revolution. Al-Monitor’s senior correspondent Amberin Zaman joins Phil and Cooper on this week’s podcast and discusses her recent travels to Tunisia, her meetings with their historic Truth and Dignity Commission, the security situation on their borders, and what lies ahead for the country. Tunisia’s democracy on life support as politicians squabble (Amberin Zaman) Tunisians cautiously optimistic as truth commission delivers final report (Amberin Zaman) How Tunisia’s main labor union cripples economic reform (Amberin Zaman) Music: Si Lemhaf – “Ay Ay Ay” (Spotify | YouTube)
Episode #083: The Jasmine Revolution, Part I (feat. Emir Sfaxi)
17/01/2019 Duration: 23minThe first of a two-part episode, Phil and Cooper reflect on Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution on its eight-year anniversary – and how the fall of Ben Ali precipitated the Arab Spring which changed the region forever. Our hosts speak with Tunisian Fulbright Scholar and public policy consultant Emir Sfaxi about the Ben Ali regime, how the government reformed after his fall, and his own experiences during the revolution. Music: Nour Harkati & Aytma – “R’mel” (Soundcloud | Tour Dates)
Episode #082: Walk (Back) This Way (feat. Laura Rozen)
10/01/2019 Duration: 20minBefore 2018 closed, President Trump announced that he would be withdrawing US troops from Syria now. Or did he mean within 30 days? Or four months? Phil and Cooper discuss the recent walk backs from the administration, and speak with Al-Monitor’s diplomatic correspondent Laura Rozen about Secretary Pompeo and John Bolton’s trips to the Middle East this week to smooth over everything. Congress slams Trump on Syria pullout (Bryant Harris) Trump’s Syria pullout shakes up US Mideast policy (Jack Detsch) US diplomats shaken by Trump decision to exit Syria (Laura Rozen) Trump signals possible flexibility on pace of Syria withdrawal (Laura Rozen) How Israeli senior officials deal with an unpredictable Trump (Ben Caspit) Pompeo heads to Mideast to stress 'US not going anywhere' (Laura Rozen) Rival fiefdoms emerge in scramble over Trump's Syria withdrawal (Laura Rozen) Music: Gaye Su Akyol – “İstikrarlı Hayal Hakikattir” (iTunes | Spotify)
Episode #081: Peace Out 2018 (feat. Bryant Harris & A Cavalcade of Guests!)
20/12/2018 Duration: 23minHow will we miss 2018? Let me count the ways. Alright, we’re done - let’s get this year over with. Phil and Cooper speak with Al-Monitor’s Congressional Correspondent Bryant Harris about the recent Senate vote on Yemen, and we will hear from him and many other Al-Monitor editors and columnists about their predictions for the coming year, featuring Mazal Mualem, Daoud Kuttab, Laura Rozen, Mohammad Shabbani, Ali Mamouri, Amberin Zaman, and Max Suchkov. Also, give a warm welcome to guest host, the late John McLaughlin. This is the last episode of 2018, see you in January! Senate votes to end US involvement in Yemen war (Bryant Harris) Music: Fairuz – “Laylet Eid” (iTunes | Spotify)
Episode #080: Rockin' and Rollin' in the Anatolian (feat. Gokhan Yucel)
14/12/2018 Duration: 27minTurkish rock, also known as Anadolu rock, is witnessing a rebirth as a new generation of Turks and even Western audiences discover a genre of music that defined Turkey in the 1960s and 1970s but had faded away…until now. Phil and Cooper talk about the history of rock music in Turkey and speak with Gokhan Yucel who, through his Anatolian Rock Revival Project, is on the forefront of reintroducing Turkey’s legendary rockers to the world. Good luck getting these songs out of your head. Anatolian Rock Revival Project (YouTube) Can Turkish psychedelic music go global? (Kenan Sharpe) Anatolian Rock Playlist by Al-Monitor (Spotify) Music: Cem Keraca - "Emrah" (Spotify | iTunes)
Episode #079: Mr. 4000 (feat. Ben Caspit & Ayla Jean Yackley)
05/12/2018 Duration: 18minPhil and Cooper have a supersized episode: Al-Monitor columnist Ben Caspit calls in from Israel to talk about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the news of his possible indictment, and whether or not he’ll be kicked out of office; Turkey Pulse contributor Ayla Jean Yackley joins in studio to discuss the Turkish economy and how President Erdogan may be getting ahead of himself with recent economic upturns. Expect drama as attorney general weighs Netanyahu indictment (Ben Caspit) Economists unmoved by pause in Turkish lira's plummet (Jasper Mortimer) Music: Özdemir Erdoğan – “Gurbet” (Spotify | iTunes | YouTube)
Episode #078: Honey I Shrunk My Coalition (feat. Danny Zaken)
29/11/2018 Duration: 18minPhil and Cooper return from Thanksgiving with an update on the recent political events happening in Israel. Hostilities rose between Gaza and Israel earlier in November, which led to a ceasefire agreed to by all parties. But not quite all parties. Al-Monitor Israel Pulse contributor Danny Zaken speaks with the pod regarding a resignation in Netanyahu’s cabinet and what that portends. No deal with Hamas will pay off for Israel (Shlomi Eldar) How Hamas’ rocket barrage affects Israeli defense policy (Rasha Abou Jalal) Netanyahu, Liberman criticized over Gaza cease-fire (Shlomi Eldar) Intel: How Israeli defense minister’s resignation is shaking up Israel and Hamas (Danny Zaken) Intel: How Hamas helped Netanyahu keep his coalition together (Danny Zaken) Music: Tuna - בסיבוב / "Round" (feat. Tzlil Danin) (iTunes | Spotify | YouTube)
Episode #077, Backing Out (ft. Jack Detsch)
14/11/2018 Duration: 17minSince 2015, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has led a bloody military intervention into its southern neighbor Yemen, whose government was overtaken by the Houthi movement. The United States government has played a large role in the continuation of Saudi Arabia’s operations, but as the body count rises and the humanitarian crisis deepens, are members of the Trump Administration starting to walk back their support? Al-Monitor Pentagon correspondent Jack Detsch joins Phil and Cooper to discuss on this week’s pod. Intel: Why the US will stop supporting the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen (Jack Detsch) Pentagon braces for leaner Mideast war budget after Democrats win House (Jack Detsch) Music: Massar Egbari - Cherophobia (iTunes | YouTube)
Episode #076: The Sound of Sanctions, Part II (feat. Barbara Slavin)
07/11/2018 Duration: 16minPhil and Cooper follow up on Episode #064 ("The Sound of Sanctions") to talk about the newest batch of sanctions dropped on Iran's massive oil sector this week. Al-Monitor columnist Barbara Slavin joins to give her insights on the economic and humanitarian tolls these policies cause, and how exactly this factors into US President Donald Trump’s Middle East strategy. Khashoggi killing undercuts Trump campaign against Iran (Barbara Slavin) US fails to shield humanitarian trade with Iran as sanctions loom (Barbara Slavin) US to exempt eight nations from Iran sanctions snapback (Laura Rozen) Music: Morteza - Morteza (iTunes | Spotify)
Episode #075: Crown Control (feat. Bruce Riedel)
31/10/2018 Duration: 22minWinding down our recent coverage of Saudi Arabia, Phil and Cooper speak with Al-Monitor columnist Bruce Riedel at the Brookings Institution to get his insight on the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, the state of the US-Saudi relationship, their involvement in the Yemen Civil War and palace intrigue. Also, Happy Halloween. Saudi Arabia's shifting narrative on Khashoggi reveals fragility (Bruce Riedel) Music: Fayçal Azizi - Hak a Mama (iTunes | Spotify | YouTube)
Episode #074: All The Crown Prince's Men
25/10/2018 Duration: 16minPhil and Cooper give a short update on what’s transpired with the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi – this week the Saudi government admitted a role in his disappearance and death, but questions still remain. What did Turkey’s President have to say about the murder? And where do other countries in the Middle East stand on it? Also, a Pharoah and his passport. Saudi Arabia's shifting narrative on Khashoggi reveals fragility (Bruce Riedel) Saudi Arabia says Khashoggi killed in ‘brawl' (Jack Detsch) Ankara seeks stable ties with Riyadh but demands answers on Khashoggi murder (Semih Idiz) Erdogan offers few answers, no smoking gun in Khashoggi killing (Amberin Zaman) Trump slams Saudi Khashoggi plot, US announces visa sanctions (Laura Rozen) Music: Mashina - Ahuvati (iTunes | Spotify)
Episode #073: Going Rogue (feat. Amberin Zaman & Julian Pecquet)
17/10/2018 Duration: 25minPhil and Cooper speak with Turkey Pulse columnist Amberin Zaman and Washington editor Julian Pecquet about the tensions between the US and Turkey following the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson and the gruesome details of the Jamal Khashoggi disappearance. Music: Yara - Ma Yhemmak (iTunes | Spotify | YouTube)
Episode #072: Mystery at the Consulate
11/10/2018 Duration: 24minPhil and Cooper return from a brief sabbatical to give an update on Iraq’s government situation, and to talk about their brand new prime minister and president. Also, a timely update on the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi – who is he, what happened, and how does this affect relations in the Middle East? Iraq's new president taps Adel Abdul Mahdi to form government (Fazel Hawramy) Powerful Shiite trio agrees on Iraqi prime minister candidate (Makram Najmuddine) What happened to Jamal Khashoggi? (Bruce Riedel) Will Khashoggi’s disappearance rock Turkish-Saudi relations? (Pinar Tremblay) Disappearance of Saudi journalist puts Erdogan in difficult situation (Semih Idiz) Turkish authorities to search Saudi consulate for missing journalist (Amberin Zaman) Music: Altın Gün - Goca Dünya (iTunes | Spotify | YouTube)
Episode #071: Vlad to the Bone
28/09/2018 Duration: 21minAl-Monitor Russia Mideast editor Max Suchkov joins Phil and Cooper in studio to discuss the recent tensions after a Russian cargo plane was shot down by Syrian missiles in the midst of an Israeli strike – how have Israeli/Russian relations been in the past, and how does this effect Russia’s role in the region? Also, what do the Russians get out of the recent agreement with Turkey? Plane shot down over Syria puts Russia-Israel relations to the test (Max Suchkov) Russia raises stakes with Israel over downed plane (Marianna Belenkaya) What Putin-Erdogan deal means for Idlib (Max Suchkov) Music: LIKE.A - СНОСИТ КРЫШУ (iTunes | Spotify | YouTube)