Each week, well dive into the top news happening around the Middle East to discuss the stories behind the headlines. With the proliferation of regional conflicts and political drama, we will break down the major developments, provide insight from some of the foremost experts, and have fun while were at it. Off the Hookah with Phil and Cooper is a production of Al-Monitor.
Episode #110: The Not-So-Safe Zone
22/08/2019 Duration: 14minIn northern Syria, Kurds have secured their own little autonomous nation since taking control of the land during the ongoing civil war, where they’ve served as consistent US allies in the fight against ISIS. But their northern neighbor Turkey is dead-set against any sort of Kurdish state and have threatened to invade to eliminate the threat. The US doesn’t want to lose the Kurdish alliance, so they’ve brokered a deal for a “peace corridor” on the Turkey-Syria border. But what are the details? And will it work? Phil and Cooper discuss this and more. Extra Reading: Turkey, US agree to coordinate on Syrian buffer zone (Ayla Jean Yackley) What does US-Turkey military deal really entail? (Cengiz Candar) Deciphering the cryptic safe-zone deal between Turkey, US (Metin Gurcan) Syrian Kurdish commander sets conditions for safe zone talks with Turkey (Amberin Zaman) Turkey, Syrian Kurds remain at odds in safe zone visions (Fehim Tastekin) Pentagon sends team to scout Syria safe zone (Jack Dets
Episode #109: PMU Can’t Touch This (feat. Ali Mamouri)
16/08/2019 Duration: 18minIraq is stuck in the middle of the US-Iran tensions, as their new government tries carefully to play both sides. One point of contention is the role of independent, predominantly Shiite militias in the country, with some holding strong pro-Iranian views - these militias are known as the PMU, or Popular Mobilization Units. But there’s been an outcry after Iraq’s prime minister decreed that all these militias must come under the command of the Iraqi Armed Forces. Phil and Cooper break down the basics: why were the PMU formed? How much power do they have? And what comes next? Al-Monitor Iraq Pulse editor Ali Mamouri joins the podcast from Baghdad. Extra Reading: The Dueling Ayatollahs (Ali Mamouri) Political differences ignite conflict between PMU factions (Hamdi Malik) Iraq orders militias to fully integrate into state security forces (Ali Mamouri) As US pressure increases on Iran-backed militias, they turn to Iran (Ali Mamouri) US hits back at Iran in Iraq as tensions rise (Ali Mamouri)
Episode #108: Death of a Tunisian President (feat. Fadil Aliriza)
09/08/2019 Duration: 14minBack from a summer break, Phil and Cooper discuss the recent news out of North Africa: the Tunisian president, Beji Caid Essebsi, died at age 92. There was a huge outpouring of support for Essebsi’s rule, both from Tunisians and the international community - but does this really reflect his legacy? Where did Essebsi get his start, and what comes next for Tunisia? Fadil Aliriza, a journalist based in Tunis and editor-in-chief of, joins the podcast to talk about these recent events and more. Tunisian president's death leaves conflicted legacy, unclear future (Simon Speakman Cordall) Extra Listening: Episode #83, The Jasmine Revolution, Pt 1 (1/17/19): Emir Sfaxi joins us to discuss the 2011 fall of Ben Ali and the beginning of the Arab Spring Episode #84, The Jasmine Revolution, Pt 2 (1/24/19): Amberin Zaman joins to discuss her reporting on the ground in Tunisia during the anniversary of the revolution. Music: Nermine Sfar & Ali Sabri Belaid - “Twarri Nwarri” (YouTube)
Episode #107: Ship Out of Luck (feat. Jack Detsch)
25/07/2019 Duration: 23minPhil gives an update on the recent escalations between Iran and the international community, culminating in their capturing four oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz. What’s the Strait of Hormuz, and why is it so important? Also, Cooper discusses the recent arrival of the Russian S-400 missiles in Turkey, and what that means for their participation in the American F-35 project. Jack Detsch joins the podcast and talks shop with the pod about both topics. Iran claims massive counterespionage win Iran says tanker crisis can be resolved diplomatically Intel: US troop boost a warning shot at Iran (Jack Detsch) Intel: US boots Turkey from F-35 program after Russian arms deal (Jack Detsch) How Turkey is planning to handle US blowback over S-400s (Metin Gurcan) US forced to mull sanctions against Turkey after S-400 purchase (Amberin Zaman/Jack Detsch) Extra Listening: Episode #98, S-400 Days of Summer (5/10/19): Phil and Cooper explain the conflict behind Turkey’s purchase of both Russian
Episode #106: East Med & Down (feat. Amberin Zaman)
19/07/2019 Duration: 17minThis week, Phil and Cooper explain the age-old territorial dispute between the Greeks and the Turks for the island of Cyprus. The dispute has re-entered the national conversation as Turkey presses forward with some ambitious plans to drill for oil in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, in waters claimed by both Cyprus and Turkey. Why is the Turkish government so determined to drill? And how have other countries responded? Al-Monitor senior correspondent Amberin Zaman joins the podcast after reporting from Cyprus on the story. Eastern Mediterranean crisis balloons as Turkish drill ships multiply (Amberin Zaman) EU downgrades diplomatic ties, funding with Turkey over Cyprus gas drilling (Diego Cupolo) Congress advances bill sidelining Turkey on Mediterranean gas dispute (Bryant Harris) Eastern Mediterranean heats up as gas rivalry stakes grow higher (Metin Gurcan) Militarization of Mediterranean rises with exploration disputes (Metin Gurcan) Music: Monsieur Doumani - “Mandra” (Spotify | Appl
Episode #105: Bahrain Drain (feat. Shlomi Eldar & Daoud Kuttab)
12/07/2019 Duration: 20minTwo weeks ago, the Trump White House unveiled the first half of their long-awaited Israel-Palestine peace plan, called “Peace & Prosperity,” at a workshop event in Bahrain. But even before the summit began, analysts and leaders in the region criticized the circumstances of the event, especially after it was announced that neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians would have official representatives attending. So in the aftermath of Jared Kushner’s killer Powerpoint skills, what were the reactions to the peace plan, and what happens next? To get both perspectives, Phil and Cooper speak with Israel Pulse columnist Shlomi Eldar and Palestine Pulse columnist Daoud Kuttab. The winners and losers of the Bahrain conference (Daoud Kuttab) US Bahrain conference premature (Yossi Beilin) Why Bahrain conference won’t be enough for peace (Akiva Eldar) US, Netanyahu hand-pick Israeli journalists for Bahrain conference (Shlomi Eldar) Palestinians expect little from Bahrain summit (Daoud Kuttab) Und
Episode #104: New Guy in Town (feat. Diego Cupolo)
26/06/2019 Duration: 17minThis week, Turkey held a highly-anticipated re-run election to pick the next mayor of their largest city, Istanbul. And now it’s a battle for the heart of the nation after the CHP, its main opposition party, has found itself reinvigorated after winning the mayoralty by a substantial margin. How have people reacted? And are President Erdogan and the ruling AKP losing political ground? Phil and Cooper explain the timeline of events leading to this week’s election, and speak with Al-Monitor contributor Diego Cupolo about what’s happening on the ground in Turkey. Opposition candidate wins Istanbul mayor's race in blow to AKP (Diego Cupolo) Intel: How Turkey just shattered many voters' already fractured trust in their democracy Polls show opposition candidate ahead as Istanbul rerun nears (Ayla Jean Yackley) As Istanbul celebrates, Erdogan-watchers hold breath (Amberin Zaman) Why Erdogan’s historic Istanbul defeat is irreparable (Kadri Gürsel) Extra Listening: Episode #79, Mr. 4000
Episode #103: How to Lose the Iran Deal in 10 Days
21/06/2019 Duration: 19minMore tensions building between the United States and Iran this week: there was the prospect of a military strike after an American drone was shot down over by Iranian forces, as well as more sanctions, more troops to the Middle East, and an Iranian threat of enriching more uranium. Phil and Cooper give you the definitive timeline of events that led to these recent spats, accelerating due to the Trump Administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign on Iran. Also, is the Iran Nuclear Deal finished? And how have Iranians been affected by recent sanctions? We speak with Al-Monitor Iran Pulse contributors to get more color from the region. US blames Iran for Gulf tanker attack (Jack Detsch) Intel: What's next for US-Iran tensions after drone downing (Amberin Zaman) US sanctions fail to bend Iran’s economy, expert says (Jack Detsch) Iran says not seeking war after announcing boost in uranium stockpile Asia buoys Iran as sanctions hit (Barbara Slavin) How incompetence, sanctions jointly hit Ir
Episode #102, Thrown for a Loophole (feat. Bryant Harris)
14/06/2019 Duration: 19minThe Trump Administration’s strong rhetoric following this week’s attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman is just another example of their maximum pressure campaign on Iran. Because of this, there are conversations in Congress about how the president’s office is utilizing war powers - the power to declare, and to sell weapons to other countries. What loopholes have Trump’s team been taking advantage of? And how have been lawmakers responded? Phil and Cooper discuss the laws in question and get some key reports from Al-Monitor’s congressional correspondent Bryant Harris. Democrats want to tie Trump’s hands on Iran. Here are their options. (Bryant Harris) Democrats move to defund Yemen war after veto defeat (Bryant Harris) Democrats fret over Iran escalation risk (Bryant Harris) Republicans rebuke Trump over Gulf arms sales (Bryant Harris) Sen. Van Hollen challenges Trump's bypass of Congress on Saudi Arabia, Iran Congress opens several new fronts in bid to block Gulf arms sales U
Episode #101, Panic! at the Knesset (feat. Akiva Eldar)
07/06/2019 Duration: 23minLast week, something unprecedented happened in Israel: After a bruising election, no party was able to form a government. So, their legislature, the Knesset, disbanded and decided to hold an entirely new election this September. There’s a lot at stake for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s over the next fourteen weeks, with indictments looming and party feuds brewing. So how did this all happen? And what waits ahead for Netanyahu? Phil and Cooper break down the timeline of events and speak with Israel Pulse columnist Akiva Eldar for more insight. Why Israel is voting again (Danny Zaken) Why new elections won’t save Israel’s democracy (Akiva Eldar) Israel’s Knesset in limbo (Mazal Mualem) The final round: Netanyahu versus Liberman (Ben Caspit) Protests spread against Netanyahu’s immunity law (Ben Caspit) Will Israeli Arabs come out to vote in September? (Akiva Eldar) Sen. Van Hollen challenges Trump's bypass of Congress on Saudi Arabia, Iran (Bryant Harris) Extra Listening:
Episode #100: Nile-n’ Out (feat. Ayah Aman & Julian Pecquet)
24/05/2019 Duration: 24minFor “Off the Hookah’s” 100th episode, Phil and Cooper take a (figurative) trip to the legendary Nile River to talk about its importance to Egyptian life throughout history. But between a population boom, climate change, and new dam construction, the river is running dry, affecting the livelihoods of millions. In association with Al-Monitor’s new longform report, “Death of the Nile,” editor Julian Pecquet joins the podcast for a conversation with its author, Egypt Pulse contributor Ayah Aman, for the story behind the story. Death of the Nile (Ayah Aman) Egypt intensifies diplomatic efforts to resume stalled talks over Ethiopia dam (Sept. 2018) Will drought fuel water conflict between Cairo, Addis Ababa? (April 2016) Egypt supports South Sudan to secure Nile share (Feb. 2015) Egypt seeks Saudi help on Ethiopia water dispute (March 2014) In switch, Egypt may join Ethiopia in Nile Dam project (Oct. 2013) Music: Nathalie Saba - “Fe Nas” (Spotify | Apple Music)
Episode #099: Under Pressure (feat. Seyed Hossein Mousavian & Laura Rozen)
17/05/2019 Duration: 22minOver the past two weeks, we’ve seen the Trump Administration levy more sanctions and other warnings towards Iran, reaching the inevitable stage where news chyrons and pundit panels have started drumming up the possibility of another overseas war. Phil and Cooper explain the recent back-and-forth between the US and Iran, and speak with the experts from Al-Monitor to learn more about what’s happening behind the curtains. Pro-Iran militia leader lashes out against Pompeo visit to Baghdad (Ali Mamouri) Trump names Iran’s IRGC terror organization, downplaying risks to US troops, Iraq stability (Laura Rozen) Iran condemns, reciprocates designation of IRGC as terrorist organization Intel: Navy downplays Iran hawks' messaging on latest deployment (Jack Detsch) Iran: UAE sabotage incident should be no excuse for US ‘adventurism’ 'Neither talks nor war,' Khamenei says of US-Iran tensions Iranian FM calls military action against Iran 'political suicide' If Rouhani’s Europe outreach fails, nuclear deal
Episode #098: S-400 Days of Summer (feat. Jack Detsch & Semih Idiz)
10/05/2019 Duration: 20minRelations between Turkey and the United States have seen better days, and the partnership is being tested once again with conflicting arms deals. The Turkish military has decided to buy both American-made F-35 fighter jets and Russian-made S-400 missile systems. What’s so special about these jets and missiles, and why is this a big deal? Phil and Cooper answer these questions and speak with the experts at Al-Monitor to get more insight. Turkey exerts its own leverage in F-35 jet standoff with US (Metin Gurcan) Can US convince Turkey to undo ‘done deal’ with Russia? (Metin Gurcan) As Turkey drifts away from the US, will Russia give it what it wants? (Semih Idiz) Is Erdogan’s trust in Trump in the S-400/F-35 standoff misplaced? (Semih Idiz) Why Turkey’s reliance on Trump for S-400 sanctions waiver appears misguided (Jack Detsch) Intel: How the US, Turkey got into standoff over Russia’s S-400 air defense system (Jack Detsch) Extra Listening: Episode #2, Back Up in Ya A** With the Referendum
Episode #097: Sisi Puede
25/04/2019 Duration: 20minThis week, Egyptians voted on a referendum that would amend their constitution and give their sitting president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the opportunity to rule for another ten years. Who is Sisi? How did he come to power? And why is he such a controversial figure? Phil and Cooper discuss Sisi’s meteoric rise from Egypt’s military brass to the presidential palace, as well as the effects of this week’s contentious vote. Proposal to extend Sisi's term sparks controversy in Egypt (Shahira Amin) Cowed Egyptians meet Sisi’s power grab with apathy (Shahira Amin) Egypt gears up for referendum (Rania Rabeaa Elabd) Senators rebuke Egypt as White House rolls out red carpet for Sisi (Bryant Harris) Extra Listening: Episode #2, Back Up In Your A** With the Referendum (4/19/2017): Turkey votes on a referendum to give President Recep Tayyip Erdogan more power. Episode #47, A Glance of Gaza (4/5/2018): Egypt’s presidential election sees President Sisi win with a whopping 97% of the vote. Episodes #83 &
Episode #096: Northern Exposure
18/04/2019 Duration: 21minA lot has been happening in North Africa. In Algeria, its president of 20 years has stepped down in the face of unprecedented mass protests, and in Libya, the battle between its two rival governments is coming to a head as an infamous general has begun an offensive to take the capital city of Tripoli. Whew! Just reading that sentence is a lot to digest, so Phil and Cooper break down the timeline of events, and what might come next. Algerian protesters reject military's gambit to maintain power (Simon Cordall) Is Bouteflika’s resignation enough to quell Algerian protests? (Simon Cordall) Protests drag on as Algerians demand real change (Simon Cordall) The emerging frontrunners in Algeria’s uncertain election (Ghada Hamrouche) The backstory to Hifter’s march on Tripoli (Jason Pack) US eyes bigger role for Libyan warlord as civil war looms (Jack Detsch) Extra Listening: Episode #91, The Fifth Time’s the Charm (3/14/2019): Phil and Cooper discuss the growing protests in Algeria over President
Episode #095: Breaking Benjamin (feat. Danny Zaken)
12/04/2019 Duration: 24minThe Israeli election was held this week, and the results have found Prime Minister Netanyahu and his primary opponent Benny Gantz tied with 35 Knesset seats each. So why is Netanyahu still being hailed as the victor? Phil and Cooper discuss the events leading up to the election and Netanyahu’s path forward with Al-Monitor Israel Pulse contributor Danny Zaken. Israeli right's election victory buys more time for Netanyahu (Ben Caspit) Likud’s election day dirty tricks (Shlomi Eldar) Israel’s election battles fought on social networks, not at mass rallies (Mazal Mualem) How Netanyahu is in good shape to win re-election despite trailing his rival (Danny Zaken) Extra Listening: Episode #78, Honey I Shrunk My Coalition (11/29/2018): Phil, Cooper, and Danny Zaken discuss Netanyahu’s political majority falling apart after the departure of Avigdor Liberman along with threats of other cabinet members leaving. Episode #89, Alliance Defiance (2/28/2019): Phil and Cooper explain the Blue &
Episode #094: Ready Mayor One (feat. Ayla Jean Yackley)
04/04/2019 Duration: 15minTurkey held local elections this past Sunday - these elections happen every five years and account for thousands of mayors and councilors across the country. But President Erdogan’s party, the AKP, was defeated in some of Turkey’s largest cities. What do these losses mean for Turkey? And why are these elections important? Phil and Cooper speak with Al-Monitor Turkey Pulse contributor Ayla Jean Yackley about the results and their implications. How Turkey's local elections mark rebuke for Erdogan's one-man rule (ALM Intel) Turkey's ruling AKP loses Ankara, Istanbul as opposition springs to life (Amberin Zaman) Turkey’s milestone elections shatter Erdogan’s air of invincibility (Cengiz Candar) Erdogan’s government in panic over risk of electoral defeats (Kadri Gursel) Turkey’s army of jobless swelling to record level (Mustafa Sonmez) Extra Listening: Episode #79, Mr. 4000 (12/5/2018): Ayla Jean Yackley speaks with Phil and Cooper about Turkey’s economic troubles and how it relates to t
Episode #093: Who’s Controllin’ the Golan
28/03/2019 Duration: 17minWith less than two weeks away until Israel’s general election, President Trump met with Prime Minister Netanyahu, and made a proclamation to recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. You might have a lot of questions - where are the Golan Heights, what makes it so important, and who does it belong to? Phil and Cooper discuss this and more in this week’s episode. New heights of irresponsibility over the Golan (Akiva Eldar) Pompeo in Jerusalem, bearing gifts for Netanyahu (Danny Zaken) How Trump's Golan decision will further frustrate Mideast peace process (Laura Rozen) Republicans push to lock in Trump’s shift on Golan Heights (Bryant Harris) Russia weighs in on Trump’s Golan Heights decision (Max Suchkov) Extra Listening: Episode #34, Quds You Be More Wrong? (12/13/2017): Phil and Cooper discuss President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Music: Carthago - “Hanen” (Spotify | iTunes | Bandcamp)
Episode #092: Nowruz Mubarak (feat. Bryant Harris)
21/03/2019 Duration: 18minPhil and Cooper discuss the Nowruz holiday - what are its origins? Who celebrates it, and how do you celebrate it? Also, Al-Monitor’s Congressional Correspondent Bryant Harris joins to discuss where the current round of 2020 presidential candidates stand on the question of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Iran’s Islamic authorities slowly embrace ancient Festival of Fire (Zahra Alipour) 2020 Democrats vow to re-enter Iran nuclear deal (Bryant Harris) Music: Various Artists - “Haji Firooz” (Spotify | YouTube)
Episode #091: The Fifth Time’s the Charm
14/03/2019 Duration: 21minIn the last month, Algeria has seen historic protests form over the announcement of their long-suffering president Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s candidacy for a fifth term in office. Phil and Cooper recap Bouteflika’s backstory and what’s happened since the protests began. Also, the Iranian president makes his strategic first visit to Iraq, but what makes it so important? Algeria gambles on old captain to chart new waters (Simon Cordall) Will Algerian protesters accept ailing president’s offer for reforms? (Simon Cordall) Why Algerian protesters aren't satisfied with Bouteflika's latest 'concession' (Simon Cordall) Rouhani in Baghdad seeks outlets against US sanctions (Ali Mamouri) Iraqi officials stress need to boost Arab ties while balancing relations with Iran (Ali Mamouri) Rouhani goes to Iraq to boost trade, assert authority at home (Mohammad Shabani) Iran's hard-liners praise Rouhani for boosting trade with Iraq (Al-Monitor Staff) Extra Listening: Episode #4, Weekend at Bouteflika’s (5/3/